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BPD Granddaughter

Hi I am new to this forum. I need advice regarding my granddaughter who has been diagnosed with BPD 4 yrs ago.  She is 23, a mum to a beautiful 2yr old. Her dad (my SIL) died by suicide 10yrs ago.   My daughter has moved in with her partner because the home life is so toxic.  She now lives rent and bill free as my daughter pays all the bills.  My granddaughter says its my daughter's job as a mother to support her! She was on medication which was doing her good, but has now come off it as she says it makes her too tired.  My daughter is just about to have a nervous breakdown and I don't know how to help her.  Any advice would be grateful thanks.


Re: BPD Granddaughter

Hi @Lizzie4,

Welcome to the Forums. My name is FloatingFeather and I am one of the peer support workers at SANE. It is nice to have you with us.

It sounds like you have a lot on your mind and your concern for all your family members involved is very understandable. I really feel for all of you involved - it must be particularly hard for you to watch your daughter and your granddaughter go through this. I hope you are okay. 

I guess it's a bit of a tricky situation as your granddaughter is at an age where parents, grandparents, the law etc can only do so much (even if they don't necessarily agree with her choices). I would encourage you and your daughter to get some support for yourselves at this time as this is a lot to go through. I have attached two links for organisations for carers here:

Carers Australia 

Carer Gateway 

Both these organisation might be able to offer you some further guidance / suggestions around how you might be able to move forward.

I hope the situation improves for you all very soon - please keep posting on the forums anytime. We are here to help you.

Warm wishes,


PS. I am just going to move this post to another part of the Forums where I think it might get more views and support. 

Re: BPD Granddaughter

Thank you, I did wonder if I was in the right spot, as there is a lot to navigate.   If you could let me know where I can post future comments, thank you so much.

Re: BPD Granddaughter

Hi @Lizzie4,

I know it can be a lot to navigate, particularly when you first start using the Forums. I have moved your posts to the `Welcome & getting started' section so I think if you stay on this thread you will be in the best spot to get some support and interaction from others.

Also just a tip for using the Forums - if you want to directly chat with someone on the Forums use the @ symbol and then start typing their name directly after it. A dropdown box should appear, and you then select their name. This ensures that they are notified of any posts you mention them in.

Warm wishes, 
