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Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB Tabby, have you got news Re work? 

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Re: Tabaluga's

Evening @Former-Member 

My post was deleted and I wasn't sure how to re-edit. Easier to just start again!

I can't remember what I said now. Firstly, no you have not upset me. I found your post quite comforting as I really did not consider CPTSD. But it very describes my position. I had chat to P and he understood. I was triggered by a dual mix. Memory of past, mixed with current events. Names, feelings, emotions-it was all the same. Almost like too much information and overwhelm at once. I had a rest temporarily this morning for maybe half an hour. My kids started bickering, and we're up early. I just couldn't cope with it. The lack of sleep was too much. Did a little supermarket shop, and walk in the in the sun. The day felt eerie despite it being nice and sunny. I walked in that out of body sense. Got home. Tried to focus uni. Wasn't working. So went back bed. I'm still quite tired. P made dinner. 🙂

My weekend mix was of my own doing. Yet without consciously thinking about it the 'band-aid' fixes perhaps work as pain concealment.

Ive an appointment tomorrow (Telehealth) with GP to update on antidepressant. I will ask for sleeping aid. Someone suggested anti-psychotic would also be beneficial. I have been holding off calling GP as I began to feel voiceless. I was disappointed in the psychiatrist. I've been trying to understand what it is that my mood state is. They say anxiety. I think that isn't clear enough. I've read a lot and know that people can be misdiagnosed for years. 
P has sleeping aid he does not use. So I'll take one tonight to make sure I do sleep. They are quite mild. And hopefully tomorrow I can get up, and do my work. 
I really hate when I start to feel the same old stuff of avoidance, not wanting to be around people, due to trust etc. 
Lifeline asked what I do for myself. I have my art. But I don't commit time to it. I've left it off for a long time. 
I was a bit alarmed when they asked if I felt suicidal. That I was and my children were safe. 
I guess they have to.

Small things like showering each day when I can't be bothered is self help.

I hope you had a good day?

And do not worry, you did not upset me at all. 🙂❤️


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Re: Tabaluga's

Oh dear! @TAB 

Ive had the same actually. It's quite draining when the body detoxes itself! Lots of water after! 🙂 Or something 'hydration' like instead. Are you hoping to stay on where you are? 
You must be close to your days off too now? 🙂

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Told self could make it through another 2 wks then realised heard nothing so asked No last day tomorrow. Was bit rude well wat else could they do plus I couldnt have put up with it much longer @Former-Member
Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Yes @Meowmy they dont want me back Saves me making decision bit of kick in teeth tho they think am bot goid enuf lol
Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Nice @Bill16

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB well done Tabby that another day completed. 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

thanks @Meowmy  yes 1 day to go and I got through 175 hours over 14 days lol

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Re: Tabaluga's

Sorry I didn't reply last night I had some bad news yesterday and I got side tracked. Will reply when I can. @Former-Member 🥰

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Re: Tabaluga's

I hope everything is ok? @Former-Member 

No problem at all. Sending you hugs. ❤️

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