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Talking through trauma and PTSD


Re: Running


It's basically a 15cm square pillow for people to stroke or throw or cling onto

Peer Support Worker

Re: Running

Omg... @avant-garde genius!! It's a screaming pillow!! Ahaha


Hope your day has been ok?

Re: Running


Trying to identify what was triggered yesterday with my best friend, feeling unmotivated and hurt

Re: Running

TW: physical assault, rape, self harm


Content/trigger warning
I was in my 20's, finally in a house that I felt ok enough in... I didn't know it was across the road from some of my abusers...
One night I was walking home after church and pulled from behind... three of them, I was kicked and repeatedly raped...
I didn't remember the next day and assumed the wounds were self inflicted...


Re: Running

Dear @avant-garde ,


I'm so sorry this happened to you. These 'wounds' scar a lifetime. And whilst we may move on in life, I recognise the pain remains.


I hope you got the support you needed.

Re: Running



The psychosomatic pain right now... I know it will pass, but it sucks right now

I don't like when helping someone else triggers something I didn't know was there

Re: Running

Hugs @avant-garde ,


Do you have someone you can speak to at the moment (if you feel you need it)?


1800RESPECT? You don't need to sit with this alone. I hear the hurt and pain.

Re: Running


I'm ok enough, this one is new and hit hard but I'll be ok

Re: Running

Hey @avant-garde , I just wanted to check in with you after yesterday. How are you? Did you get to church today?

Re: Running


I was just reminded that forgiveness isn't erasing the hurt, it's allowing the hurt to heal...

My "brother" just dropped around a few small boxes that members from my church decided to "unburden" me of by initially throwing them in the skip bin when I first became homeless, boxes that I then rescued. 

Seeing the boxes doesn't hold as much anger.

First service was painful, the sermon was way too triggering.

Second service is soon and Delilah is going to be there... then I get my happy meal

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