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Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Love you too @Shaz51!  You're a treasure to us all. Heart Don't know what we'd do without you. xxxx

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Hello gorgeous @Shaz51 thank you for saying hi 🙏

Hello to all here too 👋😀


We had burgers for dinner and now I need to clean up, then feet up finally 🍔🍔🍔

@Historylover @Appleblossom @Owlunar @ShiningStar all here

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Our next part of our 8 Dimension of wellness is Occupational Wellness 


What is occupational wellness?
Before improving your occupational wellness, it’s important to understand exactly what it is. In a nutshell, occupational wellness has to do with maximizing your workplace happiness by focusing on work that brings you a sense of joy, satisfaction, and accomplishment. It can be achieved by exploring various careers pathways and successfully managing working place stressors.

Why is occupational wellness important?
Since most people spend a lot of time at work, it’s important to make sure you have a sense of pride and accomplishment in what you do professionally. Therefore, before jumping into a career path, I recommend doing your homework and researching what it takes to be successful in that industry. Also, explore what kind of a work/life balance you’ll have as well as how colleagues work together in that line of work.
If your an employer, really think about what you provide your employees. Is there an opportunity for growth within your company? Do your employees feel they work in a positive and safe environment? Do you have programs in place that support their overall health and wellbeing? These are all important things to consider if you want to keep them around.
Whether an employee or an employer, keeping occupational wellness at the forefront of your mind will pay dividends for your professional life.


what do you think @Historylover@Appleblossom@Owlunar@ShiningStar@Elac@MySunrise@Schitzo@saltandpepper@MDT@TAB@Faith-and-Hope@Zoe7@Clawde@Judi9877@NatureLover , @Former-Member , @Meowmy@Peri@Sophie1@Sophie1@Scoo@FindingStrength , @Former-Member , @Libra@Bezak482@oceangirl@BlueBay@Kurra@Teej@Adge@cloudcore , @Former-Member , @TideisTurning@frog@outlander@Snowie@Ant7@Smc@Tinker67 

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

I have read many of your posts @Anastasia


I had a smattering of everything including juiced vegetables, yoghurt, fruit, chocolate.  I'm afraid to weigh myself and I'm getting tired of trying to find sustenance while my kitchen is absent.  So frustrating to see it sitting there in kit form - but I was anticipating further disruptions with more lockdowns.  It just had to happen, didn't it?


When is your birthday, @Anastasia?  What state are you in?  How are things?  I don't think we have ever personally posted before, have we?  Sending best wishes.

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Not a good question to ask me @Shaz51.  I could be happy doing almost anything which is of value to the lives of others.  Being valued while doing it is equally important.

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

ohh my @Historylover , hugs my darling xx

hello @Anastasia Heart

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Hello @Historylover it's lovely of you to say hi, and your warm wishes, thank you! It''s the first time we've spoken 🙏🌹


Your dinner actually sound delicious. If it was just me I wouldn't bother but I have two young men that way me out of house and home so have to come up with meals each night. I'm sorry though, it does sound like your new kitchen has been cast aside during this ridiculous covid lockdown/s that aware enduring as the "new normal".


I'm in Greater Sydney so stuck working from home and living in pj's, messy hair and no makeup. Still another tree w3ks and who knows if restrictions will be lifted even then.


I'm a December baby, I'm ok today, thank you. My answer fluctuates depending on the day of late. I care for my son who has complex mi and to say he keeps me on my toes is an understatement. 


What about you? Where are you based? I love your name and avatar. Need I ask hah do you like history? 😜


@Appleblossom 🌹






Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Hello @Shaz51 

I like your questions and they are very relevant at the moment. Just can't focus enough to put a reply into words but I will because it might help me to realise I need to make a change...

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

My dinner was dreadful @Anastasia - just pulled together anything I could find to save a trip out to buy.  You're right - being on your own is quite different to having others dependent on us.  I'm really looking forward to getting my new kitchen as I really need some inspiration to get back into experimentation.  I'm not a fabulous cook by any means but I'd really like to be.  I have had a boxed set of scanpans in my cupboard for almost a decade because of circumstance - and a lack of space.  I can't even find room to put my recipe book most of the time.  I'm looking forward to using the new pans in the new arrangement.  It really makes a world of difference to have nice equipment.


