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A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

Hi there SANE Forums Community,


It's Daisydreamer here! I have been the Community Manager with SANE for the last 18 months (I still can't believe how quick that time has passed!). This community has been such an incredible space to be a part of, and I have loved getting to know each and every one of you 🙂 Your kindness, compassion and courage are 3 values that make this community the special space that it is!


The SANE Forums are unlike any other community I have been a part of, and something I wish wholeheartedly that I was involved in when I was going through the hardest parts of my recovery. I am inspired daily, and have learnt so much from the SANE Community. I am so grateful for the connections I have built here with you, and for your trust in me. I will miss you all! Heart


In three weeks time, I am going to be moving on to a new role at SANE, which means I won't be on the forums as much as usual. My new role will still be working alongside the Community Guides and SANE volunteers, and looking at expanding and developing the Lived Experience Workforce at SANE. So I won't be far away, you will still see me around from time to time! 🙂


While I am sad to leave this incredible community, I know you are in good hands with our amazing new Community Manager. Last week we welcomed the new Community Manager of the SANE Forums @Former-Member 🙂 Having worked with @Former-Member in past, I know that she will bring so much to this community- I can't wait for you all to get to know her better! 


Thank you again for welcoming me into this community and for all the conversations we have had over the last 18 months. I look forward to speaking with you and keeping you updated on SANE's Lived Experience Workforce in my new role. And of course, if you have any questions about Peer Work, Engagement or Volunteering, you are always welcome to tag me or email the team at


Community is gold | Community quotes, Volunteer appreciation quotes, Helper  quote

Sending kindness, thoughts and wishes,

Daisydreamer 🌼


Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

Looking forward to seeing you about from time to time, @Daisydreamer. Thank you for your invaluable input, have fun and take care. Best wishes.😊

Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

Thank you for all you have done around here on the forums @Daisydreamer 


Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

@Daisydreamer You had big shoes to fill from some of our past Community Managers and that you did with grace, dignity for all and so much respect. You also did it for the most part as the sole CM and with an ever increasing membership, that was no small feat. You should be so proud of everything you have brought to this role and I have no doubt that you will continue to be an asset in your upcoming role. I am personally so grateful to have gotten to know you and even more so the support you have given me in the past. Good luck in your new role - you will smash it @Daisydreamer 💗


Hi also to our new CM @Former-Member Glad to see the flower theme here for our CM continues 😛 I look forward to getting to know you and seeing you around the forums 👍😁

Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

Yes, welcome @Former-Member.😊

Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

Thank you for all your hard work here, @Daisydreamer ! I'm glad that your not completely leaving us, though! 🙂

Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

Thanks so much for the lovely welcome @Daisydreamer - I'm so happy to be here, and I'm really excited about getting to know everyone. From the short time I've been here it's already clear that this is a really special community 💜



@Zoe7  I did agonise over my username haha - I love bushwalking and native flowers, and have started planting a lot of natives at home- I love how grevilleas can thrive in challenging environments and surprise you with their resilience and beauty!

Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

With that beautiful description @Former-Member I think you have chosen just the right name 👍 Also gives us an insight into what you value and that goes a long way to knowing you. I do look forward to more of the same from you pressure lol

Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

Congratulations on your new role, @Daisydreamer! Best of luck with it! 🙂

Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

Thank you @Daisydreamer for your kindhearted contributions to this forum.


I look forward to learning more from you in your new role. 

Welcome to @Former-Member 

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