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Re: Morning has broken

Good morning sweetheart @Eve7 

Please don't be sorry about last night hon, you got through the very best you could and the main things is you are still here with us. We all have times where we go backwards in different ways.


I hope you are able to go home soon and do some self care.


Lots and lots of love and hugs sent your way my sweet Eve 💞💞💞💞

Re: Morning has broken

Thanks for being so understanding @Snowie 


I can’t leave until they speak to my pdoc so I’m just sitting here doing nothing.


How’s your day?

Re: Morning has broken

Oh @Eve7 

I am completely out of the loop. Sorry 😞


Please look after each other, I love you all xoxo

@Snowie @Appleblossom @Former-Member @Emelia8 

Re: Morning has broken

Oh hun @Eve7 

You are so strong and courageous for geting through last night.

Hopefully you can leave soon.

My day is going ok. Just did a whole lot of ironing. Been putting it off for awhile so at least I  accomplished one thing for today. Just having a cuppa now.


@Anastasia lots of love hon, I hope your day is going ok.

Re: Morning has broken

Well done @Snowie!

Still here, still waiting. Wearing my happy face and about to put on my big girl pants but really I just want to curl up in a corner.

Re: Morning has broken

Thanks @Eve7 Most of it was kids school uniform and H's work shirts. So much fun, not 😒😒😒


I'm sorry you have to wait so long hon. It is hard at time to put our big girl pants on. I hope you can get home soon and have some time to yourself. Do you know what you are going to do when you get home?


I am having another cuppa and some Anzac biscuits. I was lazy however and brought them. I should get off my butt and make them however 🤔😉

Re: Morning has broken

I can go @Snowie and pdoc will try and fit me in tomorrow.


Now waiting for a friend to pick me up and maybe I’ll bake Anzac biscuits if I have the ingredients at home. That should be a safe activity.


I hope the rest of your day goes well. I used to iron 15 shirts every Sunday night, 5 each for H and the not fun!

Re: Morning has broken

So glad you can finally go hon @Eve7 , hoping your pdoc can fit you into tomorrow too.

Hopefully your friend isn't to far of and you can get home soon. It always feels a little better when we are home.


Baking Anzac biscuits sounds like a good idea. I was going to try and make some banana bread, will have to wait till I've picked up the kids from school however.


I hope the rest of your day goes well for you too sweetie 💞💞



Re: Morning has broken

Thanks @Snowie  at least I can relax at home without being asked stupid questions all the time.



Re: Morning has broken

Good you are home @Eve7 

A friend has offered to bring a few Anzac bikkies he is baking for church ... note it is a MALE.  I have never made them.  I am playing The Last Post to pay my respects.


@Snowie @Shaz51 @Anastasia @Former-Member 

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