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Re: oRe: Progress..

@tyme @Asgard 

Well, I'm sorry for not posting. My ex reneged about leaving and things have been chaotic. To say the least. I have been, and still am going though grief, anger, and a lot of sadness. I am with family, and moving into a new place next week. 

@Asgard hope you're good.

@tyme you were right about the loss part

Re: oRe: Progress..

Hugs @Alice10 ,


It sounds so so hard for you.


Please know we are here for you.


Let us know how you go. 


Your feelings are valid. You have every right to feel this way. The pain is real. 



Re: oRe: Progress..

Hi @tyme 

Thanks mate. Appreciate it. I have moved house fully now. I'm much happier, and yes, I do feel pretty sad about losing a beautiful house, and a relationship, but we were fighting an uphill battle 💔. And he was abusive.

I'm doing ok, mostly I'm bright and cheerful and positive. I feel a bit like a fish out of water in new surrounds, but even that is subsiding quickly. Thanks again for wondering..and asking if I was ok.


Alice. PS. Keep in touch.

Re: oRe: Progress..

You are doing your best @Alice10 .


Not many would be willing to totally uproot, just like that. You've shown a lot of courage, and it is such an inspiration to see you stay positive.


At the same time, I don't want to dismiss how difficult it can be.


Do you feel quite lonely being at home? Or do you have people you can reach out to when you are at home?


Thinking of you.