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Re: Not Coping

I just love crying while feeling utterly alone. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 Sorry to hear you're feeling so alone hun. Could you call someone? Maybe give KHL a buzz? 


I'm not around for much longer, but you can always tag the next moderator if you need. 

Re: Not Coping

I don't have anyone and I'm speaking to my regular at KHL tomorrow night @Jynx 

All good. I hope you'll have a good night.

Re: Not Coping

Ahh 😩😭😥 I'm so stupid.

I misunderstood my uncle's text from yesterday, and he is actually free for longer than half an hour. I feel so dumb that I thought that. He meant he was free from 2:00 - 2:30 as a starting time. 

I'm also feeling quite sad and alone. 

He said the following.

"Saturday, I can do a catch-up at about 2-2:30. For a walk/drink."

I feel so stupid once I reread it after he told me. Am I the only one to interpret what he said as meaning he is only free for half an hour? 

Re: Not Coping

Peer Support Worker

Re: Not Coping

Chugging along @Birdofparadise8 how about you? 


Been getting smashed by hayfever today, do you get hayfever? If you don't, living in Melbs might initiate it! I didn't have hayfever till I moved here lol. 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8, today hasn’t been a good day. My body has been under a lot of stress from migraines, so I ended up with digestive issues and stomach pain. You probably can guess the result-moodiness.

@Jynx, I hope the Hayfever settles. I got a really bad bout too, but I learnt the hard way, I must take antihistamines or I’ll be sneezing, snotty and migrainey

Re: Not Coping

I'm sorry @creative_writer @outlander ive upset you in any way I didn't mean to and I hope you can forgive me. Can you let me know if I'm ever triggering to you I'll try my best to assess what I've said and rectify it. I'm really and truly so sorry. 

Re: Not Coping

I'm alright I suppose @Jynx 

I do get hay fever sometime but I've been alright so far. 

Sorry to hear that @creative_writer 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8, I haven’t been on as much simply because I’ve been tired. Don’t worry so much about triggering me, I’ve learnt that if I ever do feel triggered on the forums, I must walk away. I’ve had those moments, and I take responsibility if it does ever happen. Discussing MH can at times me triggering for the best of us even when we remain within community guidelines. You need to realise it’s not your fault if it does ever happen to me