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Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Dear friends


Been away awhile.  Winter blues got me. So just checking in and saying hi.


Nice to see the gang still pottering along.


So interesting these free form creative stories. You never know where they'll lead.


I have just been going through the previous threads and things have certainly morphed. Not surprised by the feasting and lots of chocolate cake. I thought Sooty could be a bit out there, but the pooh gang and karaoke. Blew my little mind. Sooty probably wont tag along as more than likely he'd end up at an AC/DC concert. Besides Sooty the Black Cat can't sing or dance. Like truly. I think I was dropped on my head when I was born, damaging my vocal cords, my ears, and somehow I also ended up with two left feet. 😜


Flax news:

What I have I been up to... wading through the usual NDIS nightmare of service providers promising a lot and not delivering. However, after weeks of messing about, things look like they could be sorted.😊


The weather in Hobart is finally turning - spring only a month away.👍 I think we're very lucky with COVID, so feel for the people stuck in endless lock downs.  Taswegians have been surprisingly pretty good following govt rules.


Sooty news:

What has Sooty been up to... In brief, he and Geoffrey Rush went on an adventure to Bunnings, but never made it, because the honey jar was left in the sun - it fermented into mead. Sooty still has a hangover and the beetle, Geoffrey Rush, got lost in a beehive.  Sooty also went to meet Odin one day. As usual, Sooty was easily diverted from his original plan and instead met Brunhildyr, a valkyrie who lives in a hidden cave at the bottom of the secret garden. Just as well Sooty is bilingual and could speak Norse.


Now that XXXL camouflage blanket has possibilities. Interesting thought, Sooty goes Rambo with a bubble gun. I can see Sooty, scrunched up under the camo blanket and taking bubble shots at everyone, until Tigger takes the toy gun away. Sooty can be so naughty.  A story for another day.


Sooty rambo cat.jpg


Wasn't sure who to tag, as I know my little stories aren't quite children's book stuff. I often feel like a pair of jack boots marching into pooh's world.  But its so nice to see you guys still doing your thing.


As much as I like head banging...chelloes are my thing. I think Sooty might bolt under a paino/harpsicord lid, use his sharp little claws to cut a string, just becuase he's naughty and pianos really annoy him.


Hope your all tavelling well. It really is good to see this thread still going.


Flax 🐈





Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Hi @Flax 

So nice to here from you and Sooty the naughty cat. Luckily I don't think there is a piano involved in the concert as it was too heavy for Aloysius to manage. I was just thinking yesterday that it's high time that Eeyore came up with another adventure as nothing much has been happening around here last few days. I will have to think on it. Glad to hear that you are getting your NDIS stuff sorted as that can be a major source of stress. 


Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Hello @Flax @Oaktree @Appleblossom @HenryX @Adge @Shaz51  and all other readers...respecting your space...


Well for someone who has been away for a while......

You have certainly made up for time I would say...


Do not place too much empasis on what you can and cannot do in real life...

We just basically live in a fantasy world, turned upside down.....travelling faster than the speed of light....bouncing off of meterorites and any other not of this world mass...


We wing it.....


chello ....wonderful instrument.....

consider yourself booked...

Note to all.....wait a minute if you are not Sooty.....Are you Ariadne?....


There has been much practice of varying vocal noises.....banging on drums......beating of the merry troupe ringing bells all on her ownsome....


said person is very important as makes delicious...decadent...ever so moist ....melt in your mouth....scrumptious ...

la torta al cioccolata......

"scotish shortbread" ....tested by Geoffrey Rush the black beetle....who is Scottish....

(do we need to apply for rights to use famous actor's name Geoffrey Rush....or perhaps we can get away with it with an x following......Geoffrey Rush X)

Piglet provided a fabulous spread of mixed sandwiches...some with curried eggs and crusts cut per Horrace's request...

Christopher Robin's mum also provided platters that were devoured within no time...


Gum nut only 2 remember......had a wonderful moment discovering italiano music sheets in an op shop.....

Perhaps we could have an outing to said op shop to find costumes as nobody seems to fill the vacant position of wardrobe manager....

Somebody was stage director and props designer...can't remember who...very important job...much needed....whoever you are....


Perhaps I just delegated that role to Ariadne .....


As for Brunhildyr, a valkyrie.......have known several Brunhildyrs in my time.....what I call them anyway...

sorry not so keen on valkyrie per se....triggers something current in my real world..

no offence Flax, Sooty or Ariadne...


There certainly is so much going on at the bottom of that secret garden...

Now Sooty being bilingual and speaking norse might come in very handy for any future candidates applying for a position in the merry troupe...


For now...Winnie seems to have been grounded...unsure of circumstances there...

Piglet is on compassion leave...

As are others...on leave


Those stilll in the picture...



Christopher Robin

Gum nut babies....2 remaining...others fell off of not to discuss outcome...

Horrace our apprentice bat who has done such a great job we are not waiting for Aloysius to take him off of probation and promote him....

Geoffrey Rush X black beetle..

Sooty, Ariadne or Brunhidya in a different form??

Aloysius flies over at whim....

will be highly sort after for transportation to ancient roman villa where concert will eventually happen...followed by endless feasting....



Over to someone else...

Mind is currently like mush yet I can go off into fantasy world at the drop of a pin...

Tells you something about me doesn't it....




We shall have a special graduation ceremony for Horrace who is studying furiously for a diploma....

Currently flying at full speed...working with census...


@HenryX  we will have to do something about you constantly visiting bunnings....Unless of course you practise your vocals at the same time...


Possibly might find some assistants whom we desperately need....


Well that is it from me for now....

