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Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

@ENKELI Radiisi there is some food for thought here. A bit of light reading while you are sick in bed.

Hope you have soup.

G xx

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

@Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope @Glisten @swift1 @creative_writer @Captain24 @Oaktree @Glisten @MDT , @Ainjoule , @Snowie Glisten @tyme 

Here's the consolidated content for emotional wellbeing, with 39 suggestions. Goodness, just two wellbeings to go, social and spiritual, and already up to 210 suggestions.

@Glisten Thanks; compiling these suggestions has been as good for my soul, as soup. Mind you I'm drawing from the work of giants. I hope you're on the mend. I look forward to hearing further from you.


Emotional wellbeing

Emotional wellbeing involves the ability to express feelings, enjoy life, and adjust to emotional challenges. It encompasses recognizing and accepting emotions, understanding their impact, and effectively managing stress and traumatic experiences. Emotional wellbeing also includes self-acceptance, living fully through life's ups and downs, and maintaining resilience by finding the good in each day. It is about experiencing a range of emotions while knowing you are not defined by them, and seeking help when needed.

Here are the rest of the wellbeing type codes: Beh = Behavioural; Env = Environmental; Fin = Financial; Int = Intellectual; Occ = Occupational; Phy = Physical; Soc = Social; Spi = Spiritual

Emotional awareness and expression

  1. Be aware of your emotions and reactions: "Notice what makes you sad, frustrated, or angry, and try to address or change those things."
  2. Express feelings appropriately: "Let people close to you know when something is bothering you. Keeping feelings inside can add to stress and cause problems in relationships and work." (Soc)

Stress management and relaxation

  1. Manage stress: "Try to change stressful situations and learn relaxation methods such as deep breathing, meditation, and exercise." (Phy)
  2. Practice self-care: "Write in a journal, listen to music, talk to friends or family, practice yoga, breathing, or meditation to remain calm." (Phy, Soc)
  3. Find comfort: "Find a place where you feel comfortable and go there when you need comfort, quiet, or safety."
  4. Join support groups: "Engage in support groups or start one to share your experiences and gain support." (Soc)

Maintaining balance and positivity

  1. Strive for balance: "Find a healthy balance between work and play, and between activity and rest."
  2. Make time for enjoyable activities: "Focus on positive aspects of your life and engage in activities you enjoy."
  3. Stay positive: "Focus on the good things in your life, forgive yourself and others, and spend time with positive people." (Soc)
  4. Find the positives: "Look for silver linings in negative situations and support others in doing the same."
  5. Practice gratitude: "Take time each day to reflect on what you are grateful for. Keeping a gratitude journal can help shift your focus to positive aspects of your life."
  6. Engage in acts of kindness: "Helping others can improve your own emotional wellbeing. Volunteer your time, perform random acts of kindness, or simply offer support to those in need." (Soc)
  7. Cultivate hobbies: "Engage in hobbies and activities that bring you joy and allow you to express yourself creatively." (Int)
  8. Practice self-compassion: "Be kind to yourself, especially during times of failure or difficulty. Treat yourself with the same compassion you would offer to a friend."

Physical health and self-care

  1. Take care of physical health: "Exercise regularly, eat healthy meals, get enough sleep, and avoid abusing drugs or alcohol." (Phy)
  2. Engage in physical activity: "Join a sports league or gym, or find other physical outlets." (Phy)
  3. Maintain a routine: "Stick to a daily routine and leave yourself enough time for obligations." (Phy)
  4. Eat mindfully: "Have meals without distractions like phones or TV." (Phy)
  5. Limit caffeine and sugar intake: "High levels of caffeine and sugar can affect your mood and energy levels. Opt for a balanced diet to maintain stable energy and emotions." (Phy)
  6. Stay hydrated: "Proper hydration is essential for overall health, including emotional wellbeing. Drink enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated." (Phy)
  7. Develop a bedtime routine: "Establish a calming routine before bed to improve sleep quality. Avoid screens, engage in relaxing activities, and create a comfortable sleep environment." (Phy)

