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Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

@Flax wrote:

Oh dear...


Sooty has inadvertantly started another Sooty story...


@Oaktree you really are a nice person. Like kind and sincere. TY for your post....I'll be around for awhile I think, but it will be sporadic.


Sooty doesn't do hugs and kisses much. So can't think how to thank you, except to say thx, and much appreciated. 


Little Sooty stories will pop up from time to time. I quite like this third person writing - Sooty as opposed to me (flax).


I am in a quandry I just post random Sooty things or stick to the thread and be nice? lol...I'll answer, I'll just be myself when it suits.


Sooty's little claws came out with the Kelpie a few days ago. 


I have a Sooty paradigm (meaning pattern or model) when online here...try to end on something positive.


Sooty is out of ideas on positivity, but I quite like this mountain below because its called Wyddfa, in Wales. Pretty crap mountain as far as mountains go...but Excalibur is supposed to buried somewhere around it, or in the lake near it.




Its a nice story, and silly - an iron sword would long be rusted by now - Arthurian legends date back to the 7th-8th century...but I think it would be cool if it still survived; sort of made from modern, high tech carbonised rust proof steel a thousand years ago. Even better, Wyddfa is the sort of place the British SAS put recruits through on training.


Sooty's little brain - Excalibur, Wales, British SAS; must be a Sooty story somewhere in that.


@Flax  we are all nice...


write as Sooty because then we can tell you off and not get into trouble because mishievous animals do get told off some times...I know my puddytat does when he jumps up on my kitchen bed and steals food...


We have travelled to Scotland, Ireland, Orkney Islands. Austraylia I think appleblossom said...

so why not Wales...

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

@Flax wrote:

Dear friends

This thread is slowly dying, and it started so well months ago. It seems to have lost its original purpose - fun, fantasy, and something different from most threads on this forum. Its gotten a bit heavy lately.


Sooty had better do something just to kick it along for a few more days. 


Shock, horror; Sooty is bereft of ideas. Besides his contributions are sporadic at best anyway; at worst, he derails the plot completely.


The black cat is sitting on a pebbly beach. His right paw is tapping his ideas in it. Well, that's actually a fib; there are a few, but just where does he take them. Sooty is quite a pensive animal, so it takes time for ideas to germinate. He's not a particularly trusting cat, even on virtual, anonymous websites.


Tap, tap, tap....


A part from no ideas, he wonders, he can't say that, or can he? ...well actually he can, because he's Sooty and very naughty.


Sooty confession - he joined SANE to link to people with MH problems, occasionally share, but find an outlet, find some support, and meet interesting people; support meaning diversion from his own problems and not too serious. He doesn't need support ticks (too similar to being 'liked' on facebook). Ugh, social media popularity is such a parasite. A Sooty rant for another day 🙂


Ok, time for a Sooty story. Totally random - I'll leave it to Selkie fowld to track who is who and doing what. A Sooty theory - maybe @Sophia1  had a great idea of a virtual fun place that is good for MH on this forum. So something lighthearted might be appropriate. Sooty only found out today, this thread's style is called 'improv creative writing'.

Tap, tap, tap...


Not much happening in Sooty's little head, then the 'aha' moment.


Of course, Sooty is a mischievous bilingual black cat, so he'll save the 'aha' for another day when he feels like sharing.


@Flax and everyone else....this tagging thing gets very wearying...

You have met some interesting people here to say the least....look at the conversations we are having tonight..

all over the place...

what is new...

as far as mental health do we best support that here on this thread apart from the obvious...

fun...laughing....contributing when you can..


Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post


Apparantly my picture of the professor somewhat resembles our own dear @HenryX  without the pipe and beard. He said he looked like that 20 years ago. Of course you can tag me if you wish to. I need to come up for a use for my buried treasure. Only thing I can think to do with it is to melt it down to make into other things as you can't really spend gold coins these days. Pirate treasure is so tricky. I might think about a story or two. I have been laying low lately as you may have noticed but I still love you all. I am just going through a lot of distress lately with my therapy with my psychologist. Hopefully things will get better or easier soon

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post


Did you try opening word - highlighting the text and then pressing cntrl-C 

then go to sane text box and press cntrl-V

that really should work. Or if the text is too long try breaking it up into a couple of text boxes???

Hope this helps. I want to read your story so if that doesn't work just copy it over now it is written that shouldn't be too tedious 

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Hello @Oaktree 

Lovely for you to write back to me especially to reassure me that you are fine at the moment about being tagged.

That was only done out of respecting your wishes as you had asked not to be tagged while taking time away..

I know that you were struggling and I am glad that you gave yourself some space because now you can be back here for as long as you feel safe..

If anyone needs to go..just a quick..need time out...not about anyone here just need to look after myself for a while in your own words....helps us know..


Well why can't he be 20 years younger..We don't know him in real life. So that might raise his spirits not literally as in a glass of spirits....give him some more spring in his step and ...

you never know we might get a few story lines about the 20 year younger professor with a beard and no pipe.


Dont worry too much about wear the treasure chest will fit just yet.. I think that it is going to be a tad confusing here for a while yet..laugh..

gold coins have been found in safety box heists in London not that long there is a little help from your friends.. xxx

good to have you back ..

