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Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

@Former-Member. Had my appointment today with my psychiatrist. Which means leaving the house at 9.45 this morning and getting home around 6pm. No cleaning for me today. Just sleep.

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

How did you go today @Former-Member? Was it a rest day or did you manage to get some more sorting done?


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help


Hi @Maggie @soul, @Faith-and-hope, @Utopia, @Cheerbear... and everyone. Thanks for the callout. I'm crook with a head cold. Felt it coming on 2 days ago,  - cold sore, runny nose, painful sinuses, aching... general discomfort - now I know what it is.  I text the boss to cancel my Th & Sat 1!2 days volunteer but she hasn't answered ๐Ÿ˜ž then I get a random tx from my replacement having a little go at me for inconveniencing her - what's with that? - I always gave enough notice. Besides, I'm crook, and alone - not that they care, - op, stop right there - gotta not get bitter lol But might still quit.

Anyway, my back's hurting, I feel feverish, sinus pain, foggy head, heart and lonely. Did rearrange part of the room but my harms, shoulders and neck hurts.

I did put the heavy charity bags in the car but discovered i left ignition on earlier - have a flat batterym have to tend to that tomorrow. So tired. Just resting now. Oh, I  did do a load of washing, hung it out ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

How's things with you guys? ๐Ÿ™‚

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Oh dear @Former-Member ..... get well soon .... ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’•

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

That's no good @Former-Member. Thought you'd been a bit quiet today. Rest up - no use in pushing yourself if you're crook. Will only make it worse.

That's a bit harsh with the shop situation. Did they want you to come in and share your germs? Sheeesh!!

Hope your birdies are chirping happy tunes to you.

If they aren't - here's some for you  

Flocks of morning birds singing and chirping great morning music that is relaxing. Blackbirds, sparrows, twittering birds, humming birds, meadow birds add pleasant music to river sounds, waterfalls and forests and make audiovisual feast. Are you fond of birds and watch more? visit: ...

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Former-Member - hope you're feeling better soon. It gets exhausting cleaning out years of accumulated stuff. When I was younger I always rented and moved every six months so never had a chance to accumulate much but as soon as I bought a house with a garage that was it... start hoarding. It's been years since i could get a car in the garage and I have an attic packed full of all kinds of stuff. Plus I have a habit of picking up things off people's hard rubbish. Every bit of steel or wood or computer part or electrical appliance that "I may have a use for someday". I read somewhere that you should get rid of anything you haven't used for five years (or was that two?)... anyway I follow this topic with great interest. Hope I can get some tips on decluttering. 

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

@Former-Member I am impressed that you are being active.

I too am looking at downsizing.  My renovations have stopped since my son came back.  I am taking it very slowly.  I might divide our stuff into 2 and help him set up separately.

At the moment though my focus is lots of singing and CATT team to help with boundaries and plans for the household as it is now.

I am afraid I am caught in an Oedipal mother syndrome making the son dependent.  Trying not to.

I wont be on forum everyday, but will keep dropping in.

Its a terrific idea to downsize and you might even free up more money and time eventually.

Try not to let digs worry you. Its their problem, not yours.

Voluntary work is a social contribution and what you give is enough.

Take Care


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

@Former-Member, you're welcome here. Your story sounds so much like mine. All the unnecessaries sucked into our expanding walls, blocking our functionung. I even bring things home from the tip ๐Ÿ˜ž (my x hubby or aught me yhat one). I use to be a minimalist when young - don't know what went wrong lol actually - MI or better put - emotional trauma, that's what I think it is. Its not unlike overeating comfort eating. Pushing down the pain rather than deal with it. Building walls to protect things bumping into it... That's my theory, anyway. Its a subconscious thing, and powerful.
I found there's also faulty thinking too that justifies clutter:
- I might need it some day
- I can fix that
- always wanted one of them, could never afford it
- it was on sale
- what if I need it some day?
- it was a gift!

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Thanks for that post @Appleblossom. Being active is not my norm. All my dads side are were the same. Not that i want to be so pazy. Downsizing is the goal here. Don't need it anymore, the nest, babies all gone now. As prickley and pressing as my clutter has been, I just tried to make a nice home for them / us. Time I stopped apologising for stuffing up that one. How can you sing with so much internal pain Apple?