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Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

@tyme Oh right no worries 🙂 ty

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness


I was delighted to find this thread of yours. Thanks for taking the initiative and starting it back in July 2021. Three hundred-odd replies and three years on, and it's still going! The eight dimensions (plus one extra) could be arranged as follows:

Tutti frutti.jpg

The one extra is "behavioural" wellbeing. I happen to have referred to "wellbeing" rather than  "wellness".

Behavioral wellbeing refers to one's characteristic behaviors and conduct in going about one's life, and responding or reacting to various situations. It's influenced by:

  1. Personality
  2. Attitude
  3. History
  4. Motivations

a. Personality: This remains largely unchanged throughout life, being roughly 60% nature and 40% nurture. That said, it can be informative to consider its relevance to one's behavioural makeup.

b. Attitude: You get to choose your attitude to life, which can positively or negatively shape your behavioral wellbeing and, in turn, influence your three internal kinds of wellbeing: intellectual, emotional, and spiritual. Attitude includes self-efficacy and mindset.

c. History: You can't do much about your history, aside from stepping back and considering if your values, which inform your beliefs, which inform your rules, and which you acquired subconsciously from your parents, teachers, friends, and society as you grew up, are still working for you. The same goes for examining your habits.

d. Motivations: Motivations include your goals and aspirations, which can equally benefit from self-consideration.

The results of the interactions between your three internal kinds of wellbeing (intellectual, emotional, and spiritual) in determining your overall wellbeing are mediated by your behavioural wellbeing.

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

That's very helpful @Explorer7 ! Thanks for sharing! 


You've made it very clear and easy to understand.


Welcome to the forums!


Feel free to introduce yourself here Re: Welcome! Introduce yourselfi here 🙂 

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Thank you for sharing @Explorer7 and welcome to the forum 

Love the diagram which is very helpful 


Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Hello @Shaz51 @oceangirl @wellwellwellnez @HenryX @Swansong @Historylover @Fizz @MDT @Emelia8 @bipolarbunny @Snowie @StuF @BlueBay @Judi9877 @Tinker67 @AussieRecharger @Gwynn  @Faith-and-Hope 

From Shaz51's first post to this thread, and the first 60 or so following posts in July 2021, I've collected and attempted to distil your 50-odd suggestions as to what works to maintain or improve environmental wellbeing, and added a few of my own. I'll next do the same for physical wellbeing.

Environmental wellbeing refers to your sense of safety, comfort, and connection with your physical surroundings. It encompasses the quality of your immediate environment, such as your home or workplace, and extends to your broader community and the planet.

Here are ways to improve or maintain your environmental wellbeing:

A. Home environment

  1. Create a personalised, clean, and organised space: "Decorating, regularly cleaning, decluttering, and arranging my living area with personal items like pictures, favourite activities, and plants or flowers has made it visually appealing, hygienic, easy to navigate, and truly my own."
  2. Mind toxins, allergens, and safety: "Being aware of and reducing exposure to harmful chemicals and allergens in my home, and implementing safety measures like security systems and proper lighting, has made me feel more secure."
  3. Use eco-friendly products: "Switching to using eco-friendly cleaning products has made a big difference in the air quality and my overall comfort at home."
  4. Use energy-efficient appliances: "Upgrading to energy-efficient appliances has reduced my electricity bill and environmental footprint."

B. Nature and outdoors

  1. Embrace and find harmony in nature: "Spending time in nature and incorporating natural elements into my living space has helped me feel more peaceful and connected, away from stress, pollution, and crowds."
  2. Create wildlife habitats: "Transforming my garden into a wildlife-friendly space has brought more birds and butterflies, making my home feel closer to nature."
  3. Reduce meat consumption: "Incorporating more plant-based meals has made me feel healthier and more environmentally conscious."