Cognitive and emotional reflection

  1. Reflect on your emotions: "Reflect daily on your emotions and what they can teach you. Use a journal to record feelings and thoughts." (Int)
  2. Develop healthy habits: "Establish regular routines that help you process and deal with your emotions effectively." (Beh)
  3. Practice mindfulness: "Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine. Being present in the moment can reduce anxiety and improve your emotional state." (Spi)
  4. Build emotional intelligence: "Work on understanding your own emotions as well as those of others. Developing empathy and emotional intelligence can improve relationships and emotional health." (Soc)

Connection and purpose

  1. Connect with others: "Build positive connections by making social plans, joining groups, and engaging with others." (Soc)
  2. Find purpose and meaning: "Focus on what is important to you, such as work, family, volunteering, or caregiving." (Spi)
  3. Seek professional help: "If you find it difficult to manage your emotions on your own, consider seeking help from a therapist or counsellor. Professional guidance can provide valuable tools and support."

Coping strategies and problem-solving

  1. Practice coping strategies: "Develop coping exercises for stress to be prepared when challenges arise."
  2. Develop problem-solving skills: "Improve your ability to handle challenges by working on problem-solving techniques. Break down problems into manageable steps and tackle them one at a time." (Int)
  3. Set realistic goals: "Establish achievable short-term and long-term goals to give yourself a sense of purpose and direction. Celebrate your accomplishments along the way." (Int)

Positivity and environment

  1. Limit exposure to negativity: "Reduce time spent on activities that bring negativity into your life, such as excessive news consumption or toxic social media interactions."
  2. Create a positive environment: "Surround yourself with positive influences, whether it's people, music, books, or art. A positive environment can uplift your mood and mindset." (Env)

Fun and laughter

  1. Laugh often: "Engage in activities that make you laugh, such as watching a comedy show or spending time with funny friends. Laughter can reduce stress and improve your mood." (Soc)

Learn and grow

  1. Learn more to lessen fear: "Increase your knowledge about issues or health conditions you're facing to reduce fear of the unknown." (Int)
  2. Think before you act: "Give yourself time to think and be calm before reacting to emotions." (Int)

Nature and outdoor activities

  1. Explore nature: "Spend time outdoors and connect with nature. Activities like hiking, gardening, or simply walking in a park can have a calming effect." (Env)

Safety and crisis planning

  1. Plan for crises: "Develop a personal action plan for times of crisis to help manage stress and maintain emotional stability." (Beh)
  2. Review and learn from crises: "After a crisis, take time to reflect on what went well and what could be improved. Seek support to recover emotionally." (Int)

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

@Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope @Glisten @swift1 @creative_writer @Captain24 @Oaktree @Glisten @MDT , @Ainjoule , @Snowie Glisten @tyme 

Here's the consolidated content for social wellbeing, with 43 suggestions.

Social wellbeing

Social wellbeing is the ability to interact positively with others, build meaningful and supportive relationships, and maintain a sense of connection and belonging within your community. It involves using good communication skills, respecting oneself and others, and developing a support system of friends and family. Social relationships are crucial for overall health, as they provide emotional support during difficult times, enhance mood, reduce stress, and boost self-esteem. Social wellbeing also includes participating in community activities, valuing diversity, and maintaining personal boundaries within relationships. It is essential for overall quality of life, as strong social connections have a significant impact on overall wellbeing.

Here are the rest of the wellbeing type codes: Beh = Behavioural; Emo = Emotional; Env = Environmental; Fin = Financial; Int = Intellectual; Occ = Occupational; Phy = Physical; Spi = Spiritual

