I was referred to endocrinologist some yrs back because of hypothyroidism. They didn't prescribe we with anything..only did blood monitoring till the t3 hormone level came back to normal. I can't remember why i was prescribed with statin. My bp had always been 106/61 up to 112/80 which was considered excellent by the doc i met ystd. Sugars, cholesterol etc in its optimum range as well. The thorough medical checkup i did last year..my blood vessels is only 19 yrs old despite my age being 46. Perhaps..the natural remedies like ciders, honey, olives, nigella sativa ive been taking and promoting had done the trick.
Was looking up studies on infrared sauna for fibromyalgia last night..trying to work my way out of the fibro meds as well. Doc changed my meds 3x now since those i had taken only helped for a short period..then gradually it made no difference..the pain is still so intense i only feel some relieve in using the hot pack and doing a lot of stretching.
Btw..we discussed the defense mechanism not to apply..but rather...like u said
@Appleblossom...to reflect & understand the people around so i can improve my interpersonal skill when interacting with them. Had been in some of the earlier types u mentioned in my yesteryears but after 40 we noticed the pattern is more directed towards intellectualization and the mature mechanism 13-15. The psychotherapist had encouraged to stay on with the 4 mechanisms at the same time be aware of my limits...knowing when to cut loose..when to back off..so as not to get too overwhelmed which will become stress factors that create swings and affect the polars.