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Re: Inattentive ADHD & BPD


Hey I read the top bit and thought omg that’s like me. Definitely sounds more like the bpd symptoms, struggle with self image ie identity  and self sabotage can also be CPTSD. I also have adhd and do that cycle you described a lot! Hard to break this pattern but atm I’m gonna do group DBT sessions, I see a psychologist and psychiatrist for meds. I don’t know how to help much in this area as going through it myself atm but I’ll let you know if I succeed. 

Won’t go too personal but are you on stuff for the ups and downs as well, I am atm and it’s seeming to help a bit to stabilise. Sorry to hear that you’re feeling overwhelmed. Try and breath and take 1 thing at a time. It sounds like you’re really trying and that counts right!? I’m sure they can see that you’re trying which is better than not. It’s hard to not feel like a burden but try and make sure they know that you’re thankful for all the support? 

Thanks for sharing your story. You’re also helping others to not feel alone. 

Re: Inattentive ADHD & BPD

Hi @GRiMMiCK ,


It's not good to be so hard on yourself, getting the help you need should not feel like a burden, mental illness is rarely the fault of the sufferer. You mentioned pacing in circles, I have done that for years as it was the only way I could cope with the anxiety attacks from my medication. I have also struggled for years with self-sabotage but I could never work out why. Reading about BPD has finally helped me to understand some of the possible causes of my problems and now I feel like I can start working on the solutions. I hope you can get some help and support as any mental illness can be a difficult thing to work with.


@Former-Member @Appleblossom 

Re: Inattentive ADHD & BPD

Thanks for tag @justanotherguy 


Welcome @AstiiBriggs 


Hey @GRiMMiCK 

I have done the pacing thing, it is a pretty normal response to stress.  In my house I cannot do circles tho ... lol ... so its down a narrow passage from one end to the other.


I have a tendency to normalise things, though I do know some things are extreme and do not want to seem undervalue any sharing on here.  Gaining DBT skills of emotion regulation will be helpful I am sure.  You are putting in lots of emotion work as well as practical work.  That is GREAT!  Its also great your family is so practical.


We are having a plumbing emergency atm.  Wanna come to my place! ha ha! Joke.


In all seriousness, I cannot say how the meds are effecting you, and I can only send my best wishes that you cut yourself some slack, as your system is dealing with double or triple whammies, adjusting to meds and dealing with your issues.


I was really struck by the number of house moves you have dealt with.  That is hard.  I went through a lot of moves myself, but not that many.  It slowed down as I aged.


Just saying hello 


Take Care Apple



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