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Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

Thank you @Gwynn for your kind words Heart Really appreciate your best wishes! I will miss seeing you and all the members of the forums each day, but hope to be able to pop back in every now and then to catch up with you all 🙂 Wishing you all the best on your journey too! The forums are in such good hands with @Former-Member and I look forward to her getting to know you better 🙂

Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

Thank you so much @Eve7! 🙂 It has been such a pleasure to get to know you better in the Community Guide role this year too Heart I am relieved I will still be involved in the Community Guide program, so will be able to keep working alongside you in my new role.

Your peer support always blows me away on the forums and the whole team were so excited to welcome you to the community guide program! The way you hold hope for others, and sit alongside others on their journey is really inspiring- we are so lucky to have you here on the forums!

Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

Aww, thank you, @Daisydreamer !😀 I try my best.


It sounds like your new role is going to give you opportunities to make a real differance, too, so I hope you find it fulfilling.🙂

Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

Thank you @NatureLover! I have absolutely loved getting to know you in the community guide role these last 18 months Heart I still remember your kindness and warm welcome when I first started at SANE and how special that may my first month. This is something you do so well for other members too, and given it helped me have such a positive experience, I can just imagine how that must feel for our new members too Heart

I look forward to keep working with you in my new role and seeing you shine as a person, a forum member, and as a community guide Heart

Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

Thank you so much @MDT 🙂 It has been a pleasure to get to know you and to see the amazing friendships you have formed here on the SANE Forums. I see each day how valued you are by your peers and hope that you continue to seek the support from this community of friends in your recovery 🙂

I am sure we will still speak often in my new role, and look forward to checking in from time to time 🙂

Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

And of course to our incredible team of peer workers- you are such a light in this community! I am relieved to still be working in the lived experience workforce space where I will still get the chance to see the amazing support you provide day in and day out!

Thank you for your lovely messages @Paperdaisy @Former-Member and to all our peer workers here on the forums Heart

Behind the scenes of the forums, the team are all such a support for each other! And I really value the friendships there and will miss the forums family Heart

Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

thank you for your kind words @Daisydreamer  im really passionate about peer support and would love to chat more.

Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

YAY @Bow I love it too! If you have any  questions, we have a special thread Re: Ask a Peer Worker anything about Peer Support Work which you can jump in too ❤️ 

Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

Oh dear @Daisydreamer ...what a beautiful, heart warming and kind post to read tonight 💕 The time you have spent here as our CM has been exceptional in your own kindness and compassion. You have showed a genuine regard for all and such a beautiful nature with all your interactions here ...if I can show even a little of what you have given us then my work is done 👍 


I am so very pleased that your new role will be building upon all that you have already developed and believe that the peer support program will only grow and strengthen as a result. We can have a passion in a certain area but that does not always translate into action and leadership - for you it certainly does. SANE is so very lucky to have you ...and with everything you will bring to your new role and everything that you are - the program could not be in better hands 💗


The few interactions I have already had with our new CM @Former-Member give me hope going forward - I can already see that kindness and compassion and look forward to getting to know her better 🌹 (couldn't find a Grevillea so a tulip it is!! At least it is red 👍)

Re: A goodbye from Daisydreamer, and welcome to our new leader!

Aww @Daisydreamer Thank you flor saying that about me. I can’t believe anyone would be so kind to think that way about me. I’m truly speechless 😶