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Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Very glad to hear you're back to reading @NatureLover . It should give you a boost. You'll tackle the house when you're ready.

I walked to the shops after thinking I might need a delivery... glad I felt well enough.

I'll be guided by the surgeon but I'm not happy about it. 

I saw University of Sydney have a new treatment for hoarding. Something to do with reimagining the consequences of letting things go. For me it's more steeling myself to face the memories associated with old papers, which are what I'm dealing with at the moment. The decision is keep/recycle/shred. Slow work.

I'll have to do my tax... 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@Dimity Thanks for your kind encouragement. I do have to tackle the house this weekend though. The kitchen is approaching non-functional. 


I'm also glad you felt well enough to walk to the shops 🙂


By reimagining the consequences, do they mean reframing it to the benefits of letting go rather than the losses? 


Papers are slow difficult work, you're right. Tax too! Good luck...


A friend gave me an old unused raised garden planter box on wheels today. I need to build it this weekend (it's a flat pack) as I want to plant silverbeet. It would be nice to pop out and pick some green leaves to add to soups or pasta, and give me some nutrition. 


It's raining now, so does this mean you won't get a walk today? I know you like to walk in the late afternoon / evening...

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Your own silverbeet sounds good @NatureLover . My kitchen was non-functional too.

I don't know the details of the USydney therapy but I think they said it was related to CBT.

I did walk, there were just a few spots of rain. The walk is very important to me but my low fitness is frustrating. There was a lot of litter but I haven't managed a litter pick up since my setback in April. 



Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

It sounds like your kitchen is functional again now? @Dimity 


I wonder if you'll get in a walk today...heavy rain here, plus some wild weather on the way. 


I imagine picking up litter would be hard on your back. 


I'm not going out today, other than picking my moment with no rain to get the bins in. Reading, laundry, tidying today hopefully. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

My kitchen is a daily effort @NatureLover . Or should be.

I didn't walk yesterday. Very wet. All the bins were left with lids open so I had to upend them to tip the water out.

My NBN isn't working so I'm limiting my time online. Good luck with your efforts. 



Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I'm sorry to hear your NBN isn't working 😣 Is that due to the heavy rain we've had? @Dimity I know rain affects ours. 


Was that tough on your back, to have to tip the water out of the bins?


I am setting myself a 3 hour goal today on the house: 30 mins on each area. Well, there's only 3 rooms in my small house, but the kitchen benches and the kitchen floor each need work, ditto the lounge-room. 

I'm late getting started but I figure if I set a goal of 3 hours and only end up doing 2, that's still good. 


Good luck with your tasks today... 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity , any news on your NBN getting fixed?


I managed 2 hours' work yesterday, but not on the kitchen which is the most needed. Today I will try again, plus attempt to build the portable garden planter I was given. 


Hope you are coping...

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Well done on the 2 hours @NatureLover . I didn't get much done yesterday - perhaps an hour.

The NBN tech could arrive from 8am tomorrow which means an uncharacteristic early start for me. I'm feeling ashamed to have them given the state of the house. I'm feeling very apprehensive.  I haven't actually seen anyone I know for over 2 months and apart from a call from my psychiatrist it's 3 weeks since I spoke with anyone. 

Good luck for your efforts today.





Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Well done on your hour, @Dimity . That's more than I usually do. 


I understand being apprehensive about the state of your house with a technician coming in. Or is it social apprehension as well? 


Good luck with your To Do list today, and with getting up early tomorrow... 


If you want to chat I'll be here, if your mobile phone service allows it. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I guess social apprehension as well @NatureLover .

Hope you're having some success today  I've done 1 1/2  hrs so far and intend to continue after lunch.