Positive relationships and community involvement

  1. Surround yourself with positive people: "Engage with individuals who uplift and support you." (Emo)
  2. Get involved with your community: "Participate in local events, social gatherings, and activities to build a sense of belonging and meet new people." (Emo)
  3. Contribute to a cause you care about: "Volunteer for organisations or causes that matter to you." (Emo, Spi)
  4. Participate in clubs or organisations: "Join clubs or organisations related to your interests or profession to build networks and friendships." (Emo, Occ)
  5. Volunteer: "Offer your time to volunteer; it's a great way to meet new people and inquire in your community or spiritual group about ways to help." (Emo, Spi)
  6. Engage in group activities: "Participate in group activities like sports, hiking, or board games to foster teamwork and camaraderie." (Phy, Emo)
  7. Join support groups: "Find local support groups to connect with others on important issues." (Emo)

Effective communication and engagement

  1. Practice effective communication: "Communicate your thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly and openly." (Emo)
  2. Practice active listening: "Show genuine interest in others by listening actively and empathetically during conversations." (Emo)
  3. Be approachable: "Smile, make eye contact, and be open to initiating conversations with others." (Emo)
  4. Stay curious and open-minded: "Exercise curiosity and keep an open mind when meeting new people." (Int)
  5. Practice kindness: "Perform random acts of kindness to create a positive impact on others and build goodwill." (Spi, Emo)

Maintaining and strengthening connections

  1. Keep in touch with family and friends: "Regularly call, text, or visit loved ones to maintain strong connections." (Emo)
  2. Reconnect with old friends: "Reach out to old friends and reconnect to revive meaningful relationships." (Emo)
  3. Set aside quality time for loved ones: "Plan regular activities with family and friends, such as movies, dinners, or coffee." (Emo)
  4. Celebrate together: "Celebrate milestones and achievements with friends and family to create lasting memories." (Emo)
  5. Share experiences: "Share your experiences and listen to others' stories to build deeper connections." (Emo, Int)
  6. Keep track of social interactions: "Note when you need to catch up with someone or plan a visit." (Beh)

Meeting new people and exploring new connections

  1. Meet people with similar interests: "Attend events or places related to your hobbies, like galleries or historic sites." (Int)
  2. Be open to diverse backgrounds: "Welcome opportunities to meet people from different cultures and backgrounds." (Int, Spi)
  3. Attend workshops and classes: "Enrol in workshops or classes to learn something new and meet people with similar interests." (Int, Occ)
  4. Explore new social venues: "Visit new places like cafes, parks, or community centers to meet new people." (Env)
  5. Join interest-based or online groups: "Look online or in local papers for groups that share your interests, and engage in online communities or forums to connect with people globally." (Int, Env)

Social activities and events

  1. Organise social gatherings: "Plan events like get-togethers or reunions to reconnect with friends." (Emo)
  2. Host a gathering: "Host a dinner party or casual get-together to strengthen your social ties." (Emo)
  3. Maintain a social calendar: "Organise a calendar of events to keep track of social activities and visits with friends." (Beh)

Social support and emotional well-being

  1. Offer help and support: "Be there for others in times of need, offering help and support to strengthen bonds." (Emo)

Social wellness tips

  1. Develop assertiveness skills: "Communicate your needs clearly and respectfully without being passive or aggressive." (Emo, Occ)
  2. Balance social and personal time: "Ensure you have time for social interactions as well as personal time to recharge." (Emo, Phy)
  3. Maintain your identity: "Be true to yourself in all situations and continue developing new talents or interests." (Int, Emo)
  4. Engage with your community: "Get involved in community activities and events to build connections and contribute positively." (Spi, Emo)
  5. Value diversity: "Respect and value people from different backgrounds and cultures." (Spi)
  6. Create boundaries: "Establish healthy boundaries within relationships to encourage communication, trust, and conflict management." (Emo)
  7. Have fun: "Remember to engage in activities that bring joy and laughter." (Emo)
  8. Develop friendships and networks: "Continually work on maintaining and developing friendships and social networks." (Emo)

Responsible communication

  1. Listen non-judgmentally: "Value each other’s opinions and attempt to understand and affirm their emotions." (Emo)
  2. Be open: "Express your needs clearly and avoid assuming others know what you're feeling." (Emo)
  3. Maintain honesty and trust: "Be honest and trustworthy in your relationships to build and maintain trust." (Emo)
  4. Be supportive: "Offer support and celebrate the good times with friends and family." (Emo)

