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Welcome and getting started

Casual Contributor


I'm new here and I'm terrified but I need help. I don't know what kind of help? Just some friendly words to make me feel like a human.

I'm a 46 year old female with quiet bpd and chronic depression and anxiety disorder which l am sure l was born with.

I love animals, nature, music and art. Im a night owl and terrified of society and authority.

I look forward to meeting all of you.


Re: Hello


Im Dockers6, one of the moderators here. Welcome, and thankyou for sharing your humanness on the forum. I am sure many of the members will reply over the course of today, and provide you with some support, and direction.

Senior Contributor

Re: Hello

Hey @Alltaken, welcome to the forums! I've found this to be a really supportive place, I hope you will too.

Re: Hello

Hi and welcome, @Alltaken , it's good to have you here 🙂


Can I ask what "quiet BPD" is? 


And do you have any professional said you need some help? 


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I hope you find the forums supportive 🙂

Casual Contributor

Re: Hello

Hello, nice to meet you.

Quiet bpd or high functioning bpd is everything bpd is but we keep it in. People don't know and when we do go pop and lash out they are shocked you acted that way. Everything seems fine on the outside, you got everything under control but inside it's screaming,  inside is a whole different place and no one knows it....


Sorry, went off track.....the first sentence is the answer. 

Re: Hello

Hi @Alltaken ,


I also have BPD. I can certainly relate to what you are sharing. 


During my early days, as stormy as I was internally, I held a job and did very well at it. However, as soon as I came home, I became a totally different person. People would think I was 'pretending' and I was told I could 'control it'. Those comments really hurt because in actual fact, I couldn't control it.


Years on, I'm in a much better place. After a lot of intensive psychotherapy, I'm a totally changed person. 


BPD has really taught me a lot. I realised I didn't have the skills to regulate my emotions, more maintain relationships. Through therapy, I've come so far. Believe it or not, I can truly say I love life now 🙂


What are some things you are interested in? @Alltaken 

Casual Contributor

Re: Hello

Thanks, nice to meet you
Casual Contributor

Re: Hello

Thanks a lot.

Re: Hello

It's certainly helpful to have people to connect with and talk to @Alltaken 🙂

Re: Hello

Hello @Alltaken it's really nice to meet you, I'm glad you're here! I think you will be in perfect company on the forums and definitely amongst fellow humans who get it 😊


What kind of music do you like?

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