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Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

In the moment I guess I just went along with the humour of it and said sure Iโ€™m definitely in the range. I felt uncomfortable about especially because itโ€™s not just about neurodivergence for me but also trauma. It did make me click that they think there is something different about me and I guess I donโ€™t necessarily have a problem owning that as long as itโ€™s not about stigma/discrim.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

Welcome @idek ,


Great you could join us. 


What are some things you enjoy doing? Is there something you are hoping to get from these forums?


We look forward to hearing from you.



Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

Hey @Hyperballad ,


I'm sorry to hear that you don't have many friends or family to talk to. It must be a lonely journey.


Could neurodiversity not only be different but better? 


People have often asked if I'm neurospicy lol. I have to admit I have 'unique' ways, but at the same time, I don't see why I should do things the same way as everyone else!


Yet I hear you when it comes to stigma and discrimination. It's hard. It's like when someone says they are 'autistic', people automatically categorise them into some anti-social case, when the truth is, they really want to socialise and have friends!


Whatever it may be, please know you are not alone @Hyperballad 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks @tyme,


That is a tough question haha. 

I enjoy playing guitar, singing, song writing, jogging, spending time around the ocean and spending time with good friends and those close to me.


I don't really know exactly what I'm looking for.

I suppose a safe space to share my experiences while also learning from the experiences of others?


Maybe, most of all, I'm just trying to find a way to accept myself.


It's been very tough to accept the diagnosis.

Not necessarily because of anosognosia.

I'm actually often told I have really good insight by health care professionals.

I think I don't accept myself because, growing up, I somehow obtained very many stigmatising and discriminating beliefs regarding mental illness.


I'm much better with that stuff now.

I'm also really stable which is great.

Holistically, my wellbeing is actually pretty good.


I was kinda once told by a psychiatrist that I've "won the world's worst lottery." 

I've also been told that karma exists.

I don't know if either are true.

But if both are, and every action has an equal and opposite reaction, I guess my future should be pretty bright haha.

So that's pretty neat.


Anyway, that's me ๐Ÿ™‚

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

Love it @idek !


Love the way you have framed it "won the world's worst lottery".


It sure does sound like you have much insight into what's going on for you.


For me, these forums really helped me in my recovery journey. By sharing my experiences and supporting others, I found I actually grew from it.


Guitar, song writing is pretty awesome ๐Ÿ™‚ I tried playing the guitar. I found extremely difficult. I prefer piano, brass, double base instruments... I just can't seem to get my fingers around the different chords of a guitar. I can't do violin and its family of instruments either.... it's the fingering I struggle with.


I admire the talent of those who can play these instruments though.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜


It's pretty reassuring to hear that the forums have been helpful and that it's helped you grow. 

Growth is really important to me so hopefully I'll have the same experience.


Yeah though, guitar can definitely be a tough instrument. 

I must say though, it's impressive that you can play so many.

I can barely play piano, and while I can play a bass guitar, it's basically just guitar with the first 4 strings.


Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

Yes we are in contact. He is very polite and nice just another person. Drugs. Ave him flat lined. 
but I have now been left with terrible depression a year on from this shock. 
a be kind friend walks with me in this but she lives overseas. 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

Hey @Bella61 ,


That sounds so tough. @Bella61  Am I right in saying that he left in order to protect you from feeling hurt at seeing him the way he is?


Would you consider seeing your dr about how you have been feeling over the past year? At this time, they may want to keep an eye on the depression. 


Are you able to talk to him at all? 


I just want to share a little from my life. It's different to yours, but I'm not sure if there are any similarities. I removed myself from my family when my mental health was at its worst. I cut them off completely and didnt' talk to them. I didn't see them for years. Why? Not because I hated them, but because I couldn't bear letting them see me the way I was. 


When the time came, I reconnected with them, and things are definitely much better. But all those years I didn't talk to them, I wonder if they felt the same as you?


There is hope @Bella61 . Cling to that hope.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

Iโ€™m just wondering if you are a real person or a BOT?

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

Hi - I am 47 year old mother to 2 girls - now 13 and 9 and have struggled with BPD and anxiety from age 23. I am currently trying to do DBT program, see my psychiatrist and a psychologist for support. I always find January or changes with routine the hardest and I have had to have an inpatient admission into a clinic and hold off the DBT Program as it runs as outpatient only. I am an intelligent, caring and kind person when I am well, and managed to hold a job as a Careers Adviser in university part time for 14 years, study and complete a full  commerce law degree and teaching degree in my early life before having a family.

I feel for all those on this forum with BPD and I also feel relief there is a community of people who struggle to manage their emotions and this challenging disorder. 

Even with my condition and how I am triggered at home, my husband has been supportive and I get up and go home from inpatient care to be there while they get ready for school. I try to be a presence even in the background when I am really unbalanced or experiencing an episode of emotional dysregulation. 

Today has been a hard day as I did the morning and helped my 9 year old going into a new school in Year 5 but had to give in and rest at the clinic. I want to do evenings as well but it is too exhausting right now and my medication is being reviewed. I just wanted to say hello and to acknowledge other parents who are also struggling with BPD ๐Ÿ˜” we are all trying our best and that's all we can do ๐Ÿ™