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Re: oRe: Progress..

Morning @Alice10 


Just wanted to know that you made my weekend.  I know that you will have a lot of ups and downs in the path that you have chosen but as I have said before the community on here is a collection of friends who want the best for eachother.  So @Alice10 be strong and be true to yourself and I will always support you in what you do.  Take care and let us know how things go..................Asgard

Re: Progress..

Morning @Mustang67 


Feeling responsible for other peoples actions is probably one that we have all experienced and the impact that it has on our mental health is enormous.  So glad that you have come to terms with what has happened and know that ultimately we are only responsible for our own actions. 


I know the feeling regarding the buzz that you get from workshops when something finally clicks and then the lows afterwards. What I try to do is reenact what I have learned in my own reality and see what effect it has.  Its nearly like a game and each time I would put myself into more and more situations that would ordinarily stress me.  I guess we all need to work on ourselves the whole time and we never stop learning.


Hope this finds you well..........Asgard

Re: oRe: Progress..

Thanks @Asgard
Your post this morning has made me feel more capable and strong, and you've made my day too mate. It certainly is a very special place this thread of true support
Hey, I hope your day is filled with sparkles! Have a dance around the kitchen! Thanks Alice10

Re: oRe: Progress..

Hiye @Alice10 


Me thinks that you have ESP as I have literally been dancing around my kitchen to the remix of Country Roads, now that is spooky.  Have attached the link so you can enjoy it to


Hope you have a lovely day and enjoy the dance.......Asgard

Re: Progress..

Good evening @Asgard 


Thank you for your response.


I have decided to put some of the handouts from my current workshop, on a pinup board, so I can be reminded of small changes that I can make. And this way I hopefully won't go backwards.


I really want to keep that glimmer of hope alive.

Re: Progress..

Good for you @Mustang67 


We all need that little 'ompf' to get ourselves going everyday, I know that when I get an email telling me that someone has supported what I have said, it gives me that little kich that I need everyday.  So good for you in wanting to create the best possible version of you.  Me I see educating myself as smoothing out all the dings I have done to myself in the 56 years i have been around, and let me tell you that I have created some ding whoopers in my


Anyways hope this finds you well......................Asgard

Re: Progress..

Thank you for your reply @Asgard. I appreciate it.


I have my workshop this morning, but my back has been going into spasams when I walk, so unfortunately I won't be able to make it 😔. And that really sucks as they will be talking about boundaries. And as a people pleaser, boundaries were basically non existent. 

Re: Progress..

Hi @Mustang67 


Not good regarding the back, mine used to be the same, then a chiro friend of mine cracked the hell out of it and luckily I have been grand since.  Being a people pleaser, I know that very well, I would put myself out badly just to accommodate other people.  I have learned how to say "No" it is so empowering, it really is, it was soo hard to actually say it the first time, my friends were shocked as I was the one who would always offer to do things.  Well now I say No and in a way it tells me that I respect my own time as much as I used to respect others. If that makes sense..............Asgard

Re: oRe: Progress..

Hey @Alice10 , I can relate...


Only yesterday, I contacted someone and I put my foot down to say I wasn't going to do something because I was just plain tired tired. 


I never usually let people know I'm exhausted, but yesterday I did, and I'm glad because, like you mentioned, self-awareness is so important so that you can then do something about it. 


Please look after yourself - there is only one of you.



Re: oRe: Progress..

Hi @tyme thanks. Hugs to you too. Things are difficult.. The person I'm with isn't drinking ATM, but I've seen some equally concerning behaviours without the alcohol. I'm sick as well, it's been about eight days of a very bad flu..

Not much more to say, just trying to keep afloat. Alice10.

PS. My situation feels like the never ending story, often I feel guilty for posting because I'm still with him..

@Asgard has been very supportive.

Hugs to you too @Asgard