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Trauma books

Hi, I found Dr Paul Conti . He has a book on Trauma. @


Re: Trauma books

Hi @Just 

I recently read Trauma, The Invisible Epidemic by Dr. Paul Conti, and I found it incredibly insightful.

As the parent of a child with an autoimmune disease, I was particularly fascinated by the chapter The Physical and Mental Ravages of Trauma. It deepened my understanding of how trauma impacts both the body and mind from Dr Conti's perspective.

I have a special interest in the effects of childhood trauma on physical health and how we can make healthier, more compassionate parenting choices to reduce trauma and ease the suffering of future generations.

I hope you enjoyed the book as much as I did.


Re: Trauma books

@Alisse sorry to hear about your child having an autoimmune disease. It's tuff when you know as a parent, u can't trade places as much as you wished you could. I enjoyed reading your review of the book. Have you any books you would recommend on Trauma? No worries if that's not your usual topic. ?? I'm guessing here that you were maybe reading for other reasons.

Re: Trauma books

Sorry, U are interested in Trauma. Please excuse other earlier comment., about maybe not Trauma. I'm only just hanging in at the moment 80%not all together here. So sorry for my mistake

Re: Trauma books

Hope you are okay @Just 


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Re: Trauma books

Hi @Just 


I hope you're doing well. I wanted to apologise for the delayed response, but I’m so glad you reached out. It’s wonderful to hear that you've read Paul Conti's Trauma. That's such a powerful step toward understanding yourself and beginning the journey toward healing and self-compassion. You should be proud of the progress you're making.


I’ve built quite a library of books on trauma, psychology, and mental health, and I’ve found that knowledge not only deepens my understanding of myself but also increases my compassion and ability to prioritise self-care. I wanted to share some of the books that have had a meaningful impact on me, in case any resonate with you:


The Body Keeps The Score.  Mind, brain and body in the transformation of trauma. by Bessel Van Der Kolk.


Waking The Tiger. Healing Trauma. by Peter A. Levine


What happened to you? Conversations on trauma, resilience and healing   by Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D. & Oprah Winfrey


the Myth of Normal. Trauma, illness & healing in a toxic culture. by Gabor Mate 


Healing Developmental Trauma. How early trauma afffects self-regulation, self-image, and the capacity for relationship. by Laurence Heller, PhD & Aline LaPierre, PsyD


These books have really helped me develop a greater awareness of the impact of trauma and mental health challenges. I also think it’s so important to learn practical coping skills and strategies to better manage life with hope and positivity.


I hope you find something here that speaks to you, or perhaps it will inspire you to discover another valuable resource on your reading journey. And remember, you’re never alone—there’s always someone here to connect with on the Forums.

Be gentle with yourself. You’re doing amazing work, and every step counts.

Kindly Alisse





Re: Trauma books

Hi @Just

Hope you are ok, reach out if you need someone to speak to, this journey can be challenging but there is always help available. See post from @tyme for support services.

Re: Trauma books

Yes, books and skills that's the ticket.😀 hope everyone is doing ok. 

Re: Trauma books

Have been reading some pages I could on one of the books you suggested.🌻@Alisse 

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