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Looking after ourselves

Re: Resilience

Thank you for posting that @Former-Member 

RESILIENCE is a good topic.

I am glad it touched on things in a nuanced manner.

@tyme @HenryX @MDT @Shaz51 @Snowie 

Apologies I am not involved in those peer chats. 


I tried it once, but it was technically clunky and not for me. 

I feel pressured to make good use of my time.


HenryX I guess there are slightly different empahsis on the Lived Experience and Carers Sides of the forum.

Re: Resilience

Thanks for the tag @Shaz51 💕

Re: Resilience

hello everyone Resilience is such a good word ,to me it means to Persavere despite lifes difficuliculties,to keep focusing on the now and moving forward,not to stay still or stuck but to move ,change ,evolve over time wether thats sometimes taking small steps or huge leaps even when you are unsure of the outcome,still choosing to make as much progress as you can each day but equally knowing that whatever comes you will be strong enough cause youve already been strong enough to face many more things that youve already gotten through to this point,its not an easy journey and sometimes its down right lonely but its worth it ,its worth the effort,the time,the self growth and the learning ,you can do this, lots of love LostAngel

Re: Resilience

Hi @Appleblossom 


It seems that we are in a similar position with regard to the peer group chats. Firstly, like @Sophia1 and others, I have had difficulty accessing the Chatwee site. I also find the peer group chats, as you say, "technically clunky" and disjointed, because of the time lag and intervening responses between questions, comments and answers. It can be rather distracting and frustrating.


@Appleblossom, I do not know to what you were referring when you said,

"HenryX I guess there are slightly different emphasis on the Lived Experience and Carers Sides of the forum."

Consequently, I do not know how to, or in what way to respond.


With Best Wishes


Re: Resilience

@HenryX You related 'Emotional maturity' from "8 Dimensions of Wellness" and 'Resilience' threads which are on "opposite" sides of the forum..I agreed but 'Resilience' has become a popular current concept in discussing those with Lived Experience of mental illness.  I read the transcript of the chat and was glad Sane were taking a balanced approach and not throwing it around as the latest panacea.  Carers and friends of those dealing with mental illness definitely need resilience too!  


'Emotional maturity' is a concept more used in "normal" psychology, although I like to use it in all discussions of human existence and behaviour, and tend to blur divisions of normal and abnormal, so see can also relate on this side of the forum.





I have a slightly aspie take and tend to be more literal than most ... it comes from living in books a lot and not having sufficient discussions about life ....irl.

Re: Resilience

Thank you @Former-Member for the transcript. Like @Appleblossom and @Sophia1 I have given up trying to be involved with the chatwee chats as it has not worked due to tech issue for me

Re: Resilience

Hello @Appleblossom 


Thank you so much for your reply. Most of my experience has been interacting with people, both as clients and "fellow" staff members. Consequently, words had to be selected for their meaning, in the moment, for exchange with the people for whom they were directly intended. Hence, I think, part of the reason for my, somewhat descriptive verbal interactions here on the forum. I endeavour to be as clear in meaning as I attempt to be in intention. Interacting with people who either did not speak or were not fluent in English meant that searching for words and their meanings was common, either in person or through translation services.


The concepts of Lived Experience and Carers and friends were somewhat blended, in being aware of self and others. The interactions were relatively short term, so communication and its consequences tended and were intended, also to have fairly immediate effects. Obviously, the personal 'investments' had rather different qualities and were possibly, more fluid, than when interacting and dealing with close family members, over extended periods of time.


From these experiences, I have developed a significant interest in the meanings and broader interpretations of words in the only language that I speak.


Best Wishes


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