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Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Yay @Sophia1 

I am glad that my technical suggestion worked. I am not very computer savvy. Glad your story was not wasted



Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

wow @Oaktree 

he looks like every other triangle that meets me until it emerges from it's cocoon..

all shall be revealed tomorrow...

wow so late..

nigh night..

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Night night hun


He does look like a triangle hey?

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

To all Members of this Thread


This is an open letter, of my thoughts, to members of this thread, mainly because it is not referring to any one in particular, but thoughts that, hopefully, if you agree, we may keep in mind when corresponding with each other. If we don't agree, then I'll just go away into my corner and consider myself suitably chastised. I consider each of you as friends, not all at the same level, but there is certainly no animosity between me and anyone else, from my perspective. However there is a genuine wish and desire to engage in communication that is realistically encouraging, nurturing, supporting, helpful, kind, ......and the list goes on.


  • We are all a bit like school kids in the playground. Unfortunately, the stressors, that we all have to cope with, bring out those, mostly, long forgotten reactions. We get a huff up about something and then we're not friends for a day or two. Then magically, a few days later, the whole thing has blown over and things are back to "normal" again.

    Thank goodness that happens.

  • Yes, unfortunately, when we think we are being open and engaging, with a person with whom we feel that we can approach in a particular way, we find that the comment has been taken as a personal affront, because of sensitivity. We are all sensitive, and we all need nurturing and support. No-one has a monopoly on those feelings. But we also need to step back occasionally and ask ourselves

    "Is the other person to blame for my feelings, or, am I and should I, be taking personal responsibility for how I feel".

  • “Walking on eggshells” is not a particularly pleasant way to communicate in any form, but, particularly here, we need to give each other a bit of leeway, and not be quite so brittle. And I believe that is even more the case on this thread.

  • We all, on this site, seem to respond favourably to pats on the back and messages of sympathy, etc, but “heavens above”, that's not all all there is to life and, to my way of thinking, if that's all there is in this place, then it's reduced to being a pretty shallow and insubstantial environment.

  • These may be pretty strong words, but if we are going to make this place a welcoming, comfortable, cajoling, humorous (instead of humourless), nurturing, supporting, pleasant environment, we need to look towards caring for each other, as well as ourselves.


  • Indeed, I think the two walk hand in hand.


    With that, I hope that I have not got myself kicked out of the playground.


    With My Very Best Wishes to Everyone



Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Haha @HenryX 

We are not kicking you out of the playground that easily. Love our dear ProfessorX

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Hi @Oaktree 


I think that it may be a good time to take cover, I think a storm may be brewing.


Thank you very much for your acknowledgement



With Best Wishes


Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Little Bee wasn't overly found of Castles, too big & too much importance
put on a building! They much preferred dancing around outside with the red
brown dog 🙂 Besides little bees need flowers to eat, fresh flowers & they
were far more abundant outside {& tasted much better in the wild forests!}

So little bees dancing & weaving was deliberately directed towards the
woodlands. Before long little bee could smell the sweet nectar of the forest
flowers. There was a very strong scent of little bees favourite . . . the Golden
Wattle. Their dancing & weaving stopped as they began making a literal bee-
line towards the intoxicating smell!

Little Bees wings were beating madly towards the smell they could all but
taste, they had no idea whether red-brown dog & their little girl were
following or not? Being so small, it's very doubtful that they were observed
by the distant visitor . . .

or were they?


Golden WattleGolden Wattle

@Sophia1  @everyone 🙂

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Sooty hasn't forgotten the pirate chest containing Sigurd's stolen viking gold. Obviously Meggle found it buried on the island, and sneaky little Sooty was hiding in a nearby hedge just itching to take a peak where she found it. So he waited until night to go check the hole it was found in. Of course he found something else...but then got side tracked by excalibur and joining the British SAS. But back on track, he went to the hole and dug a little deeper, because he knew pirates often hid the important stuff under the chest. The chest of gold was just a decoy from the real treasure. But what did Sooty find when he started to dig frantically below the earth where the chest had been.....


