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Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

We'll just have to find the magic middle ground, @Appleblossom. Have a good week.

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

Hi @Historylover
Wow!! quote : "My ex-psy made me question everything and convinced me of atheism"
No counsellor, any type, should ever try to convince /indoctrinate a client. Surely that is against the rules. Question things, yes, but put their beliefs onto a client, no, I believe that's crossing the boundaries.

Just my thoughts, I don't know what others think.

I was just scrolling through and saw that, hope it's okay poking my nose in 🙂

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!


Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!


Wow, you think very much along the same lines as I do.

I was pretty much bible-bashed as a child, and as I noticed many people do not practice what they preach, I too questioned everything.

At school, learning about different religions, I found there is a thin line of sameness that runs through every one of them . (This excludes the devil worshipping types of religions.)

I am not sure of what the actual truths are, but I do know there are other dimensions, not that I understand them, and that brings me to a place of "questioning wonderment" for want of better description.

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

Religiosity covers many sins, @BlueBells. Humanity doesn't need gods to know right from wrong, and the world is too scientifically amazing to attribute it to a god and blindly accept the bible. It just doesn't add up, although believers can't see through the nonsense. They just see it as amazing and beyond man's understanding. Pure nonsense when we dare to take the blinkers off. 


As for the shroud, that has always genuinely amazed me. I thought it was real when I first saw it, and even though it has been scientifically disproven, it still has me intrigued. It doesn't make me believe that Jesus was the earthly son of a super being, but it may be an example of a photosynthetic process in my limited scientific understanding of it. 


I once had a monstera plant that stood in front of a window. I was always eager for the next leaf to unfurl, so I often 'helped' them. One such leaf, when unfurled, had photographed a drop of water which had been inside, and it was 3D. It astonished me and when I saw the shroud, I wondered if such a process had taken place there too. 


I have been researching things relating to consciousness recently. Once I realized that it is not what we think as we go about our everyday lives, it became fascinating. Anyway, I've moved on to other things now but still look in on YouTube videos from time to time. As for other universes, makes me astonished to think that our world is suspended in nothingness. The mind boggles.

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!


Took me a bit to figure what you meant by 'shroud', then the penny dropped 🙂

That's something that, although intriguing, I don't really have any interest in it at all.

It's the realms of ghosts and angels, that I cannot explain, nor would I even try to. Intrigued, yes, but my knowledge fails me in those areas hahahaha

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

Mmmm, @BlueBells. Just to clarify re the photosynthetic process and the shroud. I was thinking that the fresh fabric may have still had an element of plant life contained in it, and as the door of the sepulchre opened, taking the interior from darkness to light, it may have exposed the shroud to a photosynthetic photograph. If they whisked his body away under cover of darkess, that would blow my theory out of the water. Anyway, that is my musing. I'm not interested in it either, but it was something I had to consider as I weighed up religious belief. 


As for the supernatural/metaphysical, we only grasp what we have experienced. I have experienced telepathy and precognisance of significant global events, jointly with my ex-psy. I know it's not hocus pocus; it's a scientific reality. As for spirits, I have never had such an experience. Do I believe? I believe in an unseen, shared consciousness but I would need to know how each person defines 'spirits'. Something seen, felt, sensed? How each person understands our shared consciousness would shape how they express 'spirits'. I personally find the concept of angels difficult to believe. Angels link to religion and may be interpreted through a religious lens. 

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!


Shroud, I did see something on it years ago on TV, and although interesting, I can't remember the theories (guess not that interesting lol ).

Spirits, ghosts angels ...whatever the description. People use the best name they can to describe what they see.

For you to link the term 'angel' to religion, maybe you are interpreting through your own lens?

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!


I just thought of something. Pretty much the Bible is the "dreamtime" of the Israelites/Jews.

Maybe the term angel is their way of describing such unknowns, moreso than actually "religious" terms.

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

Where else are angels mentioned throughout history, @BlueBells? As I said, I would have to know what a person is describing before I would comment. Interpretations are all different.