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From posts to this forum during Jul and Aug 2021, I've collected and attempted to distil the suggestions as to what works to maintain or improve physical wellbeing, and added a few of my own.
Physical wellbeing involves maintaining your body in optimal condition through a balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy habits. It encompasses more than just physical fitness, also including adequate sleep and self-care practices. By proactively managing these aspects, you can preserve your body, age gracefully, and enjoy a high quality of life.
A. Physical activity
- Walk regularly and engage in outdoor activities: “Walking is probably the most basic thing to do. It helps with staying flexible, keeping a stable weight, and improving bone strength and balance. Walking outside in the fresh air also provides opportunities for social interaction.”
- Stretch often: “Stretching helps maintain flexibility and prevent stiffness.”
- Incorporate playful exercises: “Swings, tumbling, rolling, trampolining, and hanging upside down are good for the core and brain.”
- Use exercise shortcuts: “Take the stairs instead of the elevator and park further away from stores.”
- Join a fitness class: “Attending a yoga, Pilates, or dance class keeps me motivated and helps me meet new people with similar interests.”
B. Nutrition
- Eat a balanced diet: “Keep takeaways to once a week to stay healthy and reduce costs.”
- Reduce sugar intake: “Cutting back on sugar can help break bad habits developed during lockdowns.”
- Set small dietary goals: “Improve your diet by setting small goals for changes each day, week, or month.”
- Stay hydrated: “Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps me stay energized and keeps my body functioning well.”
C. Sleep
- Create a bedtime routine: “Having a consistent bedtime routine, such as reading or taking a warm bath before bed, helps signal to my body that it’s time to sleep.”
- Keep a regular sleep schedule: “Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends, has improved my sleep quality.”
- Limit screen time before bed: “Avoiding screens for at least an hour before bedtime has helped me fall asleep faster.”
- Make the bedroom conducive to sleep: “Keeping my bedroom dark, quiet, and cool has made a big difference in my ability to sleep well.”
- Use a notebook for late-night thoughts: “I have a notebook, pencil, and torch on my bedside table. If something is occupying my mind to the point that it stops me from sleeping, I reach for the torch, pencil, and notebook and write down whatever it is that’s occupying my mind. My subconscious then seems assured that since whatever it was that was occupying my mind will not be forgotten, I can finally drift off into sleep. In the morning, I can then address whatever the burning issue was.”
- Lie still and clear your mind: “Lie still in the same position and keep every thought out of your mind. This technique helps me relax and makes it easier to fall asleep. If worries pop up, I tell myself I’ll deal with them in the morning. Keep practicing this approach each night to develop and maintain healthy sleep habits.”
D. Substance use
- Cut down or quit using tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs: “Reach out to family or friends during tough times instead of using substances.”
- Be mindful of triggers: “Identify and avoid triggers that make you want to use substances, and have a plan to handle them.”
E. Preventive health
- Visit healthcare providers regularly: “Routine care and monitoring by your doctor, dentist, or other health care providers.”
- Monitor health indicators: “Check blood pressure, waist circumference, and blood sugar to prevent chronic conditions like diabetes.”
- Use preventive health resources: “Visit local public health centres and use online resources to find the closest location for care.”
F. Social engagement
- Socialise through physical activity: “Walking and interacting with neighbours and pets can help you stay socially connected.”
- Participate in fitness communities: “Join local gyms, YMCAs, fitness clubs, or community sports like tennis.”
G. Medication safety
- Manage medications responsibly: “Store medications properly, review expiration dates, and carry a list of medications in case of emergency.”
H. Holistic health
- Explore holistic health options: “Consider seeing a holistic health provider or attending community health fairs.”
- Practice mindfulness and meditation: “Taking time each day to meditate helps me manage stress and stay focused.”
Could you please let me know if you have any other examples of what's worked for you to develop or maintain your phsyical wellbeing?
Next will be occupational wellbeing.