C. Community engagement

  1. Engage with your community: "Participating in local activities, connecting with my neighbours, and learning about my community has fostered a sense of belonging."
  2. Advocate for environmental policies: "Supporting local environmental initiatives has given me a sense of community and purpose."
  3. Educate yourself and others: "Learning about environmental issues and sharing this knowledge has empowered me to make better choices."

D. Sustainable practices

  1. Reduce water usage: "Fixing leaks and using water-saving fixtures has reduced my water bill and made me feel more responsible."
  2. Compost organic waste: "Composting food scraps has reduced my trash output and provided rich soil for my garden."
  3. Grow your own food: "Growing my own vegetables has been rewarding and reduced my grocery bills."
  4. Minimise plastic use: "Switching to reusable bags and containers has made me feel like I'm making a positive environmental impact."
  5. Support sustainable brands: "Buying from sustainable brands has made me feel good knowing I'm supporting ethical practices."

E. Personal practices

  1. Maintain a handy schedule: "Keeping a to-do list or schedule easily accessible has helped me stay organised and on track."
  2. Create a sound environment: "Using music and natural sounds to create a calming atmosphere has supported my mental health."
  3. Foster respect and kindness: "Promoting a healthy and supportive environment by being respectful, inclusive, and kind to others has enhanced my sense of wellbeing."
  4. Travel sustainably: "Biking to work instead of driving has improved my fitness and reduced my carbon footprint."

As an example of E2, I was listening to music while writing this post.

Could you pls let me know if you have any other suggestions?

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness


@StuF@Historylover @oceangirl @AussieRecharger @wellwellwellnez @MDT @Snowie @Faith-and-Hope @bipolarbunny @BPDSurvivor @ShiningStar @outlander @frog @NatureLover @jem80 @Zoe7 @Daisydreamer @TideisTurning ,  , @Fizz @HenryX @Anastasia @Emelia8 @Judi9877 @BlueBay @Clawde @Schitzo @saltandpepper @Appleblossom @Scoo @Determined @Smc @Sophia1 @Sophie1 @Owlunar @Peri @Adge @Tinker67 @Gwynn ,  , @Swansong @Dimity @Olga @TAB @Meowmy @greenpea @Flax @outlander @Sans911 @Mazarita @eth @Krishna , @Shaz51 

From posts to this forum during Jul and Aug 2021, I've collected and attempted to distil the  suggestions as to what works to maintain or improve physical wellbeing, and added a few of my own. 

Physical wellbeing involves maintaining your body in optimal condition through a balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy habits. It encompasses more than just physical fitness, also including adequate sleep and self-care practices. By proactively managing these aspects, you can preserve your body, age gracefully, and enjoy a high quality of life.

A. Physical activity

  1. Walk regularly and engage in outdoor activities: “Walking is probably the most basic thing to do. It helps with staying flexible, keeping a stable weight, and improving bone strength and balance. Walking outside in the fresh air also provides opportunities for social interaction.”
  2. Stretch often: “Stretching helps maintain flexibility and prevent stiffness.”
  3. Incorporate playful exercises: “Swings, tumbling, rolling, trampolining, and hanging upside down are good for the core and brain.”
  4. Use exercise shortcuts: “Take the stairs instead of the elevator and park further away from stores.”
  5. Join a fitness class: “Attending a yoga, Pilates, or dance class keeps me motivated and helps me meet new people with similar interests.”

B. Nutrition

  1. Eat a balanced diet: “Keep takeaways to once a week to stay healthy and reduce costs.”
  2. Reduce sugar intake: “Cutting back on sugar can help break bad habits developed during lockdowns.”
  3. Set small dietary goals: “Improve your diet by setting small goals for changes each day, week, or month.”
  4. Stay hydrated: “Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps me stay energized and keeps my body functioning well.”