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post


will try  the suggestion below tonight...


as for retyping...I had colour codes...text styles...italics...

super fancy..

@Oaktree wrote:


Did you try opening word - highlighting the text and then pressing cntrl-C 

then go to sane text box and press cntrl-V

that really should work. Or if the text is too long try breaking it up into a couple of text boxes???

Hope this helps. I want to read your story so if that doesn't work just copy it over now it is written that shouldn't be too tedious 

will see if it works now

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

No beard @Sophia1 

go back and look at the pic and imagine it without the pipe and with no beard and there you have @HenryX. I find it helpful to have someone to imagine lol. I really love talking to Henry. He always gives thoughtful and reasoned responses and he is super supportive. We have a lot in common despite our obvious differences. I think Henry enjoys our conversations too so I am glad that we have met.

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Hello @Oaktree  thank you precious it works...You have just been promoted to Executive Computer Programmer..working under the Head of the Department...none other than

Professor X @HenryX 


@Flax @Adge @Shaz51 @Appleblossom @Exoplanet 


this was written on the 25th of August and I could not copy and paste the dratted thing..

our ever so clever Meggle came to my rescue...

We need a name for you other than Meggle....

Choose one please ...the story flows better if we all have different names to user names...


Do with this as you please...tie in with Sooty latest contribution as is already on an island...

Or go for Sooty


I had coloured paragraphs....fancy text...different font....italics...bold.....

computers do my head in..

weary now...

has been a very long week in reality

so off to bed have an early appointment in the morning...


Will look forward to many surprises when I log on tomorrow..

Be good....

hugs friends of the creative writing group ...haha ....

we have gone up in the world...💛Sunshine for you all ..

night night...



page one


Inside the castle ..... wooo woooo ... there is a little girl ....

Oh yes gumnutbub…


This castle nestles in between green lush land and woodlands..

The little girl comes from a different time to those who live within the castle.


(We have gumnut, professor,  horrace , little bee as well as the little girl whose name we do not yet know)


There is also a professor who lives in the castle…


Not sure if or how they are related…

(you will have to ask the professor…)


He is a very quiet professor …at times the little girl is not aware if he is there or not…


The little girl is learning to play the piano…

A lady who is very small is teaching her…She calls herself gumnut…

The little girl does not mind that she is so small…..because she does not get annoyed with her when she makes mistakes…

She looks forward to her time with gumnut as sometimes she sneaks in interesting plants and tree nuts for her to look at…

These are given to her as little treats…

The little girl treasures these tree ats   with all of her heart…


..  Be patient….



The little girl chatters away to herself in her own little world as she spends so much time on her own…when not having piano lessons that is…


When having to stay indoors.. where she is confined to for most of the day ..she loves exploring the library that has wall to wall ceiling high shelving ..filled with books of so many different sizes.

There is an old ladder that slides across the shelves and this is what the little girl loves to do sliding backwards and forwards across the shelves…occasionally pulling out a book to look inside. If there are no pictures she hurriedly puts the book back….

She is mindful of being missed and does not want her secret adventures in the dusty old library room to come to an end..


The library is an expansion of her world……So much ancient history and life of those who have been before …..

She has a secret about her time spent in the library and why it draws her there …this might be revealed later…


During her visits to this library room she has met a bat who is extremely friendly….He flies around the ladder as she slides along….He also has helped her lift down some of the heavier books..

He is very good at dusting so that the little girl does not cough so much….he does not want to lose his new friend who is so kind to him..

The little girl has told him that he must be very careful if anyone else visits the library as they might not let him stay….

He has told her that his name is Horrace…..

Please be careful Horrace…she tells him each time she leaves the library….


During one of  her visits a book seemed to be calling out to her

.pick me…pick me…..have a look inside….I am very heavy you must ask your friend Horrace to help you so that you do not fall off of the sliding ladder


She lifted this fascinating book that talks.. carefully away from the shelf and very slowly climbed down the ladder.. holding the large dusty book close to her chest so as not to drop it…all with the assistance of her friend Horrace….

She has only managed to look at the book during two separate occasions….during the second…finding some pictures of a peculiar looking seal….

She did not know the name of the creature that looked partly like a female and had a webbed tail instead of feet….She read more and discovered the mythology of a selkie fowlk…

Turning more pages she came across another mythology all about a wet kelpie…

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if these two could meet….That would be such fun..

She said out loud..


Little did she know that her thoughts would become reality.. in another place far far away ….


She roams around outside..  when she is able to escape through the kitchen door….

This being only when the cook is busy in the larder and cannot see her…The cook is very slow in movement..

The little girl has a dog whom she adores.


What is his name?

She calls him red brown dog….


Wherever she roams around the castle …her red brown dog is always with her.

She runs as fast as she can twirling and twirling with her red brown dog leaping up into the air alongside her..

 Sometimes they are joined by a little bee who weaves in and out ahead of them making their twirling more fun.

Whilst she has these various adventures….

Life is still going on around her …..


The little girl is unaware that there is someone else who visits the castle only from afar though…

At a distance   






Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

That is lovely for you  both...very special..

sounds like it is helping you both which is wonderful...

i cannot go back another thread..

am too tired now..

you are welcome to post it with an introduction if Henry wants to be Professor X of course.



Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post


This is the picture of Professor HenryX 

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