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Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

hehehe I use that same strategy @lala2!! Also, keeping cleaning spray and cloth in a each room (eg, bathroom, laundry, kitchen) helps me keep spaces clean too! 

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰


I tried alarms for routine setting and I had some success with it but in the end I would just turn off the alarms and ignore it.  


I also learned the strategy of piggy backing.  Its where you might want to start doing something every morning like putting earings on, for example but you can never remember to do it.  So you piggy back on to something you already do every morning.  So I wake up, go to the toilet (automatic), make my coffee (automatic), take my tablets that are next to the coffee (learned habit) and then have my earrings near the tablets (new habit in process of learning).  I hope thats not messy to read.  Once you['ve started the process of piggy backing you can ingrain lots of activities you are trying to establish in to a new routine.  Before you know it you have a string of good habits. 🙂


Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Good evening @amber22 @Former-Member @Shaz51 @Delicatessen @lala2 @tyme @SmilingGecko @Faith-and-Hope and all forumites here. Great list of coping strategies and tips for self care️!


Tonight, I’ve dipped into my coping skills toolkit and have pulled out my 4.25mm crochet hook and a ball of red wool and have been working on a crochet granny square blanket for charity whilst listening to some meditation music via YouTube on my iPhone. I’ve been feeling anxious so I decided to use this strategy to help calm me down and so far, it’s working. A cup of tea is next up in the agenda for me as well. 

Take care!


Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰


I always admire people who can crochet or knit.  Ive tried learning a couple of times but it hasnt come easily.  My brain just isnt wired that way.  I will try again though because I think if I was super calm with a patient teacher, I could retain the required steps.  

Music and tea sounds lovely!  One of my self care strategies is to listen to relaxing piano music on youtube.  Does wonders.  Enjoy your night. 

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Pulled a jigsaw puzzle out of my coping box tonight @Judi9877 @lala2 

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Haha me too! I would just turn the alarm off or keep putting it on snooze every 10 mins @lala2 


That is a really good strategy, the piggy backing sounds like it would be very helpful. I have to put everything in clear view so that I can see it and do what I need to do in the morning. I have been trying to be on top of taking my vitamins so I lay them out every night on my kitchen table so they are the first things I see. Sometimes I walk right passed them, but it's really helped to remind me. 


How are you today? 

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Good morning @Judi9877 ! 


So lovely to hear from you, and I am glad that you took a bit of time to crochet last night. I hope your cuppa was nice as well, sorry I just missed you last night!


How are you feeling today, and how is your anxiety from last night? 

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Good thanks @amber22 

Study day for me today, will probably hide in the Aircon.  Bit warm in central qld. 

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

That sounds like a productive day. What are you studying? It's sunny where I am today too which is weird because it was thundering all night @lala2 

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Hi Everyone @Judi9877 @Dimity @TAB

Am finding the thoughts re routine interesting. Ive been on leave for just over a week and have missed four morning doses.