C. Sleep

  1. Create a bedtime routine: “Having a consistent bedtime routine, such as reading or taking a warm bath before bed, helps signal to my body that it’s time to sleep.”
  2. Keep a regular sleep schedule: “Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends, has improved my sleep quality.”
  3. Limit screen time before bed: “Avoiding screens for at least an hour before bedtime has helped me fall asleep faster.”
  4. Make the bedroom conducive to sleep: “Keeping my bedroom dark, quiet, and cool has made a big difference in my ability to sleep well.”
  5. Use a notebook for late-night thoughts: “I have a notebook, pencil, and torch on my bedside table. If something is occupying my mind to the point that it stops me from sleeping, I reach for the torch, pencil, and notebook and write down whatever it is that’s occupying my mind. My subconscious then seems assured that since whatever it was that was occupying my mind will not be forgotten, I can finally drift off into sleep. In the morning, I can then address whatever the burning issue was.”
  6. Lie still and clear your mind: “Lie still in the same position and keep every thought out of your mind. This technique helps me relax and makes it easier to fall asleep. If worries pop up, I tell myself I’ll deal with them in the morning. Keep practicing this approach each night to develop and maintain healthy sleep habits.”

D. Substance use

  1. Cut down or quit using tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs: “Reach out to family or friends during tough times instead of using substances.”
  2. Be mindful of triggers: “Identify and avoid triggers that make you want to use substances, and have a plan to handle them.”

E. Preventive health

  1. Visit healthcare providers regularly: “Routine care and monitoring by your doctor, dentist, or other health care providers.”
  2. Monitor health indicators: “Check blood pressure, waist circumference, and blood sugar to prevent chronic conditions like diabetes.”
  3. Use preventive health resources: “Visit local public health centres and use online resources to find the closest location for care.”

F. Social engagement

  1. Socialise through physical activity: “Walking and interacting with neighbours and pets can help you stay socially connected.”
  2. Participate in fitness communities: “Join local gyms, YMCAs, fitness clubs, or community sports like tennis.”

G. Medication safety

  1. Manage medications responsibly: “Store medications properly, review expiration dates, and carry a list of medications in case of emergency.”

H. Holistic health

  1. Explore holistic health options: “Consider seeing a holistic health provider or attending community health fairs.”
  2. Practice mindfulness and meditation: “Taking time each day to meditate helps me manage stress and stay focused.”

Could you please let me know if you have any other examples of what's worked for you to develop or maintain your phsyical wellbeing?

Next will be occupational wellbeing.

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

@Explorer7 You have done a remarkable amount of work there.

Outstanding amount of categorising and consolidating.

I’m sure it will be beneficial to everyone who uses this thread.

Thank you for your time and attention. Your efforts are appreciated.

with gratitude 


Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

@Historylover , @Appleblossom , @Owlunar , @ShiningStar , @Elac , @MySunrise , @Schitzo , @saltandpepper , @MDT , @TAB , @Faith-and-Hope , @Zoe7 , @Clawde , @Judi9877 , @NatureLover ,  , @Meowmy , @Peri , @Sophie1 , @Sophie1 , @Scoo , @FindingStrength ,  , @Libra , @Bezak482 , @oceangirl , @BlueBay , @Kurra , @Teej , @Adge , @cloudcore , @TideisTurning , @frog , @outlander , @Snowie , @Ant7 , @Smc , @Tinker67 

From posts to this forum during August 2021, I've collected and attempted to distil the  suggestions as to what works to maintain or improve occupational wellbeing, and added a few of my own. 

Occupational wellbeing involves participation in activities that bring meaning and purpose, including employment, volunteer work, and other meaningful activities, including those connected to social roles. It is a crucial aspect of overall wellbeing, impacting self-definition, life structure, self-efficacy, relationships, and potentially financial stability. People thrive when what occupies them gives them purpose, the autonomy or elbow-room to perform their roles (including access to resources and training), and opportunities to attain mastery.

