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Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Haha, you're funny @Former-Member, thanks for the encouragement 🙂 And all of you. @Maggie - unforyunately I avoid YouTube because it blows out my download limit, but next time I'm i'm at the library I'll try remember to revisit your post 🙂 @soul, love you budgie - what avhandsome robust looking character. Birds are amazing. If I don't move I'm getting chooks, maybe gease.

Got Road Service in today. Needed a new car battery. Cost $200 (thatscwhy I felt not to spend my last 300 on a gas cylinder ($170) & new compulsary "Gas Compliance Cert" ($90). Looks like I'll never afford to visit my parents 😞 Butvgladbi have wheels. He wadvkind enough to fix my wiper squirter for free. 🙂

Still feel crook - having fever shivers on and off now. - made apt to see Dr tomorrow. Just took some analgesia. My whole spine hurts. Even thecneck laying down, sinus and lungs sore. No cough though. Not eating much - Lost 4kg in a week, wow.

Even though I tx in sick for Sat, and the boss didn't answer, she tx me this afternoon telling me shevneeds me to work because my replacement is sick now. wt# - I haven't answered her. What part of 'no' do people not understand? I could drag myself in but think she needs to know I won't be bullied.

I Packed half the sauspans for eviction, and some tools. Still emptying the room of my sons stuff (he wants) before really making progress in there. Its crazy, but starting to see a difference now. Have to go through my Christmas stuff next 😞 - they'll be some memories there.

Have a good night everyone 🙂

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

You're going well @Former-Member .... well done ❣️

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Former-Member - if you think about where you were a week ago, you have made tremendous progress. Good for you that your car has been sorted. Sounds like you may have the flu. It can knock you around and you do need to take it easy. Best not to go to work until you have recovered. Hope it doesn't develop into anything worse. 

Yeah - Christmas things will bring up some memories. I hope you can smile when you think about them. I used to buy two ornaments every year from Hallmark. Used to get be able to get them from Target but then they limited their range and I ordered them from overseas. They were especially for sons and daughters and would depict cute things like snow people or penguins  - little ornaments that could have a girl and boy version. Wonder if my ex husband threw them out. Must ask my son. He's coming for dinner on Sunday night. 

Have you actually gotten rid any of the stuff you don't want yet? Just getting it out of the house and making more room might make things easier for you to work. 

Hope you wake up feeling a bit better. Drink lots, pain killers. Self care. Pace yourself. 

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Thanks @Faith-and-Hope, & @soul
I did wake feeling a bit better (not much) and enjoyed coffee in the sun. Trying to drink more and rest works better for aching bones than anything else, but started magnesium seems to help muscle tension. Feel cold and just under doona again, maybe the flu but feels different. Guess I've made some progress in a week, maybe.

I caved in with the boss at work and said I'll come in but for light duties only, its only 4hrs and i'll just sit at counter. Don't think it will develop into anything worse - fingers crossed. But bit concerned its something else related yo the iron deficiency & inflammatory disease. Time will tell.
Decided to shelve Christmas stuff for now (too emotive taxing). That sounds like acgood idea - buying special Chrissy ornaments for gifts. May by your son can nab them for you ☺ Do you have photos at least?
"Have I actually got rid of stuff?" Well, you woildntvbelieve it, I drove to the op shop yesterday, back seat loaded, but they closed early 😕
Youre right about needing to "make more room" to move.

Well,cbettwr drag myself to the Dr Apt, drop those bags to ff on the way home.

Hope you're OK today 🌷🌿

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Good on ya @Former-Member. Try to drink more water and tea especially herbal tea. Better than coffee but I know it does get the engine going in some peeps. Bit rough about having to go into work though.

Got some photos. Had asked my son to look for them - some packets and albums frompre-digital age. He brought over a few things. Sadly, the rest may have been tossed. I'll ask him about the ornaments.

Hope the dr can help ease your health problems and I know it will feel good to start lightening the load of "stuff"

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Kept waking up as soon as i nod off - most annoying, especially since I have to work in morn.

The RE agent calledvin after work today, made an interesting comment today,

"once you clear out the place you'll probably want to stay - and that's OK"

She wants to put a sign out front but I don't like that idea & think it will sell without it.

