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  • Author : Gillie1
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  • Topic : Recovery Club
25 Apr 2023 10:52 AM
Senior Contributor

Hi @Shaz51 

Feeling grateful for Cookie. Also working out how to be a responsible puppy mum

Got scared out at the park and that interfered but it was big just being out there.


Feeling better every day but each time I take a step forward I get scared and experience self judgment. Not good enough,  Not doing enough. Not safe yet.


Accidently stood on puppies paw just a little while ago so physically shaking in guilt over that.


I'm also scared of what my neighbor is saying about me still. I don't want to go down the path of saying all the crap she has impacted me with because it won't achieve anything. Just create more conflict but I feel defenseless against it.


I know she has made accusations that just aren't true but don't know most of the details. 


We need to work out how to coexist for the sake of both our dogs.


So my patterns of thinking and social stressor haven't changed as much as I'd like.


At the same time Cookie discovered Ice cubes tonight and that was just totally hilarious.


Positive and negative intensive at the same time.


Brain fizz.


Does that help?

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