Integrating physical wellbeing

  1. Exercise with others: "Join a gym class or find a workout buddy to make exercising more enjoyable and social." (Phy, Emo)
  2. Participate in outdoor activities: "Engage in activities like hiking, cycling, or walking groups to combine physical exercise with social interaction." (Phy, Emo)
  3. Play team sports: "Join a local sports team or league to stay active and build social connections." (Phy, Emo)
  4. Organize fitness challenges: "Create or join fitness challenges with friends or colleagues to motivate each other and stay connected." (Phy, Emo)

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Here's the consolidated list for spiritual wellbeing, with 37 suggestions.

Spiritual Wellness:

  • Definition: Spiritual wellness is defined as recognizing our search for meaning and purpose in human existence. It involves the development of a deep appreciation for the depth and expanse of life and natural forces that exist in the universe.
  • Importance: Spiritual wellness is crucial as it can help one cope with stress, foster resilience, and develop a sense of peace and contentment. It involves seeking and expressing meaning and purpose, often leading to a broader understanding and acceptance of the interconnectedness of all things.

Core Aspects:

  • Purpose and Meaning: Understanding and living according to one's purpose and values can provide direction and a sense of fulfillment.
  • Connectedness: Feeling connected to something larger than oneself, whether it's through religion, nature, or community, can enhance spiritual wellbeing.
  • Inner Peace: Achieving inner peace and tranquility through practices like meditation, prayer, or reflection helps maintain spiritual balance.
  • Resilience: Spiritual practices can enhance resilience, enabling individuals to navigate life's challenges with greater ease.

Personal Practices and Reflection:

  1. Practice daily positive affirmations: "Perform daily positive affirmations to reinforce your beliefs and values." (Emo)
  2. Meditate regularly: "Set aside time each day to meditate or reflect on your spirituality and find inner peace." (Emo, Phy)
  3. Practice yoga: "Engage in yoga to connect your mind and body, promoting balance and tranquility." (Emo, Phy)
  4. Reflect on past events: "Take time to reflect on the meaning of past events in your life and how they have shaped you." (Emo, Int)
  5. Explore your inner self: "Spend time thinking about who you are and delving deeper into your curiosities." (Emo, Int)
  6. Practice forgiveness: "Forgive and forget the actions of those who have wronged you to release negativity." (Emo, Soc)
  7. Set goals: "Identify key goals in your life to give you a sense of purpose and direction." (Emo, Int)
  8. Engage in creative expression: "Use art, music, writing, or other creative outlets to express your spiritual beliefs and values." (Emo, Int)
  9. Appreciate the natural forces of the universe: "Take time to appreciate the natural forces of the universe and reconnect with nature." (Emo, Env)
  10. Start your day with spiritual practices: "Wake up early to engage in spiritual practices that strengthen your relationship with your higher self." (Emo, Int)

Connection with Beliefs and Values:

  1. Determine your values and beliefs: "Take the time to identify what values, principles, and beliefs are important to you." (Emo, Int)
  2. Live according to your values: "Ensure your actions and lifestyle reflect your core beliefs and values." (Emo, Int)
  3. Explore different belief systems: "Learn about other religions and beliefs to become more understanding and open-minded." (Emo, Int, Soc)
  4. Share your beliefs: "Discuss your beliefs, values, and principles with others to deepen relationships and broaden your perspective." (Emo, Soc)
  5. Integrate beliefs into daily life: "Use your spirituality to drive your actions and thoughts, giving deeper meaning to life." (Emo, Int)
  6. Draw from multiple traditions: "Explore and integrate practices from various spiritual traditions to navigate through the world and enrich your spiritual journey." (Emo, Int, Soc)

Community and Involvement:

  1. Join a spiritual group: "Find a group in your community that deepens your spiritual practice and helps you connect with others who share your beliefs." (Emo, Soc)
  2. Be social within your organization: "Engage socially with people in your spiritual or community organization." (Emo, Soc)
  3. Volunteer and serve others: "Reach out and help others in need, and get involved in volunteerism or community service projects." (Emo, Soc)
  4. Attend spiritual retreats: "Participate in spiritual retreats or workshops to deepen your practice and connect with like-minded individuals." (Emo, Soc)

