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Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Hope you're doing a bit better now @Peri  Heart

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Thank you @Emelia8 , thank you for thinking of me.  I feel quite alone. And alone on this site , not that anybody owes me any thing , but I feel that way.

i dread Christmas.  I remember christmases when we were a family. Both my children were here, and my step children my mother and my husband. Times change I know, but I loved those times.

 But that is not why I a sad at the moment.

but I am tired of sadness. Very tired


Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Dear @Peri ...  I know you were not looking forward to Christmas, but now its over for another year.  Thought I'd pop in and say hello and let you know I'm thinking of you and wishing you well.


I can see from your post last week that Christmas brings much sadness to you, memories of former happy times which no longer exist is a hard one to see past.  But I do hope you managed some moments of joy this year while spending time with your family.  


I've seen that WA has been experiencing some very hot weather in the lead up to Christmas.  I hope you have air conditioning?  Extended periods of very hot weather is very draining I find.  I can handle a day or two, but not weeks on end.


Sending love and best wishes your way my friend.


Emelia 💞

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Hello @Peri 

I just wanted you to know that I have kept you in my thoughts throughout this period and like @Emelia8 hope there has been some moments of happiness for you. 

Sending you love Peri 🎁❣️

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Thank you @Anastasia , 

 the passed fine, my little granddaughter was with us in the evening and she is very special.  Today I saw my brother who I love very much.  

I appreciate your thoughts,  also to @Emelia8  and @Former-Member 

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

@Peri 💞🤗❣️

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Hi @Peri, we've got out of touch I'm sorry, keep forgetting everyone's background here by tbi gear that you have a beautiful grandaughter about sometimes 👍.
I know what it's like to feel you're "not engaging with life" - pretty much house bound, and not talking much - feeling like your brain has stopped... I could have said those words... i live these feelings too. You're not alone in it - and though its not exactly the same, I do know its hard!
I wish I could help, really do. Good dad will come, or at least good moments. We have to hang on for them 💞

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Hi @Peri 

Lazy morning here. Still in bed. Should get up and see what the day brings but wanted to say hi and tell you I'm thinking of you xxx

Your granddaughter sounds delightful and I'm so happy you spent time with her and your brother. Take care of yourself Peri 🤗


Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Hi @Former-Member , 

its ok I forget how to keep up to. My granddaughter is disabled, but is very special to us , we adore her and try to give her the very best of experiences to enjoy.  She has a wonderful happy disposition and understands a great deal.  

My other son and grandchildren live far away so she becomes very special to me.


i am very sad  EOr. I want to cry, but don’t seem able I am having trouble typing the correct words and am worried about some sort of dementia.  


I get very short tempered I feel myself changing a lot. I do not see the point to the end of life 



Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Oh @Peri you do sound down, and tired. Do you go for walks and eat lots of vegies? I find those two things alone help so much. It's self care we neglect for some reason. It is a hard time of year. Deep breaths 💙 I'm not sure what to say. Sending love 💙