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Re: Welcome To The Conversation

Yes recorder at primary school and a'cappella at various other times at high school and when I was around my 30's. Don't sing anymore, am much better in a group. My voice isnt that well controlled, prefer to blend in with other singers.  We did have a local council choir - had thought about joining that years ago. Its a bit late now, don't have a car to get to places but nevermind, I have enough to keep me busy @Appleblossom!

Re: Welcome To The Conversation

You are so lucky to be able to sing, @SmilingGecko. It is a skill I don't have despite having parents who both had beautiful voices. They, too, should have been in choirs but such groups were not known in those days.


I had to look up The New Age. I'd never heard of it before. Sounds interesting.

Re: Welcome To The Conversation

Hello @Historylover it was a long time ago but it was certainly nice doing performances at school.  What are you doing today? I'm just clearing my aura of non beneficial energies and then will do my weekly spiritual clearing. My blood sugar this morning was 5.7.   Maybe squeeze in a walk this morning. Usually at the end of the week I have a slack off day. I've signed up to an online crypto course this week so will see how I go with that. I got a replacement filter for my shower and my skin and hair is now soft and moisturised. I bought from Amazon, it worked out cheaper than buying elsewhere

Re: Welcome To The Conversation

I'm teaching myself keyboard at this early time, familiarising myself with all things musical. There is so much information on YouTube; something for all levels. Today, I have been practising my scales, @SmilingGecko. I've only been going for about 5 days and have already considered giving up twice. Not that it is too hard, but it is a poor substitute for nice company in the real world. If this is how my life will pan out, what is the point? It would be much more fulfilling is I had a social life as well. I'm not a church goer and there's fellowship to be had there, but either you believe, or you don't...


My hair used to be nice, but these days it is like straw. I have been using the same shampoo and conditioner for a long time, as it is the only one that doesn't cause a scalp reaction. I've never found out which ingredient is causing the reaction, but it is severe. I just never think about it when I am at the doctors, but they are always in such a hurry that it is no wonder that I come away having forgotten something. I do take a list, but I just never find a doctor who makes me feel that he cares so I don't worry about it.


It's annoying without a car, don't you find? I can't go anywhere that isn't on public transport routes, or that is at night. I have actually forgotten Melbourne's geography. How I'd love to set my satnav and get about, night and day. I'm seriously thinking about getting one, but I'll see. I'd also need driving lessons to refresh. It's been 11 years since I have driven and, to be honest, it is all getting to be exhausting, especially shopping. 


I hope you've squeezed in a walk.


Has your friend got an older brother? 😉 I was just thinking the other day that finding a compatible companion—of either sex—is difficult when we get older. When we are young, we don't think about the process; we just mingle unaware that our 'life partner' may be there. Hmmm, life. 😟

Re: Welcome To The Conversation

Yes I know how you feel with loneliness. I wish there was something more I could do for you @Historylover but I am in the same situation. Some days like today I feel the pinch other days are ok.  But loneliness can be so soul destroying. I just comfort myself with the fact that it has wide prevalence nowadays and you don't have to have a mental illness to feel lonely. Its so common now. 


Its hard to get to know people when you are older, agreed. When I was younger was involved in clubs and all kinds of volunteer work and was able to meet folks. Nowadays my situation is different.  I wish the feeling wasn't so insidious. I'm going to check some audios to see if there is a field for loneliness. It will be an audio I can use to self soothe but admittedly its a sad substitute for real company. 


Just wanting to let you know you can also fix your straw hair by tending to your kidneys.  I used to have straw hair on these meds but try and eat foods that are kidneys-nourishing. You can also take herbs. Have you thought of seeing a healer? They can get your hair back to a bouncy lustrous shine. Its usually related to kidney health because these meds literally affect kidney function. Anyway its something nice you can do for yourself if you wish...


I thought things would work out with this man but they haven't.  


I really feel strongly about your situation and wish there was something that could be done.  I know exactly how you feel. Why people can't be nice is beyond me.  I don't go to places of worship anymore. My last stint was with Taoism and the chinese community was very discriminating towards people with disabilities and not being successful in a career


Anyway just writing to let you know I'm thinking of you today and I deeply empathise and understand what you are experiencing. You can't do much over a computer but maybe my message strikes a chord with you and you feel some kind of solidarity amongst people in a similar situation to you ❤️

Re: Welcome To The Conversation

Sorry to have been so down in the mouth, @SmilingGecko. I just came back to edit my post, but you had already responded. I'm feeling less melancholy now. You're right about loneliness, I was just reading an article on it this morning. It is an epidemic at the moment and for all ages, globally, so I take solace in that. Several countries have Ministers for Loneliness but, to be honest, even if there was one—how could they help, really? I can't see that they could help me. If you don't fit in, you don't fit in. Anyway, they don't know what they are missing!


Sorry your relationship didn't work. Who needs them, heh?


I think my hair condition has more to do with the stress-induced silvering! I only go lavender from time to time with Magic Silver White—perhaps you remember it from days of old (if you're old enough). It's nice. Perhaps I'll try the rose sometime, too. It used to be for the older ladies. Today it's a modern effect.


I feel much better now, and I hope you've had a good weekend too, and that you got your walk in. I've got further with my music study. I'm really enjoying it but there is so much to learn.

Re: Welcome To The Conversation

Hey @Historylover I don't remember Magic Silver White in the 70's. Could you tell me what are the ingredients in it and whether there are fumes?  I've had to go grey because I'm allergic to hair dyes. I was quite curious about the product and checked it out - its vegan and cruelty free - no ammonia or peroxide.  I don't know if I can use it but will check with the manufacturer first. Have read reviews online. Thankyou for introducing me to this toner. I will look into it some more. Thanks for sharing!

Re: Welcome To The Conversation

It was quite the thing for both old and younger ladies, @SmilingGecko—hence the term 'blue rinse set', I believe. Only use a few drops in your bowl of rinse water at first to test for outcome, lilac to purple; it also darkens dark hair. I only do it occasionally for a change. I opt for a lavender tone. It used to be available at the chemist in times past. I had to travel to get mine a few suburbs away, but I may get the next lot online. It's called Brilliant Silver White/Rose these days. The instructions don't give ingredients but there is an enquiry number (03)5452 1532 or email to  I use it because I don't want to colour my hair more permanently and have the roots grow out. I don't want to be always at the hairdresser. It only lasts a day or two for me because I wash my hair every day. It gives me a lift.

Re: Welcome To The Conversation

Hello @Historylover thanks for the heads up! I rang them on their mobile number as the number you gave is no longer connected. The man said they had no problems with adverse reactions all the years they have sold the product. But I will do a patch test for safety. I presume theres no fumes, he may have mentioned that.  So it does not have fumes?


Yes the blue rinse set was a term they used for ladies auxilliaries and professional community workers when I was growing up.  Oh well I guess we're signed up members now! lol My hair is salt and pepper but mainly grey so I am curious at how the color is going to turn out. I will just do the the original product for greys with no tint and see how I go. I don't do salons as the products are toxic.

Re: Welcome To The Conversation

No fumes, @SmilingGecko. I hope you like it. I find it more flattering than my own colour these days. It's just like rinsing your hair in a bowl of purple water—but start slowly with your first test. It's washes out anyway. I don't think I've ever had a salon colour, but I used to do Napro Live Colour in times past.