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Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Helloooo all.


One of my "declutter" challenges is my simultaneous passion for "War on Waste" style landfill reduction... I cringe at filing up a bin with whatever. I'm much more comfortable if I can separate it out so it goes to better end uses, one way or another.


So I kept the rubbish bags from our party on the weekend aside to sort. A small bag is unmistakably "landfill". All the plastic cups and plates, plus cardboard and paper, got put in the recycling bin, food scraps either went to the chook or the worm farm, and paper serviettes have also been fed to the worms. Soft plastics are bagged up to take in to the "Redcycle" bin. Plastic spoons... I might give them a quick wash and see if anyone in town takes them as a "free if you want them" facebook offer. If not, they're rubbish. Nice bits of wrapping paper are going in our wrapping paper box for some other pressie.


A fair few of the pressies were plants for my garden. Some were edible treats, and there was a small collection of household or workshop items, plus gift cards and money. So as long as we're wise with the giftcards, we haven't added much "clutter". (The household etc. items are ones we can use, so I guess they're not "clutter" anyway. 🙂 )


We'd encouraged our family to avoid plastic decorations/balloons, so the hall decorations consited of fabric bunting (already had that), paper streamers and hanging decorations, lots of greenery and blossomy branches from the garden, stacks of our old hardcover books, and photos from "through the years". Fabric bunting gets kept for next time, paper decorations are currently being used by Youngest to give her room a cheerful makeover, branches can mulch the garden, books go back in the bookshelf, and maybe we need a few more wall hooks to put some of the photos on display...


So I'm happy. That, to me, is "everything in its right place".

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

@Former-Member, "Medical Typist" hmm, that explains how you've been so 'up' on medical discussions :). I'm praying nothing major with your "secret woman's business" too. Back into d'cluttering soon - broken bar fridge, e-waste (whats e-waste?), broken yard furniture, shed rubbish... That's an amazing effort 🙂 Glad Mr D is doing all the work lifting 🙂

1/2 filled the trailer here now. Can't believe I bought all this S T U F F. into the house 😞 Resting my back atm after busy day. glGotta be out in 48hrs. Ppl keep dropping in 😞 asking "how long?" And of cause, at this late stage its simply "before the weekend, i hope" Do ove it. Helps to hear you're doing it too 🙂

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

still at it, d'clutter mayhem :/still at it, d'clutter mayhem 😕

 Hi @Owlunar


Yep, sooo "over it!" And yep, its one year+ - its nice that you've stuck by me a whole year now, and I you I hope 🙂 Gosh that's gone fast.


"Fireworks" - haha, that was literal, they started cracking while i was typing the post here (yep, i'm easily distracted lol). Not sure what event was on in town but I could see the fireworks from my front verandah 🙂



"Spiritual Sister" just means 'church family / christian friends' to me... The one that stayed Sat night travelled 2hrs to come & I've always had a soft spot for her because she struggles with cPTSD / depression (SI) terribly, and it isolates her, but she loves the Lord so - we have much in common.


But, Unfortunately she had amelancholy meltdown over brekky Sunday, something from her distant past came up & she dropped her utensils, burst into tears saying "I CAN'T FEEL, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO FEEL, I'VE NEVER KNOWN, THATS WHY I'M SETTING MYSELF UP TO 'CHECK OUT' SO NOBODY NOTICES... ... ... 😞  it surprised me. "Don't do it, it will make me sad" i replied.

"You won't know!" she pressed.

"But I will, because you just told me" I said...


It was tense and she went quiet and foggity, and it disturbed me too. it becameone of those moments where silence was best... But it stressed me, at an alreafy stressful time,  and also because  I too struggling with much the same thoughts but rately say, and fighting hard not to go there (like last week when I nearly went under).


 I did suggest she sell one of her three houses and come on a cruise with me instead. But as depression does, she finds many reasons why that's not an option 😞


Sorry to go off track here, but needed to get that out. Its been bothering me and I feel so powerless to help her, especially a.t.m. with so much on my plate.


Funny thing was how quickly she picked up after her cousin came and agreed to help her cart my big sofa bed lounge to give to her daughter (i gave it away), - what a relief when the silence and banging things stopped. Sheesh!  I hadn't seen that side of her before, not sure what to make of it and or why now. She won't take antidepressants but I gently suggested she needs to.


I've had x4 'friendlies' visit this week, i like that friends are around but at the same time - coffee guzzling & chit chat have slowed me down, a lot. They helped, but I had to govern that & answer questions +++ grr!.  Tomorrow 2 are coming for plants.


I Had to go into town today, to see Solicitor, sign stuff.... Feels like I'm not getting much of anything done 😕


Has your "glorious weather" continued down south? Beautiful days herehere too - cold at night.


