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Re: Support for Flowerlove22

My partner goes in the morning at 4  


I haven't been myself I been depressed

Been si I am tried off life  


Right now I'm alone nobody to talk to  I have nothing in me  


yes about you tag the another Day no I wasn't online it might off came up because i took the laptop camping with us last weekend I left the tab open the partner told me you tagged me sorry about that  @tyme  

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Awww how sweet you went camping! @Sunnyside226 . Hope it was refreshing. 


If this sadness lingers, would you consider speaking to your GP about it?


Re: Support for Flowerlove22

No it wasn't refreshing  it was the most stressful stupid thing I had to do  frogs bugs  kids screaming @tyme  


Plan done

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Awww @Sunnyside226 ... maybe not. So you took all the kids?


What do you mean 'plan done'? Are you referring to self-harm or suicide?

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

3 kids plus other kids @tyme 🙃 


Your on early today  



Re: Support for Flowerlove22

how come I try really hard to be nice to you and try to make it up to you and you just ignore every post I make even ones with genuine concern for you I’m not sure I get it I’m really sorry that I hurt you but I just don’t know if that’s a good way forward,

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

I'm just passing through @Sunnyside226 . I'm not staying on, but I wanted to say hi 🙂

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@ArraDreaming yes I've read your posts  I'll be honest here without upset you or making this in a bigger deal


You say sorry  then one day later I told a worker here how I feel or whatever the conversation is you seem to get upset  or say I am this or that  and then you say sorry again to me it's hard to know what to expect when I reply to others I get scared that I would be yelled at or called things  please know I have read your post but I really don't know  I'm trying to say this in a nice way but when I do come on here I'm so scared off been yelled at  I understand you are upset about this post I'm sorry 


Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Thank you @Sunnyside226 and @ArraDreaming for being so open and honest.


Sometimes, text communication can be a bit tricky. I have run ins sometimes too... not because there was any ill-intention, but different things trigger people differently. 


If either of you feel there are misunderstandings, feel free to contact us at


Also, there are times when there are personality differences, and that's also okay. 


Just remember to post with a recovery focus. Whether you decide to continue chatting to each other or not, that's totally up to you. We will support you both either way.

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Oh, don’t be sorry please I am not upset, I was just saying that. But in fairness I have never called you “this or that” insinuating that I have called you a name or something is kind of hurtful. But it’s all good. We can agree to disagree perhaps it seems that way to you and I respect that. My intentions were never hurtful but I understand if you received it as hurtful.
Let’s just leave it here @Sunnyside226