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Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help


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Typing same time @soul, not familiar with Game of Thrones, but waiting for your pic ☺ thanks

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Yippee - happy times @Former-Member!!!!!! Must have felt good to have that corner of the room all cleared up. You must be proud of your progress. We are. 

Great news that your son has been in contact with you. I could sense the disappointment you felt when he didn't on his return. Not so good about his arm. Good that he had a wonderful holiday and is keen to tell you about it. 



Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Thank You @soul, it does feel good - the beds are lined up in that space now (freeing up the other corner for stacking boxes to go).

Advertised a fee things on GUMTREE this week, sold the trough (once used as sandbox for kids), someone came yesterday to look at the piano and someone's coming 11am to buy the old treadle sewing machine. Wow! Really like Gumtree and so glad this phone can do that with pictures & all, very cool! 🙂

What are you doing today 🙂

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

You are doing brilliantly @Former-Member. And making a bit of cash as well is a nice bonus. I still have some of the ex BPD's things here in the garage. Must sort through them. Been putting it off.

I've been out walking. Will have breakfast and then settle down in front of the computer for the day. Yoga this afternoon. Same, same. 

Looking forward to hearing about your progress today. 

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Former-Member


I had no idea you had so many rooms and so many beds as well as the clutter - and that you have some interesting things like that treadle sewing machine - my grandmother had one of those - it would be worth quite a bit now - I wonder what happened to it


It's so good you could sell something like that - wow


And where are you planning to live? And when do you think that will be? I guess you have to sell the property you have now first before you can make decisions like that.


And you are in the Achey-Painey Club with me this morning - the entry price is having arthritis or back pain or just bl^^dy tired after all that work - are in Over-Doers Anonymous


It started to rain here overnight - I didn't get to sleep much - 


All the best with the de-cluttering





Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

☺ yep, starting to 'feel' like I'm getting somewhere. Time to open up the archway > sunroom > front veranda for this fella coming to pickbup sewing machine late this morning. Its a big job but just putting self care first
- shower ✔
- even washed hair ✔
- dressed for battle (which for me means - good shoes & socks, daggy clothes and the dreaded necessary 'over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder' lol ✔
- breakfast ✔ bananna & tea (squirmy tommy, catch up later)
- fed birds ✔
- rang mum re son home & ok ✔
- pills ✔
- more tea 🙂

Still not feeling 100% physically & chronic pain doesn't help - don't know how I'm doing it actually - but I am. 😇lol think I'm just on a roll, gained momentum - weird ☺

I'm impressed with your walking and yoga - amazing! Almost inspire me to do it. I did 'the child pose' yesterday, stretched a few bits out, but did it on my firm bed as pressure on knees hurts and getting off the floor? Not a pretty sight either. Walking might be good. My cuz is a yoga instructor at 67yo, amazing! Is your girl behaving?

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Owlunar, will reply later, just gotta open the entryway so this guy doesn't have to trapse through the house. Think this machine is worth more than $50, judging by interest, but that's what I paid for it 10yrs ago. Good to see you, gotta go for couple hours 💜💕

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

My old high school had treadle sewing machines. If we were lucky, we were allowed to then progress to the electric ones. My Mum had one as well. She was an expert seamstress, had so many skills and so creative  - all self taught.

I had a treadle sewing machine base that I put plants on. Think I sold that for $20 to the back neighbour a long time ago.

My girl - well - I think at times she struggles between dependence and independence. She's very capable but having me around makes her feel otherwise sometimes. Probably why she makes comments like - "Washing again? I used to only wash once a week" Funny thing is that 75% of the laundry is hers.

You sure sound like you're on the ball this morning. Another productive day coming up @Former-Member.   

You can put a folded towel or blanket under your knees to soften the impact during child's pose.

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Former-Member


Maybe you could get a little more for the sewing machine - you could ask.


After all - those old things would be vintage by now - over 100 years old - my Gran was a tailoress - she had done an apprenticeship and her sewing maching would have been around since the early C20th at least


But if you don't feel okay about that - go with your price - it's better than nothing  


Wow - your life is moving along atm



Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hello @Former-Member, you have been busy today Smiley Happy

I have cleared everything off my desk where I have my laptop on , wow have to keep it like this

ha ha but i have put everything on the table on the verandra -- oopps

Hello @Owlunar, @soul, @CheerBear, @Former-Member