I was wondering if you were able to do your own washing Dec, with your bad backback..., pleased that you can. And yes, great weather for it, one of my fav housework jobs 🙂 


"How much longer clearing this old house?". Everyone wants to know 😞 but settlement is FRIDAY - that's my deadlne!  


Yes, it has been a HUGE JOB 😞  I'm so ashamed of myself - letting it (the hoarding) get so bad ;( but at least I'm somehow able this time, you're right - " bit by bit - I'm doing it"  🙂  i'll take the medal thanks lol  Darcy gave me one too 🙂


Well, i Best 'down screen' and get back to it, get something done. I Will check back soon.


 Hope you're OK big sis xox


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Former-Member


Lovely to hear from you, was wondering how w'end went.  Continuing to keep you in prayer.


E-waste is discarded electronic appliances - computers, TV, phones etc.


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Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

@Former-Member, we've got a huge job here too. I'm not quite sure that "hoarding" is exactly the right tag for the problem though. Hoarding tends to be hanging on to things out of fear; hanging on to things for security.

Honestly, the excess in our house doesn't make me secure... quite the opposite. More to the point, we're emotionally and mentally overwhelmed. Stuff comes into the house, but we don't have the mental energy to process it and pass on/dispose of the bits that we don't need and don't want. So the house becomes an outward expression of the experience of being psychologically swamped.

You've got a house that was a place of very considerable "overwhelm". To be sorting it now is a huge step forward.

Meanwhile "back at the ranch", we're hoping to live here as long as possible. Well into old age if feasible. Without any "end date", it's good for me to have this thread as a point of encouragement to keep the task of sorting in mind; and seeing others, yourself included, making headway, really helps. It brings the impossible-looking task back into the realm of the possible. And it's good that even the small wins can be celebrated with others who understand that those little "baby steps" matter.

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help


@Smc @Former-Member

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Thanks Darcy & Faith-and-hope :). And Smc, was coming back to your last post (catch-up & all), but like what you just said there "Stuff comes into the house, but we don't have the mental energy to process it and pass on/dispose of the bits that we don't need and don't want. So the house becomes an outward expression of the experience of being psychologically swamped. You've got a house that was a place of very considerable "overwhelm". To be sorting it now is a huge step forward." So true! And a much kinder stand. Thank you. Its been a torrid 15yrs here. I how life is more kind for the days ahead.

And well done to you - I like hearing about others 'doin' it too. And i'm sure you'll make a beautiful home for growing old. Security becomes important as we age. Not trippingbover stuff will be good. LESS IS BEST!

Today i tossed another x6 boxes in trailer for the tip, and just packed another 3 big bags for my 3x3 Storage Shed, which I'm proud to say is only 3/4 full 🙂

My head is in x3 different places:

1. My DAD, making sure he's OK, and being away too long. And the sibling hostilities & what's gonnavbe there when I get bavk

2. HERE emptying out, forevet, and worried I won't tidy enough, or finish in time, or forget something important... and worried about the 'pre settlement inspection' tomorrow... ...

3. NEW PLACE, yes, I have a purchase contract on a 2BR brick unit which has a tennant in place. I prayed about it & believe God teaching me to 'put me first' for a change, and learn that its OK to create a 'soft place to fall, a place to rest when dad dies, or before. I think this is a good move, especially in termsbof counteracting 'blackdog SI' ... would you agree?

I'm ALSO doing a formal WILL (inc POA & AHD) with solicitors, to cash in on the 50% discount re current conveyencing jobs 🙂 Doing a WILL is very confronting / tense, but while I'm in tidying up mode...


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Go you @Former-Member ❣️

Listening along with you .... quietly cheering for you .... 💜💐🌷💕

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Former-Member


Getting things in order can be confronting but, as you know from first hand experience, makes it so much easier for you and yours. 


So very pleased to hear you have bought a unit for yourself. Yes, I agree with you entirely, having a place to land in softly when needed is one less worry for you. 


There are so many emotions re: Dad, I don't know what to say. Your love for him shines through, I know I would have wanted my dear old Dad to be treated with dignity and respect.


Cheering you on  images (28).jpeg









Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help



Ever tried to get off the floor without knees? Ouch! Help. Took me a painful 10min, and it hurt


Cause my bed already bin storage I had a mattress on the floor, forgot I couldn't get up off the floor. Lucky I was near a chest of drawers I could open, but even then it hurt, and bruised my knees more.


Got a bright idea, cause I do need to stretch the pain out of my back throughout the day. I got the palates machine stand, put a 1/2 size door on it (from my shed) and a mattress spare, and slept like a baby last night, and could get up and down easy. Phew! Things work out 🙂