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  • Author : AlDenteRodente
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  • Topic : Welcome and getting started
07 Jun 2024 05:05 AM
Casual Contributor

Hi all,


Still trying to figure out how to navigate this forum but I'm hoping to find support and be able to give it here.


I guess you can call me Rodente.

I have autism, adhd and all the mental health issues common with that.

I also have fibromyalgia so I pain and fatigue are a constant companion.


I have been on the DSP most of my adult life but recently started working part time. It's been very hard on my physically and emotionally but I want to keep working in some capacity.


It just feels like I'm destroying myself at the moment, even though I know realistically the work isn't very demanding and I'm positively impacting others doing it.


All of my energy outside of work goes to preparing for work and trying to maintain my home while everything slowly degrades.


Even when I have a break from work I struggle to muster the energy to do any of the many things I wanted to do or used to enjoy.


I feel broken and don't know how to start fixing me.

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