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Something’s not right

My Mosaic

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Bow ,


That sounds so hard to sit in that space. Hugs to you Bow. 


You do matter. And we DO care.

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow and you have every right to be disappointed n angry darlin. I think what is also important is for you to express that! As difficult as it can be, your supports aren't gonna know that they gotta change how they're supporting you if they don't realise how you're feeling.


Hope the appt goes well!


I am ok, been a bit down this week, not sure why. Hormones and lack of sleep maybe. Hopefully just a passing malaise hey. But it's pushed me to make a new appt with my psych (been on break for like 6 months or so) so hooray for that! Just got lots of little stresses as well methinks, rental stuff and car rego and servicing due, bah, all piles up dunnit? Guess I'll have to do something nice for myself then!

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah SIGH @Jynx  the thought of giving my case manager a call tomorrow to discuss it gives me huge anxiety though. And I know that she will make me justify everything and ask a million questions why, cause she has done that before. I called once asking for a call over the weekend and I had to justify why and explain myself. Why can’t she just trust my judgment and be thankful that I am acknowledging I’m not ok and doing the right thing. 

little stressors pile up eh?! I find things like that…. Rental stuff, car stuff…. Adulting stuff, I just wanna avoid, it’s too hard, I put it off. Even good things… booking stuff for our trip, it just takes up too much space inside my head. Throw me under the bedcovers and switch off the light. 
Glad you’ve made an appt! Gotta look after our Jynx! 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Thanks @tyme 


wish it was the case irl though

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow maybe start off the conversation with like 'I'd really appreciate it if you didn't ask me to justify my actions' or something similar? I dunno, it is indeed hard.


Yeah you describe it perfectly! Too much swirling around in brain, all of it important, so of course, suddenly none of it is....


You make me feel all warm inside! Teehee yes, good to be looked after!


I shall bid you goodnight hun, hope your appt goes well! Catch ya next time 😉💜

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

About to head to my gp appointment and my anxiety is so bad.

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Bow ,


How's today been for you?


I read your post about people irl caring. 


I wonder if they just don't know how to show they care, or that what they perceive as 'caring' isn't the same as you? 


Have you told them what you want from them?


I hope they will hear you out. I'm glad you have at least one person in your team who you feel cares.


Hope things are okay with you - I read about your anxiety.

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @tyme … hope your still around, could use some company. 

I went and seen my gp. She was very kind and caring.  Asked again what she could do to support me. I will go back to seeing her weekly until things settle a bit. We chatted, she took the time to listen. 

it’s the weekend now. I always struggle with the weekend. 

Thing is @tyme  i don’t know what extra support I need at the moment, I just know I need something extra. I told my gp this… she understood. 

I’ve not heard from my case manager this week. She was suppose to call. And my psychologist was suppose to pass on the message that I need something extra. I’m sorry. You must be sick of hearing this. I’m too needy. Should be thankful with what I’ve got. 

but I’m not ok

Re: My Mosaic

I'm so pleased to hear your GP understood. That's lovely she asked to see you weekly. It's important to feel supported @Bow .


I'm here for a chat if you want. I hear you find weekends hard. I can relate to that feeling. 


Do you have the markets this weekend?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I did do some art today. This is my favourite from today.  I had a lady buy a piece through FB market place and she loved it that much that she ordered another 9 pieces. I finished off her order today. And another ladies order too. 


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