Can anyone tell me how to sell a house? 😕 Do I have to have a solicitor?? Wouldn't a sale just be an exchange of money for me? I don't see why I need pay legals, until I myself actually want to buy. Just asking.

The RE Agent & I locked in a brief open house next Saturday and the advertising was launched today.

Yikes! Starts to feel real when you see your own house advertised online etc.

Last night I fixed the stupid TV stand that kept falling apart. Pulled out the reticulating saw and cut 5" off the back (was triangle, now rectangle) added screws and glue everywhere to stop it falling apart ever again, and put new wheels underneath ☺ Yay!!! Pleased with myself - t works, and doesnt fall apart now. Even though i procrastinate ++++++ and take ages to do it - each time i amaze myself I can do some things 🙂

Up with the birds this morning (they're lovely), have heat pack on, enjoying a strong EB tea, bracing myself for doing the shop this morning. Its expected to be by sy too with a couple of events in town. Gonna be a challenge 🌷🌿

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Good morning @Former-Member. Good to see you up and at 'em. Selling the house requires what is commonly known as conveyancing. I did the legal on the purchase and selling of my first home many moons ago. It involved a lot of leg work and waiting at various offices to get pieces of paper signed and processed. I had the time but wanted to save money. You used to have to enlist the services of a solicitor who then just sent their underlings to do what I just told you. 

These days I don't think it's very expensive and there are firms that specialise in just that. There are usually fixed price costs involved. Selling is a lot less complicated than buying. Ask your real state agent. She'd know better than I do. 

As for a sign - yes it does let people know that your home is up for sale. Up to you. Sometimes, the real estate people will hit you up for the cost of it though. 


Are you having second thoughts about selling? It is a big decision but I think you know what you have to do.

Hope it's not too stressful at the shop today. And how clever of you to fix the stand. Reminds me of something my Dad would have done. Jack of all trades. Never threw anything out in case it might come in handy. I recall cleaning out the under the house area of their big old Queenslander and finding multiples of broken appliances, dozens of bottles of screws he extracted from other things. Every power and hand tool imaginable. So many  offcuts of timber. Pieces of string. You name it, he had it. His workshop was amazing. I think my sister's husband took most of it. A lot was thrown out. We hired two of the largest skip bins. 

Your cute little birds. Any more signs of nesting yet? Have a great day. Hope you are feeling better. 


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Did you survive the morning @Former-Member? Hope you're having a bit of a rest. Maybe some more sorting tomorrow?


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Thanks @soul, I fell asleep when I got home and not long woke. Its cold and my joints hurt, so its hard to 'keep going' But, the negayive committee in my head is quiet atm

I survived the shop shift better than I thought I would but... What was hard was my offsider's 8yo granddaughter came into work with her. She reminded mecso much of my girl the whole time. She was sweet, and smart and bubbly (like my girl) and took a liking to me, always chatting and touching my hair. Its he two-edged-sword thing of grief 😞), hiding those feelings and pushing down the tears is exhausting (oh my heart 😞), Maybe this is also why I've slept all arvo, tired.

I did bring home a whole heap of boxes for packing and plan to fill a couple tonight at leadt, so I've done something today. My temperature is 38° tonight so taking it easy.

Bit sad earlier - two forumites I felt close to here are thinking of leaving for hurting people. I fear its over something i said (re timing). I don't know how to fix it, tried. The hearts can be fragile. Its had d to be honest.. Anyway, pease keep overlooking my not so helpful states, op, now I'm teary, sheesh. Time for analgesia.

What did you do today?

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hardly surprising that you crashed when you got home @Former-Member. I hope your attendance at work was appreciated and that it wasn't too busy. Must have been very hard seeing that sweet little girl. I had to blink back tears the other day when I saw an old man trimming the edges of his footpath because it reminded me of my Dad.

Sometimes at yoga when we are laying on our mats at the end of a session very still, I get flashbacks of my Mum in hospital during her last days. It's not easy. 

Try not to feel bad over something you think you may have said on here that people took offence over. Sometimes things can be misinterpreted. I can't imagine that you would ever hurt anyone intentionally. At the end of the day, we are all different with varying points of views which in itself can change over time. 

That's what makes us unique. I think a bit of tolerance and respect is the key.