Time for Spirituality:

  1. Appreciate nature: "Take time to appreciate the beauty of nature and spend time outdoors to connect with the natural world." (Emo, Env)
  2. Appreciate the arts: "Take time to appreciate the arts as a way to reflect on the deeper meanings of life." (Emo, Int)
  3. Find peaceful locations: "As often as possible, find peaceful locations to reflect, meditate, or pray." (Emo, Env)
  4. Practice quiet reflection: "Take time for yourself every day, even if it's just before you go to sleep or when you're driving home." (Emo)
  5. Create a sacred space: "Designate a specific area in your home for spiritual practices, such as meditation, prayer, or reflection." (Emo, Env)

Acceptance and Open-mindedness:

  1. Practice acceptance: "Be open to different experiences and perspectives, and practice being non-judgmental." (Emo, Soc)
  2. Be receptive to pain: "Recognize that times of sorrow can deepen your spiritual understanding and help you cope." (Emo)
  3. Embrace gratitude: "Regularly practice gratitude to enhance your appreciation for life and its blessings." (Emo)

Integration and Balance:

  1. Integrate spirituality into actions: "Ensure your daily actions align with your spiritual beliefs and values." (Emo)
  2. Find inner peace: "Identify activities that give you a sense of inner peace, comfort, strength, love, and connection, and set aside time daily to engage in them." (Emo, Phy)

Diverse Spiritual Activities:

  1. Participate in organized religion: "Become a practicing member of an organized religion if it aligns with your beliefs." (Emo, Soc)
  2. Pray or worship: "Engage in prayer, meditation, or worship regularly to deepen your spiritual connection." (Emo)
  3. Sing devotional songs: "Incorporate singing devotional songs or listening to spiritual music into your routine." (Emo, Int)
  4. Read inspirational books: "Read books that inspire and deepen your spiritual understanding." (Emo, Int)
  5. Engage in mindfulness: "Practice mindfulness or deep breathing exercises to stay present and centered." (Emo, Phy)
  6. Perform acts of kindness: "Regularly perform acts of kindness to foster a sense of connection and compassion." (Emo, Soc)
  7. Study shamanic practices: "Consider studying shamanic practices or other spiritual traditions that resonate with you to deepen your spiritual understanding." (Emo, Int)

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

May I ask where some of the sources of this info comes from? @Explorer7  It may be helpful for people to know.

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Hi @tyme 

The information very largely comes from the approximately 500 contributions to the two 8 Dimensions of Wellness threads, one in this forum and other in the Friends, Family & Carers Forum.

I also drew on these sources to check that things were on the right track.

I added a few suggestions of my own, based on what has worked for me.

Lastly, I have drawn upon some of the sources mentioned in the two threads:

I hope that helps.

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Yes it does! Thanks for sharing. I'll look into these resources too @Explorer7 

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

@Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope @Glisten @swift1 @creative_writer @Captain24 @Oaktree @Glisten @MDT , @Ainjoule , @Snowie Glisten @tyme

There are 298 suggestions across the nine dimensions of wellbeing. My next steps are to compile these into one document containing:

  • The tutti frutti model
  • An explanation of same
  • The "walk before you can run" coping toolbox
  • The nine wellbeing types and their associated suggestions
  • Some tips about how to make the transition from "like to do" to "want to do" to "actually do"
  • An index

I'll have to consider where to host this content online. It ought to have at least have one page for each wellbeing type, and a link to a consolidated pdf.

Once I have a consolidated document I can find out about the hard copy book. Something having the appearance of novel, that I can get printed locally.

Those are my thoughts. I'd be happy to hear any of yours.

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness


Yes, that's the intention; to share with others what's worked. Very good for the soul.

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness



Sounds really interesting.

Quite a job to pull it all together