OMG, just one small gold coin; he dated it to early imperial Rome. The coin had an eerie golden glow in the moon light. He looked closely and saw on one side a profile of a beautiful women, and then he read the Latin inscribed around the profile; "Cleopatra". Sooty was beside himself with excitement. It was the fabled magical Roman coin of Pharaoh Cleopatra said to be imbued with the talismanic powers of ancient Egypt.


Sooty grabbed the coin in both shaking paws and popped it into his little backpack he always carries on adventures. He just had to show it to the gang hanging out in the Castle. They would know what to do with it. More than likely, they would just pop it onto a special shelf in the library where all curios and artefacts are stored for future reference and discussion. You never know when this shelf of relics and magical items will come in handy! 


Cleopatra coin:




Historical note: Cleopatra did actually hold the title of pharaoh for a few years after her brother, who also happened to be her husband, died. In ancient Egypt, pharaohs often married their siblings to keep the royal bloodlines pure. Also, by all accounts, Cleopatra wasn't very attractive - she really did have a beaky nose, but she had an irresistible sensuality that attracted both Julius Casear and Mark Antony.

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

I think its a great idea of @Sophia1 to share a pic of our fantasy selves.


Here is Sooty:



Looks to me like he's on the prowl, as usual, and looking to get up to mischief. Cat Happy





Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Hello again

@Exoplanet @Adge @Oaktree @Shaz51 @HenryX @Flax 


Lovely to see a follow on  to one of the story suggestions.. Little Bee busily gathering harvest...knowing where to find the more exotic tastes within the forest...

What a smorgasbord available to her..


Unbeknownst to Little Bee....Red brown dog always had one eye open ...keeping an eye out for all going ons in and out of the castle....some rather unusual visitors..

He was off chasing the latest visitor across the green grassed area surrounding the back part of the castle...the front of the castle overlooking the waves of the seas weaving in and out with tides...sometimes spraying water high up on the rocks...

He followed the little bee deeper into the forest or woodlands....he was on an adventure...not thinking about where he was going...who was following him...who was still observing from afar..

He skidded to a halt as he came upon a Golden Wattle.....this species of plant caused his eyes to itch and without any warning ...he began sneezing incessantly...

This sneezing heard from the library window opened to let huge realms of dust out as a very heavy book was being lifted down by the little girl and her friend Horrace the bat...

On hearing the sneezing she slammed the book shut quickly...left it lying on the huge antique desk...

Hurrying outside running as fast as she can to locate the source of the sneezing...


She did not have many visitors and was so excited...curious but anxious at the same time...


She did not notice a black creature crouched low on the ground ahead of her....

She ran like the wind and promptly tripped head over heals over the black crouched creature....

She lay there shocked unable to work out what had happened...

the black creature moved and sprang on top of her ....paw extended....claws showing....he swatted her and sprang away meowing ...sounding like a wailing..


The little girl looked back in the direction this black creature sprang off to and recognised it to be a sleek black cat..

at this moment the cat must have felt her fixed stare ...turning around their eyes locked...

Vivid green slanted eyes locked into the darkest wide brown eyes ...a stand off.....

The cat was lost and sensed this wide dark brown eyed little girl might befriend him..

Slowly the little girl picked herself up off of the ground ...gently approaching the vivid green santed eye cat with a shiny black coat..

She reached him...speaking softly to him all the while during her approach...hand held out..

He promptly jumped into her arms and they cuddled each other...

Now a rumbling from within the shiny black cat emerged louder and louder....the little girl found so warm and safe inside as she felt and heard the purring of her new friend...


Sooty was delighted....

Was he genuingly wanting a new friend?

Or was he scheming?

How would he get on with red brown dog.....whom he had noticed frolicking around without any sense of direction...


Little bee held herself back between the foliage of the wattle tree...waiting...


Your turn Sooty...

Professor X..

Gumnut are piano lessons happening yet or has the little girl missed her lesson?

Horrace did you fly out of the open library window?

Where is Megs hiding ?  Is she burying her treasure elsewhere for now?


Can I hear welsh singing in the background? The Cook? Might the Cook be @Shaz51 who is often to busy stocking the larder with food which seems to disappear so quickly.....Let alone cooking meals..

Who is stealing the food?

Little Bee might want to come closer?


Will this merry troupe of characters who are doing their very best to get along....go off on an adventure exploring the castle and beyond where ancient history remains can be found?




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