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Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

Sleepy @TAB hope all ok at docs. L8er

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

@Historylover I have re read your post. (I have ADHD & tend to get too excited & not properly read things - sorry)


Yes, we are saying very similar concepts.


So, we each have our own consciousness which is also accessible to others—telepathy etc.—and, as a human organism, we also share a consciousness which allows precognition on a global scale.


I think this equation, hypothesis is fascinating. 


Playing music in an orchestra together, we build a shared energy. 'Knowing' the next note to play could be easier i.e precognition. ?





Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

Hey @TAB Been up and about and ticked a few boxes.  

@Shaz51 Hope you are doing alright.


@StanD You said "Music. Life, existence, creation. Mathematical & melody. A song is playing in the background. " all stuff close to my heart.  Welcome to the conversation ...



I lean towards a Jungian understanding... archetypes, cultural tendencies ... and the psychosocial lens. Our beings are seated among others, from childhood through the life journey. I could not answer or affirm or refute people's claims, but eventually we wise up and do not believe everything we are told.  I also do not feel the need to challenge or start arguments.  Maybe cos of early big orphanage experience I am open, more open than I feel safe with, but that is the way I am moulded.  Though Jung also wrote some pretty weird stuff .... re all that ... 


A psi lady once said that I was in denial of my psi capabilities. idk I have often had a lot of priorities to juggle so that has limited my explorations.  Once I shared a house with a "white witch".  In some ways I am "lucky" cos I had such a rich experience, but family pain is not something easily overlooked. I also look at family dynamic and scapegoating podcasts.


The concert was on weekend, a few new things on the horizon and recorder group tonight.  I finally feel I am worthy of making good plans for music making and it is unfolding with a lot of satisfaction.  Also interesting enough to challenge me and a blance of doing things at home to prepare and social enough with periodic gatherings in different constellations ...


Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

Hello @Appleblossom 


Firstly, thankyou for welcoming me 💕 & 2nd thankyou for sharing & quoting me & that I impacted you. You made my soul feel warm.


And, you can see, I am open - more than I feel safe with. This is me. I want to feel safe. I don't want to feel pressured to have to change.


Secondly. You are intriguing. The way you write. I'm embarrassed to say I don't understand. I sense that maybe others do. This makes me feel small.


I can only guess, you are similar to me (what else do I have to go on) Your mind moves very fast. Typing is even slower than talking. Therefore, your ideas, although connected, at first read (for me) feel like it's huge amount of information to take in.


I have consciously been adding words, sentences to my posts lately. I am def. not suggesting.


It's scary typing things out on comp. Recorded.


I know I could be way more succinct too. I'm guessing you are highly educated (self?), unlike me. I admire your ability to condense thoughts - if my perception is accurate in how you express, write.


Honest. I do not understand what you are writing about. Sentences I do understand. I re-read & my brain is blank. I know who Jung is. Idk the meaning of your paragraph, or the question it relates too. That is ok. Maybe one day I will. Maybe, it's not meant for me. 


If you can relate to me, with  knowledge of where I'm at, I am happy😊


(I don't what a psi is)


I don't like arguing. I do feel the need to challenge. 


I'm guessing you are taking about psychic capabilities. ? I am same. Lifestyle incompatible previous. I am scared to open a door. I have deliberately kept it shut. We can sense our own powers, right?


Ohhhh - I am re reading your white witch paragraph. I UNDERSTAND. What an awesome feeling. I could physically feel a connection in my brain. Middle, towards top. 


I believe I see an answer, at the end too.


Wow. I am seeing how much I NEED to go slower. I am about 100kms. Things are making sense at about 20kms.


Wonderful, interesting person @Appleblossom 💜🦄🕊




Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

Hey @StanD 

All good.  We share state wardship in early childhood and non biological parenting. I dont want to get legalistic but in my life experience there has been little I could take for granted, so I do try to be clear.  Sorry if it seemed obtuse. Yes I did eventually get a broad good education tho I left school and "home" at 16. I also have been a musician ... since young... first piano lesson under a tree outside of orphanage when my parents came to visit.


Just talking with @Historylover about psi supernatural experiences and before that a lot about God.  I think I have lived on the edge so much, that is my normal.  I kind of feel I have lived in spirit world a lot (along with my dead people, as in family and friends who have passed) and moved from too many involved in my life to becoming isolated.  Lately working to socially engage again.

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

@StanD Also worked as a typist /word processing for a court in another world ... 40 years ago.

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

@StanD This is gold:

"Playing music in an orchestra together, we build a shared energy. 'Knowing' the next note to play could be easier i.e precognition. ?"

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

didnt get grumpy old doctor like last time @StanD @EternalFlower @Appleblossom @SmilingGecko  young guy, was fine, gave me almost instant diagnosis with breathing problem.  its nerve damage from operation.

He gave me exercises to do and said it generally fixes itself.

..Don't you hate it when you are right ??... @Meowmy 

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

Thats wonderful news @TAB about the self correcting exercises for your breathing. I'm so happy you got some answers.  That is certainly very encouraging.  Just do the practice and see how you go. Only good can come from it

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

Hello @SmilingGecko. @TAB. @StanD , @amber22 , @hanami , @tyme , @TideisTurning 🙂


Thank you for asking @Appleblossom , amm feeling a bit awww at the moment and you must of felt it my awesome friend ❤️ 

Found out my MIL has lesions on one of her kidneys