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Re: Life can be a Pain

Yes @Gazza75 


I am sure they are more sparkly - I looked them up on the internet and they probably had a bright light shining on them and I really got interested when I saw that


My family has moved into my back courtyard now so I took a pic of part of my front garden - it looks so green and fresh in the sunshine




Oh yes - now I had better take the bucket and watering can around to the back as well - mmmmOh yes - now I had better take the bucket and watering can around to the back as well - mmmm

Re: Life can be a Pain

Thanks for sharing the picture of your garden @Owlunar .  It looks very neat and tidy and I'm sure it will be great in a few months once it gets established 🙂

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Former-Member 


I love the use of imagery when I have to do something or endure something I am not excited about - when I have and MRI I imagine I am seeing the places I have been on holidays and it's great how quickly the time goes


It's always helpful with sleep too - one trick I like is to imagine another story from a film I have watched or a book I have read - I guess I never get to the good part or the ending to write it but my imagination enjoys itself and I enjoy myself doing this


It was excellent waking up this morning and not feelling the stress I had been controlling for months - I decided I wouldn't think about the pain specialist situation until after I had been to Cairns - then I had so much to do - I had an MRI and sorted out a psychologist and the specialist and I had to wait for both which was okay - and also I had a lot of  paper-work to do for the specialist - I wonder if they ever read all of that - and I did an a activity diary for two days and there was more paperwork when I got to the clinic as well - at least I have done that and it seems worth all that effort


What can I find on imagery?





Re: Life can be a Pain

It will be great @Gazza75 


They always do a fantastic job and this time they have laid down a lot of tan-back that will keep the weeds from taking over 



Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Owlunar  hope you have a lovely day today and are enjoying your revamped garden.  Take care xx

Re: Life can be a Pain

@Owlunar  ( grandma Gonzales’s) I liked that. 😁😁😁😁


Your garden is looking beautiful. They have done a great job. Yes, watering will get you up and going over the summer mths. Hopefully with little or no pain.


Appointments over and it looks like @Gazza75  is sharing some of the magic in DP. Always beautiful and encouraging to many of us here.


Sending warm thoughts, hoping it’s not too hot in your area today. 💕💕💕💕

Re: Life can be a Pain

@Owlunar, here is a close up of the painting so you get more of. An idea


Ughg for some reason it's upside down 

Re: Life can be a Pain

You've got a great daughter and son in law @Owlunar   
Photo of your front garden looks really nice. 
glad your appointment went well too. 
hope you are ok. ❤️ Xxoo

Re: Life can be a Pain

Thanks @BlueBay 


I do have a great family and it was good catching up yesterday - and I am very pleased my garden and looks they worked hard and fast and got the whole garden done quickly - the back was pruned and weeded and that makes the cute little courtyard look like a nice place to go outside and eat in the sun


And yes _ my appointment did go well - I am pleased with the outcome though it means facet joint injections which helped me in the past


It's good to see you here this evening - I hope you get a good night's sleep and feel better tomorrow after such a bad night


And today I feel strung out like an over-tested rubber band - and outchies from the physical pain where I was probed - the doctor has to check out the arthritis I guess


And - and - I went to sleep in the chair with the computer on my lap - I'm glad I didn't let it fall onto the floor


You have had a lot of changes in your life too - but most of it is sorted now 


All the best



Re: Life can be a Pain

Thanks @Gazza75 


That looks wonderful 


I think this looks like a great Christmas present to myself 



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