Career alignment and personal fulfillment

  1. Engage in fulfilling activities that align with your values and passions: "Participate in volunteer work, hobbies, or projects that fit your values, bring personal satisfaction, and allow you to contribute your talents and knowledge."
  2. Explore opportunities and pursue fitting roles: "Think about where you are in your life and pursue activities or roles that fit well within that framework. Review opportunities that align with your interests and skills."
  3. Consider benefits and support options: "If receiving benefits, explore opportunities that allow you to stay engaged without losing your support."
  4. Seek career counseling: "Engage in career counseling to explore your interests and skills, and to receive guidance on potential career paths or opportunities."

Work relationships

  1. Communicate openly and build supportive relationships: "Maintain an open line of communication with those around you to ensure mutual understanding and responsiveness. By your actions, maintain supportive relationships within your community or network."
  2. Seek feedback and support: "Regularly seek feedback and support from friends, family, and community members to improve your activities and personal growth."
  3. Expect autonomy and resources: "If you have an employer or sponsor, expect from them the autonomy to carry out your job or occupation, including access to required resources and training."


  1. Schedule leisure time and maintain balance: "Make sure to schedule time for relaxation and activities you enjoy, such as spending time with friends, taking nature walks, or getting massages. Establish clear boundaries between different aspects of your life to ensure you have adequate time to recharge. Prioritize balance by ensuring you have enough time for family, friends, hobbies, and relaxation."
  2. Volunteer work: "Consider volunteering in the community as a way to spend time meaningfully and maintain a balanced life."
  3. Manage workload and activities: "Use tracking tools to manage your activities and ask for help if it becomes overwhelming."
  4. Practice stress management: "Incorporate stress management techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, or yoga into your routine to maintain a healthy balance."
  5. Take breaks: "Ensure you take regular breaks during your activities to rest and recharge, improving overall productivity and wellbeing."


  1. Acknowledge achievements: "Pat yourself on the back for your accomplishments and take pride in what you do."
  2. Pursue continuous learning and focus on strengths: "Engage in continuous learning and personal development to keep your skills updated and stay motivated. Look for and expect opportunities to attain mastery. Don't spend time trying to turn weaknesses into strengths; have some compensatory techniques to get you by, and stick with those."
  3. Look for mentoring opportunities: "Seek out mentoring opportunities, including reverse mentoring where an older person is mentored by a younger person, to gain insights into different perspectives, such as youth culture."
  4. Set personal goals: "Set short-term and long-term personal goals to give yourself direction and purpose."


  1. Enhance your environment: "Create a comfortable and inspiring environment to boost your motivation and overall wellbeing."

Next will be financial wellbeing.

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

@Historylover , @Appleblossom , @Owlunar , @ShiningStar , @Elac , @MySunrise , @Schitzo , @saltandpepper , @MDT , @TAB , @Faith-and-Hope , @Zoe7 , @Clawde , @Judi9877 , @NatureLover ,  , @Meowmy , @Peri , @Sophie1 , @Sophie1 , @Scoo , @FindingStrength ,  , @Libra , @Bezak482 , @oceangirl , @BlueBay , @Kurra , @Teej , @Adge , @cloudcore , @TideisTurning , @frog , @outlander , @Snowie , @Ant7 , @Smc , @Tinker67 

From posts to this forum during August 2021, I've collected and attempted to distil the suggestions as to what works to maintain or improve finanical wellbeing, and added a few of my own.

Financial wellbeing is the state of having financial stability and confidence to meet one's practical needs and future goals. It involves financial resilience to withstand financial shocks, financial capability which includes the knowledge, skills, and confidence to manage money effectively, and having sufficient resources to meet daily needs while feeling in control of personal finances. Satisfaction with one's current financial situation and future prospects, as well as the broader economic context, also play important roles.

Research suggests that, "Having money is not a guarantee of happiness as one would expect. However, there is no denying the fact that there is a direct correlation between wellbeing and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In other words, people who live in countries with high GDP have a significantly greater chance of a high score on the wellbeing index than people who live in poorer countries. One of the tips in this section is to spend your money on experiences as opposed to material possessions. You will get more 'bang for your buck' in terms of your wellbeing."

