I got activities i can be getting on with. And stuff i can be doing. But i sometimes start to question what's happening. Then hesitate. The procrastinate. Then deliberate. Then doubt. Then fear. Then analyse. Then over think. Then start being negative. And i wind up in a bind of expectations from myself.
Life is miserable for everyone i suppose. And it is probably a struggle for everyone. And i suspect that everyone is suffering also. So, my point being. If I'm always concerned, worried and concentrated on other people's misery, suffering and struggling. And taking actions to eliminate this from them. I'm not going to have time to worry about my own misery, suffering and struggles. (Whatever they maybe caused bye ). And in turn it basically kills two birds with one stone. And is the lesser of two evils. But beware because there needs to be a balance and there are those who will use it against you. And it is very draining and actually not very easy to maintain. But i do think that the universe, others, God or reality know what's going on. And it does come back on you through karma. So keep the game clean. The intentions pure. Mean well. Want what's best for others. Do good deeds. Go out of your way to check on people. Talk and speak with people. Find out what's going on.
There isthat thing where two people question whos really helping who though. That's a tricky one.
Or sit here and worry about myself? And my problems, issues and short comings. Which do indeed fester upon me. Like it would everyone.
Thought for food @Former-Member ?
@Adek ?