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Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

Thanks for that @Shaz51 

I like the idea of 'functional hours'. I need to recognize that it's unwise to try and push through exhaustion, whether physical or mental.

I have come to grips with the symptoms of manic and depressive episodes, but mixed episodes are hard to understand or explain. I can recognize it in myself in a 'know it when I see it' kind of way but it's so hard to deal with.

I hope that today has been a bit easier than yesterday dear Shaz.

Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

Hello and hugs @greenpea , @RL43 ❤❤

Hello my @frog sending you understanding hugs my friend xx, sitting with you 

Yes today was a lot better,  Mr shaz slept alot today and he felt he was able to share a solution  xxx

Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

Hello @Kit8 😀

@Jynx , @Former-Member , @tyme 

Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

@Shaz51 ,


I'm glad Mr Shaz felt better today. Rest and sleep really do make a huge difference.


Take care my friend,


Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

Hello @bipolarbunny
My husband was diagnosed with bipolar in January after years of trying different anti-depressants. It was a shock diagnosis but then he finally realised that there was an issue and was not just me saying something was wrong. He was put on an anti-epileptic (commonly used for bipolar), gradually increasing the dosage. Now he is decreasing his anti-depressant. He really struggles with tiredness and now excrutiating  headaches since he as been taking the new medication. Seems to me as if he can be up and down often within one day and I'm not really sure if its just a matter of balancing the medications or whether its not a correct diagnosis or medication. He had a scary episode over the past weekend. Friday evening and Saturday he was all jumpy, ate his meals like his life depended on it and interupted when kids were talking but forgot what he was going to say if told to wait until they were finished.  Driving home after an evening out with family he had been discussing how jumpy he had felt over the last day or two and felt so exhausted then suddenly just went quiet and starey - as if he has lost connection with anything. I made him pull over and when he started to get out of the car he realised where we were and said he would continue driving as we were nearly home. He had not been able to recall the few minutes prior and was nearly in tears but all that jumpiness from earlier was gone and he was so so tired.  I just feel helpless to help him when either in overbouyant mood or depressed and would like some advise how others get on/manage their partners moods and if anything can be done to minimise the ups and downs as i expected the medication would help with that. 

Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

Hello and welcome @Fearful 

My husband was given soo many diagnosis and put on anti depression medication which were not helping until he had a breakdown and put in hospital 

Then diagnosis with Bipolar 2 , then they added a anti anxiety medication as well 

I would see his doctor again and let him know what is happening,  medication might need to be adjusted 

We also have some members @frog , @greenpea , @Dimity , @Olga , @HenryX , @Mazarita , @eth 

And we also have another thread Let`s talk about Bipolar that you can click on to 🥰