Would love to see some input from others....

brief will work.....



can you hear me loud and clear across the lands .......jpg


💛💚 yellow and green for sun and nature.....................


Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Dear Friends,


I have been hard at work practicing in not one but two different choirs. Singing a hymn called Faith in every Footstep and a song called Crossing the Bar (both can be found in one version or another on YouTube if you are interested). Both of these are quite difficult to actually sing. Another thing I have been working on is making more friends. I feel lucky that I have plenty of those here in 100 Acre wood. Where has Winnie the Pooh gone with her special verses of poetry @Lilaca - hopefully you will make a reappearance here soon as you are very missed. I seem to think that Tigger did appoint our fairy friend Ariadne as wardrobe design but I can't be bothered looking back through a million posts to see for sure. I think that the possibility of finding wardrobe at op shops a wonderful idea. We can then throw performances on a shoestring budget as the majority of the funds will surely be spent on catering. Those perfectly cut sandwiches aren't free after all. Thanks piglet for providing those especially the much loved curried egg sandwiches @Emelia8. Henry Rush @HenryX how are your preparations for the concert coming along? Are you vocally nearly ready for your starring role? @Flax I can't quite remember how Sooty was involving himself in our special concert. Just to let you all know that my alter ego will be in a residential mental health facility from the 20th August for 28 days and not sure how much she will be online. Maybe we should have our concert before that? What do you think or isn't that enough time? @Sophia1 


All my love,


Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

@Sophia1  Tiggr, @Oaktree  Eeyore, @Flax  Sooty, @Lilaca  Winnie the Pooh, @Emelia8  Piglet  @Shaz51  ,  @Adge  , @Appleblossom      Golly, a lot of names and characters. Hello to all, anyone I have missed and anyone who might care to join the 100 acre ramble.


A delightful summary of preparations @Sophia1  and  @Oaktree . This evening, in about 1,1/2 hrs, I will be going along for practice of my singing, Tuesday night being our regular night and Thursday morning at Residential Aged Care.


I was tempted, a while ago, to have some cream in a milk drink, but neither of those are conducive to a clear throat for singing. So the treat will have to be saved till after. It has been a mixture of rain and sunshine today and still mostly cold.


Before I go, I'll have a quick check on notifications.


Best Wishes to All for the Evening

@HenryX  Rush

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Dear Friends,


Eeyore is pleased to announce that she is now fully vaccinated and will receive a certificate and everything. Now if she gets Covid it should be less severe and not require hospitalisation or that is the hope anyway! Eeyore has done her bit for herd immunity. 

All my love,


Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Hello Eeyore @Oaktree ,


Congratulations on the vax and certificate. Let's hope that you don't have to try out the imunity boost by actually getting the virus.


Best Wishes


Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Hello all friends of the 100 acre wood land somewhere


I am not going to tag anyone.

Many of you have contributed so much and I have loved every moment of this.


I think that we have to realise some people who have not contributed for some time might not actually want to return and it is important to respect their  wishes if this be the case.

The thread is visual for anyone to see and anyone to join in.


The storyline has changed considerably even though many of the original characters remain.


It is of course without doubt extrememly difficult to pull this together on a platform where people have real lives to consider; their current health along with supporting other friends and threads that are important to them.


This goes without saying and does not mean that this thread has to have input on a daily basis.

I think that it works well in it's quirkiness where people come and go.


Having said that, ideas and suggestions are always welcome from all.


As far as the concert being set for a certain day, realistically I cannot see that working looking back over the last few weeks.


For those wanting to participate in something, I will make a suggestion of offering a rehearsal which can spread across as long a time span as we want.

Costume selection from op shopping is exciting and images of several choices per character would be exciting to view.


Feasting will be ongoing after the concert eventually occurs.


Much opportunity and scope for expansion of the mind and participation of as many people who want to.


Lastly, please do not wait for me to say something, write a new scene.

@Flax has come up with some suggestions

@Adge  also delivering letters and working in real life..


Main thing, enjoy...

not sure when I will be here...

too much going on at moment for me....

take care all


If I can I will read and support if not contributing. 

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Well @Sophia1 

I take it back.



Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Dear friends


Scratching my little alter ego Sooty is quite confused.  😿

Is this thread winding up or just going on a bit of break? I note @Sophia1's comments people come and go, which is the nature of online forums.  And things have certainly morphed, but funnily enough this is the thread I like most on SANE. Then @Oaktree just posted a goodbye and the bubble is over. Hence the confusion.


btw: I think I've caused some confusion with all my little ad hoc friends that Sooty has met along the way. I'm just Flax that I post by; Sooty is the naughty bilingual black cat that happened to wonder into the secret garden, and met all sorts of interesting characters that are just cameos.  Ariadne reminds of a friend, Brunhildyr another freind, so I just popped them in as I didn't know much about Pooh and friends and what they are like. Being a worrier, I haven't posted much because I felt I was sidetrtacking or ruining things.  You guys have such a nice safe world in the garden - and are so creatively clever. I must admit, I have the creativity of a rock, so just used what I'm familiar with.


So if this is a vale (latin for farewell, sort of like a funeral thing)...then I just have to post this meme that I made the other day. Been busting to share it with guys are it. 


Sooty being brave SANE.jpg


I have to admit, the choir/karoake thing didn't quite work for me. But that doesn't mean I don't follow what the gang is up to.  Been on a MH break, but I feel safe around this thread, hence I'm back.


I will leave you for now with one thought...This has been a great thread, and I don't think it is dead - online threads can't adapt, improvise and overcome.  I believe that is a quote by Clint Eastwood about US marines. 


Your friend 🤙


Flax 🐈




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