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Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Hi @Emelia How can we help Peri here? 💙💙💙

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

I'm not sure @Former-Member  😔


I am concerned about you @Peri and want you to know I care and am listening.

As for your concerns about possible dementia ... I cannot say its not happening, because it is possible.

But I also know that if its diagnosed early, there are things that can be done to slow its progress and make life easier for those who suffer with it.  I would therefore urge you to see your GP and get assessed.  I believe its better to know, rather than to worry (possibly) unneccessarily.  And if early stage dementia is there, then actively do something about it, and prepare for what will come. Hopefully they can slow the disease to the extent that it may not become a major worry.


Emelia 💞

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Dear em,

thankyou for your kind reply. I don’t think that I am getting dementia, I think it is all part of the depression and anxiety.  My anxiety levels have been very high for a while.

i am trying to do things that bring enjoyment. But it is hard .

it is the middle of the night here and I can’t sleep, this too is a problem. So I think about my friends here and hope most have had a good new year, peaceful at least.

@Emelia8 @Former-Member @Anastasia @Jynx @outlander , I don’t seem to be able to tag anyone else, but there are lots of you

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Oh dear @Peri 

No words will suffice my heartfelt thoughts that I want to convey to you. I really want to let you know that I care and that I wish for different for you. I am so so sorry that you feel so sad and I hear you. I hear your pain and tiredness 😔

Please take good care of yourself Peri, like @Former-Member suggested veges and also lots of water and if you can manage walks, even small ones, just in your street for fresh air and exercise. I find walking great therapy and should help you sleep better too. Lack of sleep wreaks havoc with our memories and thoughts as well as basic coping skills hun, you so need your sleep, but you know that 🤗

Your granddaughter sounds delightful, what a blessing that you have each other. Thank you for letting me know how you are. Hugs and hugs my friend xxx


@Emelia8 @outlander 



Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Hi my beautiful @Peri , 


I often dread the thought of dementia but pretty sure I don’t have it so I keep practising counting backwards from 100 by 7!! Thanks to Covid we know who all the premiers are too.


Setiiusly, I am sorry life continues to be difficult however I want you to know that I think you are pretty special and much appreciated here on the forums.


Big love


Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Good afternoon dear @Peri .  I'm glad you dont really think you have dementia.  Though it is becoming a bit of a scourge in our population, and often at a younger age than yourself.  So it can never be ruled out I suppose. I actually knew a lady who had early onset dementia, she was only in her late 50's and a nurse.  It was so sad, she deteriorated very quickly.  To see the decline was quite upsetting.  And of course in my role as a volunteer in nursing homes, I see a lot of residents with dementia.  


But you're right ... depression and anxiety can definitely affect our cognitive function.  No question at all, its a well known fact.  


Well done to you for continuing to try to do things which bring you enjoyment.  I hope you can continue to do that. The heat in WA has been pretty extreme for quite a few weeks now, I hope it relents a little bit soon for all you WAs.  Actually there are some really bad bushfires over there too right now.  Are you being impacted by them at all?  Perhaps smoke, or something?


I well understand the inability to sleep being a big issue.  Do you ever take anything to help you sleep?  I know its not recommended to take sleepers on a regular basis, because you get to rely on them.  But as an occasional thing, it could be worth asking your GP about getting something. 


My new year was peaceful enough thanks Peri.  Please take good care of yourself Peri .. because you are important to many others.  Which reminds me ... how is your other son and his family faring in the UK with all the coronavirus over there?  Anyway Peri ... you have people who love and care for you, so your job is to be around for them.  And you also have members here on Sane who care about you a lot too.  So please remember ... we are here for you if you need someone to talk to any time. 


Sending you a big hug and much love.  Because you are worth it and you deserve it. 💕😊


Emelia 🌹

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

@Peri 💕

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Thank you @outlander @Emelia8 @Eve7 @Anastasia @Former-Member , for your lovely responses.  And understanding how I. Am feeling. I am finding that at about 6pm everyday I have a full on bad panic attack.  It is truly awful and lasts for over an hour. I feel I want to die but can do nothing.

i feel empty and alone.  I am feeling nothing for my son at the moment and that horrifies me. If I have to live out the remainder of my time like this I won’t be able to do it . It all scares me. 


Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Oh @Peri 

That sounds terrible for you. I can understand why you are feeling like this and I am so sorry 😔

Have you a good Dr to talk to about it? To get some help to manage Peri? Being on your own would make the panic attacks very frightening I am sure ☹️

I'm sorry I don't have any helpful suggestions but I am sending you an abundance of strength love and hope in the hope that it helps a little bit. Please take care Peri. We care for you very much xxx

@outlander @Emelia8 @Eve7 @Former-Member 




Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

@Peri 💜
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