The above quote is from: O'Reilly N 2013, Book review: Wellbeing: The Essential Elements, The Journal of Positive Psychology, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 174-176.

Budgeting and spending

  1. Create, review, and adjust your budget: "Track your expenses, plan for essential outgoings, and allocate funds for savings and investments, while allowing for reasonable enjoyment. Periodically review your budget to make adjustments based on changes in income, expenses, or financial goals. Identify areas where you can cut back on non-essential expenses to free up more money for savings and investments."

Savings and investments

  1. Build an emergency fund and save regularly: "Set aside a portion of your income regularly to build an emergency fund covering at least six months of expenses, specifically for unexpected expenses and contingencies."
  2. Automate savings and investments: "Set up automatic transfers to your savings and investment accounts to ensure consistent contributions without needing to remember each time."
  3. Diversify your investments: "Invest in a variety of asset classes to spread risk and increase the potential for returns over the long term."
  4. Set financial milestones: "Break down long-term financial goals into smaller, achievable milestones to stay motivated and track your progress."
  5. Take advantage of employer benefits: "Utilize benefits offered by your employer, such as retirement contributions, health savings accounts, and employee discounts."
  6. Plan for retirement: "Invest in retirement accounts to grow your savings over time and ensure a steady income in your later years."
  7. Engage in financial planning and counseling: "Work with a financial planner or counselor to create a comprehensive financial plan that aligns with your goals and adjusts as your circumstances change."

Debt management

  1. Manage debt and maintain good financial habits: "Prioritize paying off high-interest debt, keep debt levels low, avoid unnecessary debt, use credit wisely, and keep up with financial obligations to maintain financial stability."

Financial literacy and continuous learning

  1. Improve financial literacy and stay informed: "Educate yourself on basic financial principles, stay informed about the latest financial trends and best practices, and keep up with economic news that could impact your financial situation."
  2. Learn about tax strategies: "Educate yourself on tax-saving strategies and take advantage of deductions, credits, and other opportunities to reduce your tax liability."
  3. Utilize financial apps and tools: "Leverage available banking tools, budgeting apps, investment platforms, and financial calculators to manage your finances more efficiently."
  4. Join financial support groups: "Engage with communities or support groups focused on financial wellness to share experiences, gain insights, and stay motivated."

Risk management and protection

  1. Risk management: "Protect your assets with appropriate insurance coverage to ensure financial security in unforeseen events."
  2. Set up financial protections: "Establish legal protections like wills, trusts, and powers of attorney to ensure your assets are managed according to your wishes in case of incapacity or death."

Financial mindset and habits

  1. Foster a healthy money mindset: "Develop a positive attitude towards money by practicing gratitude, avoiding comparisons with others, and focusing on your own financial journey."
  2. Set and achieve financial goals: "Plan for and work towards both short-term and long-term financial goals to ensure you’re preparing for the future while enjoying the present."
  3. Financial freedom: "Strive for the financial freedom to make choices that enhance your life, such as traveling or retiring at your target age."
  4. Be happy with what you have: "Contentment with your current financial situation can contribute to overall financial wellness and reduce stress."

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

thank you for your wonderful information and your messages @Explorer7 


see the above messages


@Glisten , @swift1 , @greenpea , @PeppiPatty , @Adge , @TAB , @Ainjoule , @Jynx , @Ru-bee , @Asgard , @RiverSeal , @Eve7 , @Snowie , @outlander , @Sans911 , @StuF , @ENKELI , @Tilz , @Blackbird11 , @creative_writer , @Captain24 , @Oaktree , @Paperdaisy , @tyme , @Healandlove , @Faith-and-Hope , @Zoe7 , @wellwellwellnez , @Pem , @SmilingGecko , @Historylover , @Judi9877 , @NatureLover , @Jacques , @Bill16 , @Just , @Bon_courage