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Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Morning @soul, @CheerBear, @Maggie, @Sahara, @Former-Member,  @utopia Nice to see you. Getting in 'the right headspace has so much to do with success. Sure need to give it my best shot. // I'm not feeling well this morning (aching, ringing in ears, sciatica, tired fhe om lacknof sleep, feel heavy, think body's gone into shock lol) - but i'm out of bed having a coffee. // Like the P.A.C.E. acronym Darcy 👍 Still at 'P' stage here.
One thing from a Japanese declutter guru is "DOES IT BRING ME JOY?" Amazing how many things weigh heavily. I don't want to hang onto bad memories...
@Faith-and-Hope, like what you said:

This yesterdays x4 Charity Bags walking out the front door lol


This next pic is my 'PACKING ROOM' for things I don't want. Took me hours to clear the bottom of that bed. Those four bags came from the mountain in that space 😞 the plan is to stack finished Garage Sale boxes on that bed once its cleared off. There's gonna be avlot and want them off the floor


There's already things sorted for separation to go in this room to go (garage sale or Vinnies truck). in other rooms to be stored here. Thinking maybe it won't all fit. Be calling vinnies truck sooner than later I suspect, but would like to try sell it.  


Just heardvon ABC radio that there's over 600 suicides a year in Australia. That's like two a day. Wow, worse than the road toll. 😮 Almost normal 😒 not!

I gotta go do something. Maybe dress, eat, pills 😥😦 . Boohoo, it hurts to move 😫, I'm not even 60 yet, its not fair.

Back soon 💜💕🌷🌿🌻 


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Even getting a few things sorted will be a good effort today @Former-Member. It might help to have some mini goals - this cupboard or this corner of the room.

We'll be here cheering you on from the sidelines should you need some encouragement.

Hope all the ridding of stuff has been cathartic for you.

download (9).jpg

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help


S.P.A.C.E - the S is for Sort - my adaption from the pictured book,9ba853c23a3534802a8b448cd7df00d8--diy-organization-organizing-tips.jpg

download (13).jpg


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Love that acronym too @Former-Member 👍

Sounds like you are giving it your best shot @Former-Member and that's definitely good enough! I really like the question - does it give me joy? Perhaps that was in the back of my mind when so much of everything went at the start of the year too.

Will check back later when the photos are up. Go you (gently as you need, with your cheersquad behind you) 🌟🌟🌟🌟 and some gold stars, one for each bag!

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

thanks @Soul, today is gonna bevhard to move. 

Oh Darcy, got that wrong 😮

Poor brain not working too good, found the sugarbowl in the fridge this morning 😒

Gotta get up, back later 💜💕

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Thanks @Cheerebear 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Gotta go feed the birds. The male bourke actually talks to me. Really sweet 🎶 🐦

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

@Former-Member  just me being pedantic - well done you for progress so far.  

I am getting inspired to clean my spare room - not much room to move there,   Am thinking even if I can move a couple of things a day, in a month things should be heaps better.  I have started on magazines - have a few bags ready to go to the community health centre where they are in need.

One thing I have already done was I got some of these containers for my bathroom cabinet - one has spare shampoo, conditioner, soap in it, one for dental supplies (cups, toothbrushes, denture tabs, toothpaste) one for shaving gear, one for secret women's business, one for colognes and one for makeup cleaners, cotton tips and the like. Makes it so much easier to clean the cupboard too, take out the baskets, wipe down shelf and put back containers.   


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Are you the model on that bottle of hair dye @Former-Member?

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

In my dreams @soul  

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

❤️ @Former-Member