I take note and admire. The strength from within. Tell tale signs suggest it is all true. Even if the world. Denies. That it is out to get you... i keep to myself and avoid what my mind tells me are blatantly bad things. And i give it all it wants. Because it is so demanding, unforgiving and relentless! I dare not tell the world what i really think. Because it would not understand. Nor would it really care. Nor would it be prepared too admit. That it is just as wrong as me. I will go about my days as i please. And avoid the scary system as best i can. And i will do only what i need too. And i will accept and realize that i have not one single friend. And this is the way it shall be for me. For all the rest of my days. And i shall not be the slightest bit worried or displeased. Because i have everything i need. And as for the others like me except who have a pack mentality. I feel and know that the toxicity. Will eventually get the better of them. And bye that time. My hands will be clean. And i will be redeemed. And happily laughing. Thanks for listening
@eudemonism really appreciate your kindness, compassion, love, mercy and judgment once again. I'd be truly lost without you my friend. Always right on que when i need you.
It's ok audiendence 'it's all apart of the show. Need not worry or stress. Xx p.s. all has been a derivative of a man's experience of reality.