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Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

sure is @tyme 

soo interesting @Delicatessen 

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Hi @Shaz51 I’m going on my own. Have done this before but never gone to a country where they don’t speak English…

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Thanks for the tag @Shaz51 - I love this thread!

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Hello @Appleblossom , @Delicatessen , @tyme , @amber22 , @Whatsagoodname. @Captain24 , @Birdofparadise8 , @Dimity , @StuF , @SmilingGecko , @CrazyChick 

Looking for some ideas 💡 to add something new to my Toolbox 🧰 😀 

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

I'm probably not the man to ask right now @Shaz51 - not coping so well meself (on the inside at least)

But interested in other ideas!

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

I adjust my assemblage point on days when I feel off.  It can dramatically improve your health and emotional wellbeing @Shaz51 I used to have a shaman do it for me but she had since passed so I had to research ways on doing it myself at no cost. You will see an overall improvement in how you feel


What is your assemblage point?:


Read the text then scroll down to where it says female and male frequencies for an assemblage point audio:


You will feel a lot better 🙂 

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Aww thank you 😊 @SmilingGecko xx 

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

You can download the mp3 for female frequencies to your computer.  I always feel better after doing my assemblage point. Only listen once, morning and night @Shaz51 

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Hi Everyone


Just wanted to share that I’m thinking of doing some voluntary work. Organisation requires application. It would involve being overseas. I have asked them about the real possibilities of me doing this work given that I have a mental illness and would need 6-12 months of medication with me.


I’ll keep you posted on how I go.


Thanks for all your support all - it really does mean a lot.


I can’t send updates when I’m away as my overseas server will be blocked.