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Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Shaz51


I had my computer on a folding table and there was always paper there as well


This table was unsteady so I have started using my computer on my lap again and and put the unstable table into the carport to put out in the hard rubbish


And the good side - more room in my lounge and the paper has been put away - and I feel this place is so tidy I just about need a medal - aw well - not quite but I can imagine a medal


It's so good to get the lounge tidy





Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Help, crashed, even fell asleep twice typing this. Can't afford to stop now, not fair.

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Shaz51, so good to see you. Love my bird friends here (including owls ☺

@soul, hugzz 🌷💕 @Faith-and-Hope 💜💕 , I see you there.

@Owlunar, good onya for getting lounge tidy, that's my goal now I have space to stack the unwanted stuff. Just popped back (while resting) to l try answer some of your earlier questions.

You said "had no idea you had so many rooms and so many beds as well as the clutter"
... Yep, my gathering and hoarding is a real problem I haven't had much success fixing. Common after a major grief experience I've read. Its embarrassing, hate myself for such a messy house. Normally stay hidden, quite liberating being able to share the photos here (anonymously), the reality of it, nobody really knows my secret hoard.

I learned to sew on a teadle sewing machine - I think all our grandmothers had one. You wouldnt believe the buyer - a young fella, apx 30, came and bought the old machine. He was so excited because he just learned to sew on one similar but mine is in better condition & has 'reverse'!. The Gumtree photos help a lot.

Its easier to part with things after dragging them around unused for decades - drr (me not you) lol

Where am i planning to live? Have no idea. Travel keeps coming to mind, maybe help mum through her last days first. I can't see past 2yrs. I may have yo rent.

When do you think that will be?
... Yes, I have to sell the property first before i decide. I plan to stretch out the contract.

Likr that "Achey-Painey Club" & Over-Doers Anonymous haha, you're funn 🌷

Please send the rain here - so devostatingly dry for 3wks now.
dry. Was it the rain that stopped u sleeping?

Thanks for declutter boost - I'm worried this spare room won't be big enough for what I don't want 😞


You take care Dec, lovely to be chatting again, missed you 💜💕🌷🌿🐦

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

This is BR2-NW corner


I took out the heavy wood partition and opened it onto the sunroom now - tada! Mor junk! And light & breeze ☺


Doing this made it so much easier for the fella to come collect the sewing machine from sunroom / front veranda.

Today i also installed a cute little slide lock on BR2 door so I can lock it to stop people coming into the living area during the garage sale etc Actually works.

Oh, gotta share a picture of the old traddle machine


Thanks for listening 🙂 


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Great work @Former-Member - It's so satisfying when you can see progress. I didn't get to have an open fire all winter because of the boxes of stuff in front of the fireplace so you're inspiring me to tidy up and get rid of the junk. Nearly all mine is child related - books and toys and clothes and DVDs. Kids these days just seem to have so much more stuff than what we had when we were kids. A lot of it I think I will just donate to charity. I've sold a few things on facebook and ebay but some stuff I think it's just easier to give away.

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Former-Member


Last night I had back pain - aw -  on a scale of 1 - 10 not that bad really - but it was more than that - I was feeling some stress. I got up early and had breakfast and I hoped I would go to sleep watching a movie but that didn't happen so I hope to get to sleep early tonight


My Gran taught me to sew on a treadle machine like that too - I really hate sewing - I can have a nervous breakdown if I have to sew on a button - I kid you not - I resisted learning sewing but then I was good at knitting and embroidery - 


Gee - that's so long ago


I understand about you wanting to help your mum out in the last years of her life - I hope you can find a place to rent near her place so you have your own space too - I find my space is soooooo precious - I guess I have had a place to myself for a long time now and this is what I like- but we are all different


My ex-h hoarded - I have no idea why - he had a bungalow on his mother's property and it was full of junk - when she sold that place he built a garage on our block and just moved it all in there - I have no idea what happened to all of it but I guess you are finding out now that having all that stuff does't help much


I have missed chatting with you too - I really enjoy you - 


And yes - it's amazing that one folding table in my lounge should make the place messy - and it was - another thing - I would find an ant on me now and again while I was watching TV and couldn't work out where they were coming from until I found they were walking under the edge of the shelf of my wall unit - they seem to have all gone now - I wonder what they were after - I guess I will never know


We have a wet week forecast - I wish I could huff and puff and blow the rain north but alas - waaaaalllll - at least it's mild today


Lots a hugz



Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

You can do it @Former-Member !!
I use to rotate my kids toys.


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

@Owlunar, strange that you hated sewing but was good at embroidery (which is much of a muchness to me). I love sewing but hand sewing is best, and crocheting. Haven't got the machine out for many years. Depression interferes with creativity and all the things in love. Really have to push against Blackdog to make them happen. 😉

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Former-Member - good to see that you are resting. All that decluttering can take its toll. That guy who bought your sewing machine got a bargain. It's beautiful but I guess you have to be a bit ruthless in culling what you won't need. 

My old sewing machine stand just had the wrought iron frame, no drawers and only some timber slats for the top. A bit like this but without the machine. 


Keep up the good work. Hi to @Owlunar@Former-Member@Shaz51

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Former-Member
Sorry I've been MIA but I got a dreadfully heavy cold which turned into pneumonia. Plus the AS which has now affected my spine from tail to shoulder blades. So painful......

I'm impressed with how well you're going with the down sizing . I'm doing the same but nothing for the last week as I've been too ill and in too much pain.

Keep up the good work. Thinking of you. Hugzzz 💕