@Vanessa &
@Vanessa5 welcome to the thread. And hi again
@Appleblossom and
@Neo youre welcome to contribute. And @Former-Member plus hello to a few others who contributed earlier! I'll look through the thread and tag you...
@Shaz51I hope youre all feeling at peace and at ease.
I hope youre all managing well.
& have a good day...
Its good to read some new contributions. And read about different prospectives on someones personal experiences of their illness. It makes me feel less alone and less isolated because of my own illness. (Which is a daily battle to be up against ) just the other day... i thought to myself... hang on! Ive let my illness start controlling again and it has become the pivotal focus of my mind. (Perhaps because of a traumatic anniversary)...
It really aint pleasant to be continually put through suffering and torment because of a mental illness. And after 12+ years. I will say... i dont think its going to go away. So better buckle up for the ride.
It all makes sense Vanessa. Sounds like youre very aware and alert of what the illness is doing to you. And like you know what needs to be done to minimize the impact on your life. And what youre wanting to get on with in life. The simple and the little things is what needs to be got right. And then everything else falls into place. Very hard when youre talking about simple and little things of the mind. It taks patience, time and support.
Its cold, windy and wintery here today. So its a case of one foot after the other. Think about what options are available. And choose what i want to do. -the option of attending church occurred to me. Or, visiting a friend. Or inviting a friend around. Walking the dog. But have backed down from them.
I usually wake up feeling very miserable! And unless i got something i can confidentiality do. Which is good for me. I back down and retreat from all the ideas i have. Its a case of "recluse mode " because everything is too hard to face.....
Now, let's talk options... insteadof procrastination...
Visit mum and dad for cuppa. (Get me and dog out of house for 45 mins ) breathing space, fresh air, help them -help me, revitalize )
Visit a friend. (Chat, coffee, cigarette, small walk )
Call a friend. (Drive to beech, and walk )
Walk with dog. Around the block. Or to beech.
Drive with dog. To the parking bay bye the seaside.
Go to church service. Be around people.
Buy coffee and go sit on the bench down bye the foreshore. With dog.
All confidence building, life giving and motivation increasing activities. Chemical giving.
Then after i done one of these things. I'd feel much better about being cooped up for rest of day. Gotta ease myself into this process. Or none of it happens. For themoment its coffee, couch time and ciggies.
Afterward i could shower, eat food, journal entry, art and design. Plan for next outing.
I think the list of negative thinking patterns helps me in times like this. So i can see what im doing to myself. And change my ways.
Will hear from you all before to long