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Re: How do ya know what's real?

Hi everyone. I'm going through the same thing. Feeling very alone. It's hard to know what to say. I think sometimes that the way society is striuctured these days is not great for anyone least of all is. Lots of very lonely lovely people out there. We are encouraged to go out make friends but get toxic people out of our lives. I feel as a society we should be teaching compassion empathy and inclusion and conflict resolution. Today people are celebrated for how much they have. How many friend or likes they have on fb. It's not us it just the way society is. No one wants to be around depressed people they want to be lifted up. That leaves us very alone. Tawney I'm guessing and there are studies being done that their are millions of people out their feeling just like us. All we can do is be the best we can be. Find strength in being alone and helping others. Stay well. Xxxxxxx what do they say., what you focus on becomes your reality. Know you are loving and worthwhile and find your tribe. X

Re: How do ya know what's real?

There are

Re: How do ya know what's real?

@Former-Member It's not just black dog. Life can be f&cked. I'm not good with words for this sort of thing but wanted to let you know that I read and that I wish I had words... for you and all of us Heart

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Re: How do ya know what's real?

Thanks @-Rayne-, @espirit, @Former-Member, @losajane... Seems you know what I mean and were not alone. In an abuse situation the victim is told so often that she's nothing and her opinions are stupid, invalid... Its hard with MI with off thoughts - how do we know which thoughts are off / not real or who to listen to when they tell us "just look at it from a different perspective..." OK, yeah well, sometimes it works! Sometimes its another delusion. Anyway, guess this is the human condition. The extreme, the flat and somewhere in between. Just trying to o find the latter and stay there as much as possible.
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Re: How do ya know what's real?

I was thinking about what's ' real' and what's not and I started thinking about TRUTH - interesting exercise

Re: How do ya know what's real?

hello again @Former-Member

yes your mind is actually working. it silently works all the time without us knowing. thoughts spinning around in their like a washing machine spinning.

truth - signals to me that you have moved out of the murky depth at your pace and are moving in to a new area possibly. question time. dont be frightened. if it becomes too challenging just tell yourself that you are putting those thoughts aside for the moment as you are busy doing something else.

when do you have your next specialist appointment? if not soon are you able to ring and ask for an earlier one?

you have been in a place where not only memories are stirring, hospitalisation for physical treatment, new job, son's birthday and the rest.

special time for tawney to have some care, gp? specialist? carers australia?  ask for it you do deserve it definitely


please look after yourself and know how important you are to so many on here. xx


Re: How do ya know what's real?

hello @esprit @Former-Member @-Rayne- @Former-Member

beautifully said. love this part:  "what do they say., what you focus on becomes your reality. Know you are loving and worthwhile and find your tribe. X "

I believe that when we dont give up on ourselves no matter how hard it gets. we recognise our boundaries and respect ourselves. we start to look after ourselves not just others in our lives. when we are more comfortable with ourselves alongside of our illnesses. our illnesses are part of who we are. when we like being on our own, alone, as opposed to lonely, we know that yes there are many people we know who we dont really like, we tolerate if we have to have them in our lives. We do have a choice how often we see them though.

It has taken me a long time to get here, to pick myself back up after another knock down in life. I now know that I have to live in the moment, in the day, no further ahead, no looking back. This is what I can deal with. This is my first step. I am practising smiling again. Still feels awkward, hard to do but for today that is enough.

so a big smile to you all my friends.

I am thinking about finding my tribe. Somehow I think we will find each other along the way.

Re: How do ya know what's real?

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