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Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

Hi @ShiningStar !

Thank you so much. It really is a privilege to help out and give support where I can.


When I was first diagnosed I was so frightened, frustrated and confused. It took me a long time and a lot of pain & grief before I understood what was happening to me. If I can help ease that pain & grief for others and make their journey a little easier then all my struggles will have been worth it.


Thank you again for your kind words, they are so appreciated. Have a lovely night. xx


BB 🐰💙 

Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

thank you so much @bipolarbunny this sharing of experiences makes me feel less alone I will definetly write everything down before appointment, I shouldnt say this but it does seem as if my issues could be a mix of bipolar,and possibly things from past trauma or depression/anxiety but anyway I dont know for sure will see what Phychiatrist says best not to other think it besides need to get some sleep thank you again

Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

Hi @bipolarbunny 


It’s so lovely to hear from you - it was my pleasure Heart


Absolutely! The opportunity to be able to reach out and connect with people during some of their darkest hours is such a privilege Heart


I can’t even begin to imagine how afraid, confused and frustrated you felt during this time in your life and it sounds as though trying to make sense of everything that was happening for you was an incredibly long, distressing and painful process Smiley Sad


Absolutely! Being able to create a sense of meaning and purpose from the experiences in our lives that have resulted in so much pain and distress, can be incredibly powerful and I have every confidence that you will be able to shine the most beautiful light for so many people who are trying to find their way through the darkness Heart


Take care,


ShiningStar Heart

Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar



a million thank yous


I have taken the liberty of printing out your replies to make it easier to re-read when I need to... I may even share some with Mr S if that's ok


I also want to make some comments but I can't today....



Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

have appointment booked by phone today and although my mind is feeling a bit clearer Im going to have to use sane posts possibly as a way to explain symptoms to doctor by phone ,Ill use these to refer to about my recent mental health symptoms

Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

@LostAngel I am glad I could help in some small way. Yeah overthinking things can lead to more anxiety but it's hard not to some times. Just do your best to get through the coming days till you see your psychiatrist. I wish you the very best. Please know I'm always here to listen and answer any questions as best I can. I may not answer straight away as sometimes when I'm struggling I need to take a break from the forums. But I will always answer you. 
Take care xx

BB 🐰💙

Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

@LostAngel wrote:

have appointment booked by phone today and although my mind is feeling a bit clearer Im going to have to use sane posts possibly as a way to explain symptoms to doctor by phone ,Ill use these to refer to about my recent mental health symptoms

Good idea, as long as you have something you can refer to. Good luck, let us know how you get on. xx

BB 🐰💙

Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

@SJT63 Good idea re printing it out, there's a lot there to take in. And yes absolutely feel free to share anything you feel might be helpful with Mr S. Also if Mr S has any questions he'd like to ask, feel free to ask on his behalf. Take care xx

BB 🐰💙

Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

Hi @ShiningStar ,

Definitely, if we can make sense of the dark it makes the light all the more beautiful for everyone. Have a wonderful day my friend 🙂 xx

BB 🐰💙

Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

thank you @bipolarbunny I appreciate your support ,am leaning on family support currently mainly my two aunts and Im looking forward to a trip away tomorow to see family so that will do some good although today that means packing which I dont particulary like but yeah going away will be good ,company of family,and fun times Smiley HappyHeart