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Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Thanks @tyme happy to have found this place. Hope I can find some help, share and support others too

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

@Me73 It is always easier to judge ourselves negatively despite not doing so with others. It is also often difficult to reach out for support with family and friends as we don't want to feel that judgement from those closest to us. They may actually surprise you with their support and care and it may take the load off your shoulders a little ...but easier said than done hey.


Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Yes @Me73 ,


We encourage you to continue reaching out. You deserve all the support you can get. 


You don't deserve to feel alone in your journey. We are all learning and growing. We all make mistakes and being around others helps us to get up again.


Looking forward to seeing you around!

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi, I'm new here and came on to find support with complex mental health issues, both as someone who experiences them personally and as a carer for my partner who also has mental health issues. 


I am currently having some time out alone as I have been struggling with dealing with some problems that both our mental health problems are causing in our relationship and in my life in particular. My partner has more severe and a higher amount of mental health diagnoses and problems than I do and is also going through withdrawals from medication so it's a time that he needs my support but I'm just not coping very well. 


I will try and open a new thread in one of the sections on here so I can talk in more detail as I have a lot to talk about. πŸ™‚  

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hey @ConfusedCat ,


Welcome to the forums! Yes please! Start a new discussion and people will be able to share their experiences also. I hope you find the connection on the forums helpful as you navigate your mental health journey.


See you soon!

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Thanks a lot @tyme. I will definitely be hanging around 🌞


today has been a good day yesterday was pretty average. 

I am hopeful by doing the work, gratitude meditation affirmations the good days will again outweigh the pretty average.

wishing all a moment or more of peace and contentment 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hello, first time forum user. I am a woman in my late 30s in a de facto relationship with no kids. I found SANE via lifeline as I was just so fed up with my anxiety. I try to be proactive in managing my mental health as I’m no rookie. But I’m reaching the point where I don’t remember not being anxious and that saddens me. In addition to generalised anxiety I also have health anxiety and OCD. I was also diagnosed with autism later in life which has greatly helped in providing context for some repetitive thoughts and behaviours. Anyway, just wanted to say hi and I’ll keep exploring around. 

A few fun facts about me:

- I recently learned sashiko (a Japanese embroidery/mending method) I find the repetitive patterns really satisfying and beautiful in there simplicity. 

- I FINALLY graduated university at 37. It was an incredibly long road as I was not able to cope in tertiary education adequately and had a lot of fails and stopped and started heaps. But being diagnosed as autistic helped me learn not only my limitations but allowed me to tap into my strengths. This year I have been accepted into an honours program. 
- I love knitting, crocheting, reading and turn-based video games (like civs)


so hi πŸ‘‹. I will see all of you around the forums. 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi Everyone,


Have just completed the volunteer peer guide program back in December so about to start my first shift online in the forums today. Yes I am a little nervous like most people would be at the start of something new. Look forward to getting to know fellow peer guides and increase my knowledge and skill set along the way.


My background is both a carer of someone with a mental illness from birth to adult as well as my own lived experiences. In having a wide variety of knowledge and personal and professional experiences as l previously working in the public health system for quite a number of years before changing career paths to disability, mental health and community services.



Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

@ThursdayNext, welcome fellow peer guide, just wanted to introduce myself and was also a late to find out I had autism, so I can relate to how that feels and why certain things make more sense now about my life now and  the way its woven it's self in my life from a young age and shaped my life thus far. πŸ˜Š

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Welcome @HelloKitty1981 @ThursdayNext !


Great to have you with us. 


Feel free to stop by for a virtual coffee at Share a cuppa? 


Feel free to share your shout outs Thumbs up Thursday - Woohoo! 


Feel free to share what you are grateful for at GRATITUDE 


Feel free to practise reframing here The Art of Reframing - Back by popular demand! 


Feel free to engage in mindfulness activities here Mindful Mondays: New activity every Monday