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Re: ~ The Toolshed ~

These memes are fun! In future when I see ones that fit I'll post them here!


I do have a quote though which I read 10 years ago on the wall of a waiting room at Headspace. 


"Depression is like fighting a war where the enemy's strategy is to convince you the war isn't happening"


It's not light hearted but it's so real. I have found time and time again when I am slipping back into depression I keep going, I keep thinking "I'm ok, I don't need help" and just keep convincing myself that I'm fine. When in reality, I'm not.


It's so sneaky! And then, bam, suddenly you realise you should have got help long ago. Recognising you're not ok is really hard when you keep telling yourself you're ok.  So for me this quote helps me to remember the insidiousness of depression and no matter what it tells me, I need to try and get help sooner rather than later.

Re: ~ The Toolshed ~

@Jynx I ❤️ 🙌🏼

Anger and Self

Re: ~ The Toolshed ~



Re: ~ The Toolshed ~

@Glisten 🤣 brilliant!

Re: ~ The Toolshed ~

This thread and the ice-memery are my two favourites @Jynx 😂

Re: ~ The Toolshed ~

Aww yay @nervouswreck that makes me so happy to hear!! 😊💜

Re: ~ The Toolshed ~

I agree with @nervouswreck - these two threads make me smile @Jynx 

Re: ~ The Toolshed ~



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Re: ~ The Toolshed ~


Re: ~ The Toolshed ~