I'm in Melbourne and by circumstances beyond my control, have been renting here for a long time.  Things just haven't worked out as I had worked for or anticipated - but there is nothing I can do about it.  It is overdue that this unit should be refurbished as all of the others in this block have been refurbished - some several times - as each tenant has moved out in recent years.  But because I have become a fixture, mine had been overlooked until now.  


I am now getting this new kitchen, new painting throughout, and new carpet.  I am really looking forward to it being finished and getting re-organized again, putting things out on display and putting others on the walls.  It will be the first time I have had something to enjoy for a long time.  I hope it all goes well.  Enjoying our immediate environment is so important - and being able to express ourselves.  I'd love to post some photographs of it when it is finished, but I guess that would not be allowed.


Lockdowns are taking their toll on everybody, aren't they?  Essential, though.  


It's nice that you like my name and avatar.  I like yours too.  We have both a love of roses, it seems.  I used to be a modern person and came to a love of history later.  Can't put my finger on exactly why.  Perhaps it has something to do with finding out in maturity that there is more than the here and now.  And, of course, so much more.  Social observations, architecture, monarchies, clothing styles, intricate craftsmanships, civilizations, etc.  Also that I'm not into fiction may play into it.  


Pleased to hear that you are faring reasonably well today.  I'm pulling myself together after some very pleasant exchanges here tonight. Smiley Happy

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Hello @Historylover 

Finally a small window to respond. It's my work lunch break, so I am sitting on my driveway in the sun having peanut butter on toast. I am on my tiny phone so please forgive me if I don't cover all and in the right order. My memory and retention is not what is used to be. I appreciate the time it would have taken you to write to me.


I'm sorry dinner was dreadful, I understand throwing things together at times is the way to go but doesn't always make for satisfying results. I hope tonight you are able to have something more substantial.

I haven't figured out what we will have yet. Guess I'll do that once my work day at 5 is over.


Yes I so hear you, good cooking equipment makes the world of difference, as does your environment. I don't have Scanpans but I know how incredible they are. (My Mum has them)

I'm excited for you that soon you will have the means to use them. Up until recently I didn't have a decent pan, but with the Coles Flybuy promotion was able to get one and it actually makes the whole cooking ordeal more pleasant. 


I'm really sorry things haven't worked out for you but I am glad that you are finally receiving the reburbishment you deserve to your unit as it sounds like it is way overdue. That is exciting!!!! It sounds just lovely. A new kitchen and carpet, perfect. 

Bare feet bliss 😀

It is sad when we are taken advantage of, when in fact being the loyal tennant that you are you should have been given priority. 


Yes this lockdown has ripple effects for all of us. My father has terminal cancer and every minute I can't spend time with him REALLY matters. I only wish that everyone would pull together to do the right thing, but it seems not and sadly no amount of consequence and warning seems to deter some...even protests for goodness sake! 


I do love roses, tulips, peonies and sunflowers are also high on my favourite list. One day I hope to have a cottage garden. These days gardening for me is done out of necessity to pull the weeds and prune. It's been some years since I had potted plants to care for. It was all too much and something had to give sadly. One day...


Yes maturing does open up a whole world of discovering new things and different perspectives. Have you travelled much? I always had hoped to get to Europe to visit my mother's home town with her but now I know that won't be possible. I would still like to go one day.


It's lovely last night was uplifting here for you. It can make the world of difference, can't it? 


I learned that Tafe are offering free courses as a result of lockdown so I intend of looking through them and perhaps enrolling. I do have one in mind but I don't have the funds for it, maybe one of these might earn me credits to apply against it, in turn save some money? Worth looking. 


Well it really is a glorious day here today. Boat weather. There are lots of families passing in walks, guessing to get their kids out during this lockdown. I can't even imagine having to home school littlies! 

I guess I should keep moving as I'm due back shortly. 


I hope you too are having some of this beautiful sunshine. Take care, and thank you for saying hello @Historylover 


Hello also to @Shaz51 @Appleblossom @Owlunar @ShiningStar @NatureLover and all here 🌷🌻🌹🌷