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Looking after ourselves

Re: a song to express our feelings

its abeautiful thing isnt it @Queenie

a few weeks ago when i had thought of ending my life, a rainbow appeared yet there was no rain. ill have to see if i can fidn the pic. i was speachless becasue no rain so how can it make a rainbow? and also it wasnt a glare as i got out of my car as i thought thats what it was. magical will see if i can find the pic

Re: a song to express our feelings

Re: a song to express our feelings

Sounds like an amazing moment @outlander! I would feel honoured to see the pic 🙂

Re: a song to express our feelings

such a beautiful song @Former-Member Heart

Re: a song to express our feelings

i gotta see if i can find it lol @Queenie

Re: a song to express our feelings

Thanks for posting @Former-Member! I really like that song. 🙂

Re: a song to express our feelings

Take your time @outlander, I'm not going anywhere 🙂

Re: a song to express our feelings

Its for you! XO 🙂

Re: a song to express our feelings

aww thank you @Former-Member

Re: a song to express our feelings

i found it! stay tuned @Queenie@Former-Member

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